Page 96 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 96
Page 6/Western Maryland College/March 12, 1987 _ Kristin Tyeryar My Sister in This House BLOOM COUNTY delves into peversity Once again, Tim Weinfeld scene-the murdering of the has given the WMC community a Danzards by the Lutton sisters. play which forces the audience to The Lunons are observed going face the perversity and weirdness towards the Danzards with crazed of humanity. My Sisler in This expressions on their faces and House was presented in Alumni then the lights go out and only Hall on Feb. 26-28 and March I, scuffling is heard-but herein lies and boy was it a shocker. two problems. One occurred The play is about two lower- before the lights went. out. class sisters, Christine and Lea Although both women are killed, Lutton, who are hired as maids by only Isabelle is visibly attacked. MadameDanzardandherdaughter Madame Danzard goes up the Isabelle, members of the upper stairs-and no-onccbasesaner hcr. class. The action concerns itself Why? This leads the audience to with a series of events whieh lead believe that she gets away, when to the bizarre murder of the she really doesn't. Danzards by the Lutton sisters. The secondproblemoccurred The murder is the result of after the lights went out. There oppression on the part of the was indeed a scuffle, but it was so Danzards, who represent 1930's short that the audience barely had French society at its snobbiest. time to 'discern what was going In case the above isn't shocking on. The shortness of the scuffle enough for you, an added twist led to many confused mutterings has been thrown in: the Lutton in theaudience.Not everyone read sisters are involved in an the play beforehand, as this incestuous lesbian relationship playgoer did. The play might with each other. And if that still have had a greater impact and doesn't get to you, try this: the more meaning for the audience if play is based on a true story. these twodetails hadbeen handled Yikes. better. A1though the subject of the . The acting,.like the staging, play may have turned some was also exciting to observe. audience membersoff. the staging Exceptionally good throughout of the production certainly didn't. the entire ylay were sophomore The set was masterfully Heather Willever as Madame constructed, with the tilting of the Danzard and senior Amy E. floor at strange angles giving Wieczorek as Lea Lutton, the everything and everyone on it an younger sister. Not. only did eerie appearance. One could Willever deliver lines 10 a voice easily tell that something was not thatexuded the snobbery and age quite right in the house just by of her character, but she also used looking at the set. It reflected the her facial and body expressions themeof the play beautifully. superbly to further suggest the Particularlygood was the use upperclass attitudes of M~dame of the fast and furious music Danzard. As time passed m the during a card playing scene play, the audience was able 10 between Madame Danzard and clearly observe the aging process Isabelle. The music added to the of Willever'scharacter through her violent undertones and confusion change of voice, body of the scene, and made audience movements,and dress. Excellent. members really feel the tension As Lea Luuon, Amy being acted out on stage. This V(ieczorek was th~ perfect little scene was a double scene-action Sister, always looking up to the was going on in two different older sis~er,Christin~. She used rooms. The parallel in the her facial expressions well-- tension/anger between Madame particularly her eyes, and Danzardand Isabelle in the dining communicated beautifully the room and Christine and Lea in the innocenceof her character, despite kitchen was wonderful and the various abuses she has perfectlybalanced. endured.. . There was one bit of staging, The remammg characters however, which wasn't done very continued on page 7 well. Unfortunately, it was a key r---------------------, .. : Carriage House Liquors: . : 'At the Forks' : I 113W. Main Street,Westminster I I I I St. Pauli Girl 6 pkl$3.99 I : Stroh's and Stroh Light 15 pkl$6.00 : L_!!~~~e!!_&_~o~~!!~~!9.:..9!1~a!':.._ J
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