Page 65 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 65
March 1, 19901 Western Maryland College/ Page 5 60 Seconds on Campus Jon Marsh} Wendy Buderman How would you use $8 million towards improvement of WMC? Ann Holmes Sandy Vogel Kourtnay Sweeney Rahn Groshek Kevin Henneman 1)Renovate 1) Improve dorms. 1)Add more Buildacluboranew Put it towards ath- McDaniel. 2) Purchase more courses. bar on campus letic facilities, be- 2) Improve dining washers and dryers. 2)Add more majors. where students and cause the commu- hall conditions. 3)Add more lines in 3) Get better food. faculty could get nity colleges around 3) Hire more profes- Glar: 4) Improve the together and aplace my house have bet' sors so there will be 4) Get better food. dorms. ·for concerts other ter facilities than we more opportunity to than the Forum. have here. get into desired classes. Domino's No Longer Has Committee Has Recipe . Monopoly On Pizza Service For Improvements by Steranie R. Shaffer as local companies. Available pizzas will have tobe picked up in Tilt jollowing were the com- choice available on line 1 On Monday the pub wentinto toppings include mushrooms, the pub. Next year, however, memsandsuggestionstakenfrom 13) Add items to salad bar, the pizza business. Large pizzas pepperoni, sausage. green pep- Traegler hopes that the variety of the February 6 Food Committee e.g.: flaked plain tuna, shredded with a fuJI range of toppings can pers. onions, ground beef, and sizes can be increased and thauhe Meeting. cheese, 3JIdraisins be ordered during regular pub anchovies, but additions can be administration will allow deliver- 14) Leave tables in the din- hours fora cost below that oflocal made to accommodate requests. ies to be made to dorms. Also, I) Lines fun out of food ing room the waydifferemgroups companies such as Domino's and The pizza program called Traegler is considering adding before end of meal want them Pizza On Wheels. "Slices Plus" is a service offered deep-dish pizzas to the menu. 2) Want more variety offla- 15) Bussing tray problem- ThecbstwiUbeS7foraplain by Seiler's Food Corporation. Al- New work-study jobs are ex- vors of ice cream belt broken pizza, with additional toppings at ready successful atJohns Hopkins pected once the pizza program 3) Want more variety offruit 16) Doing a good job with 75 cents each, in comparison to University and Catholic Univer- catches on and afterTraegler sees 4) Silverware runs out on soups, cobblers, shake bar, cheese Domino's, where a large cheese sity. the program is being mOO- how the operation functions. line 2 sauce, fresh baked bread and rolls pizza is approximately $8.00, and ducedatWMCtosupplystudents Shiftswouldbelateeveningbours, 5) Damaged silverware 17) Likethenewmicrowaves toppings cost $1.29 each. The with me most popular college probably for four hours. Ifthereis should be thrown away The above problems have either same pizza at Pizza On Wheels food. a demand, the pub will remain 6) Celery and carrot sticks been remedied, or will be handled costs about $9.00. The program is designed as a openlonger on week nights and on salad bar should be in water to as soon as possible. Billedaa'freshdoaghpizza," "break-even" operation with its weekends. There will be no lime prevent drying out thedough will be purchased from goal to provide work-study jobs. guarantees set. 7) Wantmorebakedinstead New and Upcoming [~tn'!i That a local company that supplies "As long as we break even.that's Forpublicity,severaIpromo- of fried items, e.g.: chicken and Were Discussed ' Pizza Hut and Pizza On Wheels, all we care about." stated Dick uons are lined up so far. One pro- fish as well as the dining hall. Traegler, Directorot'Dining Serv- motion offers free liters of Coke 8) Make cheese available at - Microwaves to be added The cheese will be the same ices. or Diet Coke, or a free squeeze night for cheeseburgers - New milk company blend of mozzarella. Swiss. ched- Tragelerexpectstheprogram cup with a straw with the pur- 9) Make sauerkraut avail- - Fresh dough pizza in the grill dar, and Romano used in thedin- to be expanded and revised dur- chase of a pizza. able at night - Catering availability to sm- ing hall for pizza. ing the next few semesters, espe- Another plan is a punch-out 10) Have extra sauce avail- dents: meal exchange Although it is possible for cially after the new meal plans card which will be marked for able for pasta - Cateringjobsavailable to stu- thedininghall to useahomemade whichaUow money to be spent in each pizza purchased, then a free 11) Move condiment bowls dents sauce because the exect nwnber the pub are implemented. pizza will be given to the card- to a more convenient location - New Hi-C drink system of pizzas is known, the pub will At first, only large pizzas and holder once a certain number is 12) Pizza on second day of - Improved decoration of din- buy sauce from the same source slices will be available, and the reached. the week in line 2 only, so more ingarea
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