Page 76 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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Page 81 Western Maryland Collegel March 15, 1990 Theatre Department Enjoys Environmental Marchers Push For Legislation Revived Interest, Searches by Julie Baile Senator Clarence W. Blount (0- OnMonday,February26,ap- proximately 250 students from Baltimore), Chairman of the Senate Environmental and Ec0- For New Direction campuses across the state gath- nomic Affairs Committee and ered in Annapolis for an environ- Trustee of Western Maryland mental march on the State Capi- College; John Kabler, the headof by Todd Robinson more acting and drama classes, wu director of West Side Slory, tol, the first student march for Clean Water Action; and Bernie and an increase in special study said that the theatre major should . legislation in Maryland since Nebel, coordinator for Eanh Day It looks like Western Mary- classes and workshops. a1so explore the different venues J976. 1990 activities for all schools in land College has ·a new major to She also said that she would of theatre and prepare the slUdent Approximately 130 Western Maryland. offer, a rebirth of the old theatre like to see the additional hiring of toadequately fill enyposiricn in a Maryland students auended the The march was coordinated major that existed not too long faculty in the department in the professiona1 group. march. with similar marches and rallies ago. technical, dramatic, and perform- He stated that he would like Themarch andrally,pianned in other states across the nation; Lately, there has been a re- ance aspects of theatre. to see aculminative project where and promoted by the Student En- approximately twenty-five states vival of interest in theatre, with Laura Green, class of students from the various theatre vironmental Action Coalition had marches ranging from fifty to six productions so far this year, 1987,who is an active participant department classes would come (SEAC) at Western Maryland flvehundred people. Other states and another yet to follow. in theatre at WMC, said her ex- together to put on a production. College, were supported by stu- hadactivities including lobby days Students .here in the WMC pectations are to see a growth of Another member of the dents from various schools in- and coordinated letter-writing. community are becoming more direction and administrative WMC community said that be cluding the University of Mary- The main goal of the march active in the theatre, as is demon- classes, more student directed would like to see stude:nts get land at College Park, Loyola was to present the SEAC Pr0- strated by its growing popularity. programs, experimental and edu- credit for p8rticipating in theatri- College, Anne Arundel Commu- posal for a Sound Environmental A few years ago, the theatre cational theatre,andmOreclasses cal productions. nity College, Montgomery Col- Policy 10 the legislators at Anna- major was a viable option, but it in staging and teaching theatre. Hehopedthatthepeoplewho lege in Rockville, Westminster polis. was reduced to a minor and putin Green added. that the major are attracted to the school by High School. Liberty High TheproposalcalIs"foranew the communications department should prepare those students Theatre on the Hill (a summer Scbool,andFranklinHighSchool. commitment; a comprehensive because of minima1 student par- planaingjogcimotbeairelnterms production season sponsored by In addition, the day's activi- environmental policy designed 10 ticpation and declining interest. of its professional and business the ·school) would ·a1so look to ties were supported by state and heal and protect the Earth." But theatre is alive and well aspects, in order to be able to WMC for dlrection in their inter- local officials including State The proposal specifically once again on the Hill. function in the theaee. est in theater education. SenataGe:a1dW. Winegrad(D- askspoliticianstopasslegislation Several students were eager She added that other students So who knows? Could the Annapolis), a Western Maryland for environmental issues. This tosbaretheirexpectauons.bopes, looking to go into theatre should next Bill Cosby, Sam Shepard, alumnus; state delegate Marsha legislation includes Senate Bill and other feelings concerning receive education in theatre ap- LizaMinelli,orDiane~come Perry (D-Crofton); and Annapo- 423, requiring developers to re- what the theatre major should do preciation, dramatic literature, from the halls of WMC? lis Mayor Alfred A. Hopkins. place trees which they cut down, for the school. stage and costume design, writ- That is a possible outcome of Other environmental activ- and SenateBill811, which would Chris Covell said that she ing, and the history of the art. the new theatre major. ists who attended included State Continued on page 9 would like 10 see the addition of Demetri Lambros, the assts- West Side Story Production Ecumenical Chapel Flows Smoothly Committee Helps Contiuoo from page 10 seat, in the front section, just to realize exactly what was going Needy Families Help Song" had little excitement and hear Chris talk. on; there was too mucb happen- "Gee, Officer Krupke" tended to FrankKmtovil asLieutenant ingon stage. Themselves drag. Shrank was a tough, believable I wasn't sure if I was sup- However, Ididenjoy"Cool." cop. However, Britt Martin as posed to concentrate on Maria, or 1be mood was conveyed well Doc didn't seem sincere enough Tony, or the singing: by Jennifer JObDSOD, Michelle By sending a male and a through the singing and dancing. as Tony's friend and as apositive Although somewhat insig- Metzger, and Lauren Pareti female hog to a family, the pigs The most enjoyable acting adult figure. niflcant.tbecostuming was adis- Every day we hear about will provide approximately 16 came from two Jets, Action and Theshowstcpper.inmycpin- appointment, .With big women as needy familiesinpoverty-stricken baby pigs per year, which would A-Rab, played by Donald Fran- ion. was "America." 1be dane- well as tiny women, the costumes countries, but how can we here at yield 3,500 pounds of pork. turn and Keith Purcaro respec- The most enjoy- wereneitber revealingnorflauer- WMC help? The family's only responsi- tively. ing. Through a local non-profit bility is to give one of the off- The men were wonderful as able acting came Overall, I was pleased with organization, the Ecumenical spring to another needy family in two gung-ho hoodlums just ready the continuity of the show. The Chapel Committee. on campus their community. to pick a fight. from...Action and cast and crew made the thirteen wants to raise money to send two Thus, a chain is created and They were also excellent comic relief, along with Officer A-rab, played by scene changes flow smoothly. pigs to one such needy family in the two original pigs help an en- Zimbabwe. tire community to become self- As an example of different Krupke, portrayed by Scott Donald Frantum' interpretation, I have never seen Heifer Project International sufficient, Grocki. the first act of West Side Story is an inter-faith organization de- Our goal is to raise.$300 by I was also pleased with the and Keith Pur- end with "Tonight," It left sus- voted to relieving world hunger May Day, enough to send two performance of Beth Palmer as pense for the beginning of the one family at a time. adult pigs to a needy family. Anybodys. caro, second half. Supplying a family with a Keep your eyes open for our Her tiny stature gave lift to ing was invigorating and vibrant The death scene and the Ii- single hog will double that campus-wide campaign. the character, and she was just and the vocals of all three main nale were else well done. Ihave, family's income and provide Your spare change can be enough of a tomboy to convince singers (Rock, Michela, and Karen also never seen the play end the money for education, clothing, donated in piggy banks located in the audience. Snyder as Rosalita) were power- way that it did. medicine, nutritious food, and the bookstore and pub.or inoffcr- The combination of Glad ful and expressive. The deaths of their leaders other basic necessities. ings taken at chapel services. Hand and Mr. Zizzy by Chris The audience could tell how made very little difference in the Not only does the program We hope to organize a Skip- Covell and Eric Chase was nicely they all felt about living in Amer- lives of the gang members. provide the animal, but it also A-Meal program,and bavea table done, but the part could have been ica. The play showed the audi- supplies the animal' and at the May Day celebration. taken care of by just one of the The most confusing scene encethatmcialtensionsnever end shelter and educates the family Let's go hog wild and help actors. was the Nightmare/Dream se- on a positive note in reality, so on the necessary skills for the Abraham and Sarah get to Zim- I had to lean forward in my quence. It took a little while to theydon'thavetoon stage either. animal's care. babwe!
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