Page 75 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 75
March 15, 1990/ Western Maryland College! Page 7 News In Brief ... Maf(g_ .9L fj)ifference On Campus: Join 'The Western Maryland College concluded her career with 785 awarded one of seventy 1989 senior women's basketball play- points. sixth in Western Mary- Presidential Citations for Private Pfioenilt Staff ers Caitlin Monroe of Columbia. land history, and 217 assists, Sectorlnitiativesatawhitejlouse Maryland.and Claire Tbevencex fourth on the school's all-time Ceremony. Western Maryland . Meetings are every Monday of Lyon, France, have been se- list College hosts lhePhi Alphachap- evening at 6:00 p.m. in the leered to the GTE Academic AH- Thevenoux,a'coiirmunica- ter of Phi Mu on campus. America Disrrict ll College Divi- tions major with a 3.79 cumula- Phi Mu was awarded theci- basement of MacLea sian first team, according to dis- live grade-point average. came 10 ration for its social service pro- met coordinator Ann Bready, Western Maryland in 1988 after gram which is based on the Help Wanted sports information director 'at beginning her collegiate studies fraternity's creed, "To lend to Attendant Valet Parking Drew University in New Jersey. at the University of Burgundy in those less fortunate a helping O"Clean driving record $$$ The district selection, done France. SheisalsoaDean'sList hand...:" 0"21 years of age bymembersoftheCollegeSpons student and is active with West- The organization was -re- Information Directors of Amer-· emMaryland.'scampwcabletele- warded for its involvement wilh VValid drivers license ica(CoSIDA)fromDelaware,the vision facility. Project HOPE (Health Opportn- O"Apply in person District of Columbia, Maryland, In just two seasons with the nity for People Everywhere) and New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and GreenTerrors,Thevenouxmoved with the Children's Miracle Net- )C No phone calls West Virginia, enables Monroe into fourth place in career re- work Telethon (CMNT). and Thevenoux to move on to the bounds with 500 boards and into Phi Mu has been involved Westminsterlnn 5 South Center St., Westminste national balloting with the stu- ninth in all-time scoring with 628 wilh Project HOPE, an intema- dent-athletes selected from points. The 6-foot l-inch center tional health-careeducation serv- ~~~~~UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUtt CoSIDA's seven other districts. was second on the team this sea- ice, for twenty-five years. Since Monroe, a 5-foot 8-inch son in scoring and rebounding 1986, they have been involved Poster Applications forVISA/Mastercard guard. is a political science major withaveragesof13.3and IO.8re- with CMNT raising money to and Discover Card on Campus. Earn up to witha3.55cwnulativegradepoint bounds. provide health care for children $2.50 per response. average. TheOaklandMillsHigh Joining Thevenoux and with illnesses in a network of School graduate is a Dean's List Monroe on the District II College children's hospitals. studentandwasnamedtolhel990 Divisionteamwereseniorguanis Presented annually by. the Call1-800·950-VISA ext. 83 edition of Who's Who Among Bridget Hale of the University of White House since 1985,thecita- Students in American Umversi-, PittsburghatJohnstownandSarah tion program recognizes busi- or ties and Colleges. Kish of West Virginia Wesleyan nesses, trade associations, corpo- ~ 1-800-932-0528 ext.83~ The two-year Green Terror College and junior forwards rations, Chambers of Commerce. co-captain averaged 9.8 points, Denise Doster of Bethany Col- and professional societies nation- 3.6 assists. and 3.5 rebounds this lege in West Virginia and Chris wide for their help in alleviating season as Western Maryland fln- Zukowski of Gannon University problems in areas such as drug ished with a record of eighteen in Pennsylvania. and alcohol abuse. civic improve- Hunan tANJ Chinese Restaurant wins and five losses. Monroe. ment projects, the elderly, the Downtown who missed just two of ninety- Phi MuFratemit y. a national homeless, handicapped assis- Szechuan ', ~ Westminster r SEAC M;k~;;"R~~W;~~~~d;tions ~~~;~:~ 59W. Main St. 848·0919 --thfAineri-··'G~ 876·3166 For A More Environmentally Cocktail Servi~ '\ Quick Lunches Carry Our I1AM-lOPM Sun-Thurs·&IIAM-IIPM Fri-Sat Aware Campus Rape Crisis Intervention Service by Julie Baile eludes buying glass and alumi- organizers. GIl;". 1~lmf. Iou 01 Clll'ltnil. CIII\'ulll111 Irtd lUI )111 ," I!t!Inll Ihl' _., The following measures are num containers rather than plastic 2) April 16·21 . Eanh Week, nI'u",um.orl.ndtlttir'.mily,ltdlrirllds_rlePltt.lwllinl,boutllle ""'endtllt.nclln,the~.,.'pedl'" Student Environmental Action containers, which will include a film about rtarteryeycle,l.hlinllVPpor! .. Impor1,,'\stepllowlrdreetPl'tlJ Coalition recommendations for 6) The campus should make Hopi Indians and the way they The IlOU, will meet l1li l~frn,lt r.b>cI.1' It IItt Ripe Crilii Dflb Ii 221 the Western Maryland campus: every effort to conserve electric- activist William Sloane Coffin on -. Streel. ROCIIIIOOI,Wtslmlnsltf, lfOIn 7:l0· Ull p.m. lhe!. Is view the earth, and which will ffOOh Center 1) The administration and ity and tum off water when not in culminate with a speech by noted noehlrlllo.llend,MlllserYlIIonI,rlllOlrtlluhM.YOIImtytUer>il1l til or II few II duired. m.ny II Both 1liiie Ind 'tIII,le pl~le~nll student organizations shouldprint use. bulletins and letters on recycled 7) Students should use envi- April 21 at 7 p.m. fi.II'It111P win be held Mondl)'. MmfI5. Future mHlirllllliR beheld. paper. ronmentally safecleanersand pur- During the monlh of April, Mmhn&AImJ111HI alternate Mondays thru May. . 2) The administration and chase products tbatdo not contain there will beadisplayinthelobby 'Dr more InlOlll1.lIon clll 857'()9OQ . student organizations should print fluorocarbons, which destroy the of Decker Center on Ihe environ- on sizes of paper that minimize ozone layer. menl Fitzgerald's paper use, such as quarter sheets 8) Student organizations This display will address Carriage House Liquors and eighth sheets. should eliminate the use of bal- issuesincludingsoilerosion, tropi- 3)Leuersandbulletinsshould loons from their activities and cal deforestation, acid rain, and 113 West Main Street be printed on white paper, which programs, since balloons can kill endangered species. Westminster is easier to recycle. The use of the birds and animals that swal- SEAC meetings are held on Specials ... colored paper should be avoided. lowlhem. Tuesdays and Thwsdays in the Coors & Coors Light $12.29 case/cans 4) Students should post in- Upcoming events for the Leidy Room. fonnation on the bulletin boards Student Environmental Action Tuesday meetings are for the Budweiser & Bud Light $12.29 case/cans near the Post Office and next to Coalition: purpose of letter-writing and are Moosehead bottles !2·pack $7.99 Glar in order to minimize the I) April 8 - Students from held from 11:45 a.m. until 12:30 Heineken bottles 12·pack $8.99 sendingofleuerslhroughthemail. colleges and high schools across p.m. Popov Vodka 1.75 liter $8.99 5) Students should actively the state are invited to Western Thursday meetings are for participate in recycling paper, Maryland for a meeting to create business and activity planning, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• glass, and aluminum. This in- a Maryland network of student and they begin at 6:30 p.m.
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