Page 97 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 97
March 12, 1987/Western Maryland College/Page 7 My Sister intrigues by Berke Breathed continued from page 6 only a week before the She is to be performance. Isabelle and Christine, did not commended for this almost heroic stand cut quite as much, although undertaking. the acting was still good and they As Christine Lutton. junior both had their moments. Isabelle, Tracey Ann Tokar gave a very as portrayed by senior Laura believable portrayal of a hard Green, really shone in one scene working maid and a caring where she offers Lea a piece of (though jealous, at times) older candy. The action representedone sister. Nearly all of her scenes of Isabelle's few attempts at (with the exception of a few making friends with Lea and thus risque ones) with Lea were acted bridging the class difference. in such a way that touched the Another delightful scene hearts of those in the audience. occurred when Isabelle,alone fora Indeed, the elements of My moment, takes her mother's hat Sister in This House were, for from the mantel and proceeds to the most pan, excellent Much of play act at being the social the difficulty occurs when one has butterfly, chatting with her to deal with the subject matter imaginary friends. itself. This playgoer is certainly It is important to note here looking forward to the classic that Green took over the role of comedy of Tartuffe, when it plays Isabelle from junior Debbie Suite at WMC later on this spring. Affinity deadline set for March 23 their written proposals, the continued from page 2 commitment and citizenship auend biweekly suite meetings, records of group members, the and appoint a group manager LO involvement of the faculty foster communication within the advisor, and a group interview. group as well as with the outside Final decisions will be made on community. April 16. Seven, nine, twelve, and Those groups that are thirteen members suites arc reapplying must also set up available. Deadline for interviews, she said, after which applicationis March 23. they wilt be renewed or rejected. Faine explained that groups Reapplicants will be notified of a will be selected on the basis of decision by March 22. Announcing The Lowell Duren Mathematics Prize Exam First Place Award: $300 + 2 year subscription to MatJlClllaticalllltc/ligcllcer Second Place Award: $50 +- 2 year subscription to Mfltl!e1naticl111lltelligellccr '. Date: Wednesday, March 25 Time: 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Place: Room 105 Lewis Hall Freshmen and Sophomores who are majoring or minoring in -". Mathematics are eligible to compete in this first annual Western Maryland College mathematics exam. Questions will require no mathematics beyond Calculus I. . These awards are being given in memory of Dr. Lowell Duren, of the Mathematics ,- a fanner member mathematics educator Department who was and a loyal friend of an outstanding Western Maryland College. To register to take this exam contact the Mathematics Department Secretary in Lewis 107 by noon Tuesday, March 24.
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