Page 99 - ThePhoenix1986-87
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ThePhoenix Western Maryland College One-third of freshman class receive academic warning blame for such a situation cannot by Stacey Pucci be shifted to the admissions office, especially since the overall One-third of the WMC class of 1990 is now on academic SAT scores are only an average of probation, according to Dr. six points lower than in previous Melvin D. Palmer, Dean of years. To remedy this problem, Academic Affairs. Palmer explained, however, that though though, counseling and seminars this number sounds large, it is on study skills are being not unusual when compared LO implemented. Good figures from past years. "This year's Neighbor During the last five years, program has helped," Wolfe between 27-28 per cent of the explained, "as they can act as peer added Palmer that counselors." freshman class had been on probation. "most major departments have "This possibly can be attributed budgeted for academic tutors to aid to the nation-wide move towards students in need." Both agree, Luc Levensohn, Senior Editor of WMC Press. the pursuit of excellence," Palmer however, that there has been said. "The expectations of improvement since the fall students are raised and therefore semester. suspected WMC Press opens the faculty is demanding more of Senior Spanish tutor Leo Ryan he them." Dr. Helen Wolfe, Asso- explained that in this area. a According to Dr. Helen Wolfe, ciate Dean of Academic problem existed Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. "I noticed an increased number with algebra text Affairs. "Another explanation of students coming for help this may be the fact that we have added normal course load IS credit semester," he said. another course to the fall hours." "TIle idea came to me when semester, making She explained that the continued on page 2 by Adrian Gawdiak we bought our first Macs" explains Dillman. "They made SGA seeks 'qualified' applicants Maryland's WMC desktop Press, publisher. is desktop rather publishing a dream. The a realizable Western The than goal running, explains council include president, vice- chairperson. "A list of all open and Professor of Computer 'Laser printer made that an eve' more solid reality." Assistant president, treasurer, and secretary. campus activities they are active by Stacey Pucci Science Richard Dillman who The first press project, a In addition, the presidencies of the in wiIl help qualify them for the manual for a local computer As we head into the second classes of 1988, 1989, and 1990 position and should also be developed the medium on campus. company, was completed as an half of the spring semester, the need LO be filled. included." Applications are due twofold The press, he says, "has a independent study by Tracy purpose: One, to serve as Student Goverment Association is by April 10 and should be mailed Kennard, then a senior, in the preparing for elections. And, "Each nominee must write a to Fox at P.O. 1256. a prim media cutlet for the WMC spring of 1987. Dillman and as a and secondly community, according to SGA Secretary Liz statement, no longer than SO SGA elections will be held on Communications Department Fox, qualified people are needed to words, expressing why they are April 23 and the results will be publishing the lab areas for of students including editing, apply for positions on the board. interested in a position," explains officially posted the following layout, and formatting. continued on page 2 Spots open on the executive Fox, who is also the nominations day. Sideli hts: ho should have Inn-o-vation, Nash to perform custody of Baby M? at May Day '87 celebration - by Leo Ryan shirts, and sleds have been roast will also be among the day's natural mother been exchanged for Jams and tee- members, and the traditional bull will be The festivities activities. at Students of this warm- In the tradition have WMC the contracted parents traditionally contracted the end of replaced by frisbees. CAPBoard May is capped off with by a fireworks display provided Vineland weather disease, spring sponsoring its sixth annual - March This year is no exception-the Dayan Saturday, the David Nash, and the band," "Inn-o-vation last "and is an excellent the Fireworks. fever each year around This 2. May of April. or the beginning year's celebration said May Day chairperson will feature other were based band Pucci, Louisianna Stacey Inn-o- they signs everywhere. are warning vation, comedian year for nominated of students--their Hundreds National of Campus Association white- complexions once ghostly Photos with Stars-where Entertainer Campus will be able to have their with the Year in contemporary 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 100 have returned from vacation didn't students taken with Don Johnson, Activities' Nash", she continued, music. "is of tans. picture who savage Those David the Ronald to catch Brinkley, Number of people . have an opportunity can now be seen Christie at no charge. or Campus the same comedian who gave such Reagan rays in Florida sunbathing daily behind talent, student organization a great performance at last year's L SUrvey sample: 125 source: Phoenix ..J Whiteford,Blanche,andMcDaniel have sponsored booths, local artisan continued on page 2 and sweaters Jeans Halls. work by Westminster community
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