Page 66 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 66
Swim Team Shatters Eleven Records At MAC's Attention Students: Neuman Captures Three Gold Medals Did you know we offer a by J, J, Boggs nate sodas and junk food from The men's team entered the student discount? There were a lot of scruffy their diets in order to be in peak championships with a 6-8 record faces and hairy legs showing up condition by February 22, 23, and and high expectations. 'Wasli,cut, andstyfe"" $9,00 with I.D. for swim team practice the past 24 for the championships at Dick- Ontheotherhand, the women two weeks. inson College. had ended the season with a 1-14 The phase didn't last long, The shave-down at the last record. 'l(fJR/n Permanent witli cut'" $35-$45 with I.D. ------ We also offer: o French Braiding o High-Lighting o Glossing o Special Occasion Hair Styling o Free Consultation Phone: 848-5969 465 Baltimore Blvd., Westminster (On Rt. 140 next to the big guy pushing the carpet!) J. J. Boggs eempetes in the 4OO·yard freestyle relay. Photo by Helen Lowe I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ however, for it was only part of swim pracuce served as a mental The highlight of January was Ire • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • the traditional learn challenge psych and another team bonding their only win against Lebanon YOU'LL NEVER FIND A WEIGHT LOSS PROCRAM THIS AF- issued by Coach Kim Easterday event. Valley College, and the fact that FORDABLE AND EFFECTIVE AGAIN! AND YES, YOU CAN for the important weeks before Theswimmcrsdidn'thaveto seven of the eight women quali- STILL LOSE 20 LBS. (2 clothes sizes) BY SUMMER. the Mid-Atlantic Conference worry about being in top physical fied for the MAC's. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • swimmingchampionships. shape after their intense spring Despite being sick and feel- CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FOR YOUR Along with not shaving, the training in Fort Lauderdale and ing tired, the five-month season FREE CONSULTATION. team was asked to abstain from their hard work over the January came to a fantastic end at Dickin- alcohol and to gradually elimi- Term. son. Overall, themen broke eleven 'E[ite Medical Weight Loss Systems. school records including four re- lays. Freshman Rob Neuman cap- From a satisfied client: tured three first place medals and "I lost 40 lbs. in 4 months and lowered my choles- shared the MVP award with Scott terollevel from 200 to 134, and lowe it to willpower and Robinson, an Ursinus swimmer. Elite Medical Weight Loss Center. senior JohnEhlman,themen'sonly -v - at the MAC's, swimmer "I never thought that I could lose this much weight. fmished his career with a third My husband, son, relatives, and friends think] look place medal in the 50-yard frees- great. I really like Elite because you use real food and tyle event and with an excellent learn to eat from the four basic food groups. swim in theconsolationheat(ninth "You may visit the clinic at your convenience for through sixteenth place) of the lOO-yard freestyle. individual counseling. The staff is terrific and they His relay splits also contrib- work with you, so why not try Elite? I did and I'm very uted to the various record-break- happy with my success." ing times. Matt Cook was on the award stand twice for a fourth place fm- Debbie Green ish in the 50-yard freestyle and a second place medal for the 100- WALK-INS WELCOME MONEY BACK GUARANTEE yard butterfly. Matt Gebhard, Mark Bur- roughs, and Matt Cook placed MEDICALLY SUPERVISED MEDICALLY SAFE well in consolations. Corey Krall, TrevorWysong, S tudent Special and Chip Miller also aided their relays to team victories,andalong GO O! orrrr Cf fL t1XP10r.;CP(7lt;tAC with Matt Byrne achieved several St. and Keith '::!-,\_/UY/.J 10 J J./"1..1..- they Amand, hone:857-1700 Open MWF9a.m.-7 .L -'\) p.m. ITH2p.m.-7p.m. personal best times and an im- Plaza Shopping Suite 12, Carroll Westminster Center, [I...========;";"''';'''======~ MIU Cook swims to. silver medal In the lOO-Ylrdbutterfly. Photohy H.L_e pressive overall team standing of Continued on page 7 ",' " ",,'1" ",' "
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