Page 92 - ThePhoenix1986-87
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Page 2fWestern Maryland College/March 12,1987 government policy concerning The ambassador believes that restrictions on Jewish emigration there is hope for peaceful Turning to US-Israeli re- coexistence between Israel and its by Stacey Pucci lations, Rosenne spoke highly of Arab neighbors. But he admits the unprecedented international this peace is a long way off. cooperation between the two "Israel must do several things nations, noting the everyday free to achieve peace," he explained. exchange of intelligence and "Israel must remain strong, [and] military technology and Ihe third panies should not get gradual elimination of tariff involved, suggesting solutions. barriers for trade. [We] should... try to gel the Arabs ~ to negotiate some type of treaty." But he does nor hesitate to restate his country's long-standing condition that it will not negotiate with countries that work for the destruction of the state or Israel, or with organizations like the PLO that practice international terrorizm against its citizens. Bernice Beard, executive assistant to the president, organized the three-part series on Israel. "I was pleased with the number of students that came out," she said. "It shows how "Both Israel and the United they want to get involved in States feel that the value of a world situations as well as human life is more important campus acuvhes." than thousands of dollars," said As an outgrowth of this Rosenne, and this, along with the interest, Beard explains, Dr. H. love of democracy, is what he Ray Stevens, professor of feels binds the two nations English, is organizing a trip to together. Israel for January Term 1988. Deveney examines Organization of American States highlight key economic, social, continued from page 1 Each member nation of the OAS educational. political, and security is represented by only one school, as much diversity as there is issues facing the Americas; and to and since there arc only 31 continuity in Latin America." generate an understanding of the member nations, the competition Deveney agreed, stressing the factors that shape the foreign for [hose spots is fierce. necessity of a "deeper policies of the members of (he After this year's initial visit, understanding and better vision of OAS and illustrate the Deveney and Nichols hope to the political and economic characteristics of intraregional achieve a non-participatory interrelations between the nations diplomacy in search of solutions observer status for the 1988 of the Americas." to regional issues. The Model MOAS Genera] Assembly. "If we don't become aware of OAS also analyzes the impact of WMC is not able to apply to be a the implications of these global policies of the major delegation until the tenth General realities," he noted, "we will powers on economic. social, Assembly in 1989. suffer dire consequences." political, educational, and security Participating Maryland schools But Deveney also pointed out issues facing the area; discusses will this year include Notre Dame that "there are lots of very the region's attempt to influence of Maryland (Argentina), Towson stimulating cultural things that the policies of major powers in State University (Commonwealth are going on right now in Latin matters of common concern; and of the Bahamas), and Frostburg America. Some of today's most acquaints the student with the way State University (MOAS General Important literature is coming out in which a deliberative body such Secretarial Staff). Last year, Old of South America, but students as the OAS General Assembly Dominion University was voted are only familiar with one or two carries out its businesss. the best delegation, and the noteworthy authors." According to MOAS Co- University of Wisconsin, The OAS is the world's oldest ordinator Edgar Maya, the Oshkosh received runner-up regional association of nations, experience "familiarizes the honors. Nichols believes that dating back to 1890. A regional student completely with the sending a delegation to the organization within the United history, structure, objectives, and MOAS "would be a good Nations, some of its primary activities of the Inter-American contribution to the cross-cultural objectives are to promote peace System. studies program, emphasizing and security in the western "The student will also become Dr. Thomas Deveney, Foreign Language Department Latin American studies." hemisphere, and nurture familiar," said Maya, "with the "A liberal arts curriculum cooperative action of the member current issues facing the Americas Chairman emphasizes the interdisciplinary . ~ nations in case of aggression and how his assigned country international agencies arc viable prospects for Latin American and nature of inquiry," she said, "and against those nations. relates to these issues. The and worthy of their country's Caribbean recovery, and the Latin America offers so much-. The ModelĀ· OAS General student will become friends with support." transfer of technology from nOIonly in terms of political and Assembly is the only simulation almost four hundredpeers fromall developed to developingnations. economic aspects, but also in of the proceedings of a regional over the United States. enabling Topics to be debated by this Participating colleges and terms of literary and linguistic international body to take place at him to exchange ideas and become year's MOAS delegates win universities prepare in advance of things." the headquarters of the informedon howsimilar academic include the human rights in the the actual General Assembly. "Anytime a student is able to organization involved. It is programs are conducted." Americas, Bolivia's maritime Before the MOAS General broaden his horizons with designed to increase awareness of "Finally," Maya explained, "he problem, the question of the Assembly, each delegation is intercultural opportunities," the role, structure, and will be qualified to express his Malvinas Islands, the world briefed by their assigned nation's explained Deveney, "the performance of the OAS; to opinion to whether economic situation in 1987 and actual ambassador to the OAS. experience is well worth it"
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