Page 71 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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March 15, 19901 Western Maryland College!Page 3 Alcohol Crackdown Felt On Campus by Laurence Steck grams ...." - Student Guide and Today. the sanctions are im- theaboveandResidenceHallsus- Spring semesters, 225 violations "Western Maryland College Datebook, page 98. p1emenled and observed by all, pension were recorded. Frrm September, entrusts to its students therespon- Lastsemesrer, underpressure Residence Life Coordinators. • Fourth violation: E x - 1989 to the first week of March, sibility of compliance with State, from the Board of Trustees, the Residence Assistants. and Cam- pulsion from the college 1990, 126 violations have been County, and Municipal laws COIl- Student Affairs Office decided 10 pus Security alike, and they have Thequestion is now to figure issued. but among those 126. ceming the purchase, possession, make the enforcement and sane- been increased in their severity. out if the plan is working. almost one-half happened during consumption, and transport of tioningofalcoholviolationsmore The following is a short "It seems to be woddng,"de- the first two months of school. alcoholic beverages. consistent than they had previ- summary of the sanctions- elared Eric M. Chase, Residence Furthermore, according to "It is expected that alcoholic ously been. • First violation: $75.00fine LifeCoordinatorinchargeofDrug Chase's records, most of the vio- beverages will beusedin modera- Before their decision, an in- and one mandatory six-hour AI- and Alcohol Education. lations were reponed in freshmen lion, at suitable times, and under dividua1 caught with alcohol in coho1/DrUg Education course "It seems that people are halls and in dry areas where the decorous conditices ...Failure to the wrong circumstances was • Second violation: $150.00 being a little bit more respon- policy is strictly inforced. complywilhState,County,orMu- fined ten dollars and required to fme,parentnotification,andman- sible." . "Stanstically.tbenumberhas nicipal alcoholic beverage laws administerbimorherself atestas datory six-hour Alcohol/Drug And statistics are backing up dropped slightly," observed may result in disciplinary action part of an alcohol education pro- education course his observation. Chase. "It doesn't mean that there through college judicial pro- gram. • Third violation: Allof lastyear,duringtheFailand Continued on page 2 Emergency Team ~When Icall Mom, Called After 20 she either wants Minutes to talk art or tbotball. Continued rrom page 1 --_.,.,,_ Usually tbotball?, staff was created to serve the stu- dents' best medical and financial interests. According to Goldwater, in the case of unknown illness, Dr. Welliver is usually able to treat patients in their own rooms. The emergency medical pro- cedure requires that (I) a Resi- dent Assistant be notified, (2) the R.A. must call the professional staffperson on duty to personally evaluate the problem, (3) theRA or professional staffperson must notify the doctor on call, and (4) the doctor will then decide whether to come to campus, to advise the student to go to Student Health Services during business hours, or to send the patient to the hospi- 1aI. In most cases, Dr. Welliver will come tocampus immediately. However, he was not on call the night of February 17, and the doctor who was on duty did not respond until the ill student was already in the ambulance. Both Goldwater and Dr. Go ahead, call her up and let Welliver said lhat it was rare for her know the score. him not to be the doctor on call. A Inmmure coastto-coast call, One resident, who requested dialed direct anytime, any day "With anonymity, said she helped care ~r, costs less than $3.00.' And with fast connections and immedi for the ill student and witnessed ate credit for wrong numbers, how the second search for permission. can you miss? The resident expressed dis- fur more information on sausfacuon with the emergency =~1ik~~~7&~;l~1 medical procedure and said the I 800 5257955, Ext. 100. call should have been placed ~"flI~i<">bIe!> ..... :lnd .. odIargt"S. sooner. The anonymous residentaIso accused the system of being caught up in "red tape," RaT Joanne Goldwater, however, The right choice. said the procedure is adequate "ninety-nine percent" of the time, noting that most medical emer- gencies on campus donot require attention from the hospital. Most medical emergencies thatdooccuroncampusarecaused by alcohol, according to Dr. Welliver.
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