Page 101 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 101
April 2, 1987/Western Maryland College/Page 3 Holthause streamlines labs Saunders dance group to perform April 5 schedules to keep the lab open disks. This provides a great until midnight." advantage to the student as there by Robin Myers Along with the tighter is no longer a need to put long The Wally Saunders Dance Mr. Ed Holthause, security and sign-in/sign-out texts on two disks, longer texts Company will perform in Alumni Microsystems Coordinator for sheets, Holthause plans to can be stored all on one disk." Hall on Sunday, April 5. WMC. wants to institute many upgrade all of the computers in Two tables have already been This program is me last in me new ideas to improve the the Writing Center, if there are completed. Completion of the "Sundays of Note" series of five computer systems used by enough funds to complete the project is tentative, depending cultural events jointly sponsored students on campus. project Holthause said, "In upon the availability of funds. by the Peggy and Yale Gordon ~ Holthause, responsible for the February, a new program was Holthause's other projects Trust of Baltimore and care and maintenance of the started to upgrade a table of five include publicizing the Laserpress CAPBoard. Saunders Dance Company was school's microcomputers, has Office (formerly the Laser Center) A premiere jazz/tap company one of the five performing arts charge over the Power Lab, its and increasing student use of the in the Baltimore/washington area, groups selected for a Baltimore hours of operation and employees, Laserpress. The office is located the Wally Saunders Dance City pilot program, "Artists in and the Laserpress Office. in Lewis Hall 103 and is open Company will offer a program of the Schools" and was later named This semester Hollhause has from 1 - 4 p.m. The Laserpress lively, upbeat musical numbers: "Dance Company of the Year" by tightened security in the computer offers many options for students. The company has made numerous men Mayor Donald Schaefer. labs and initiated a mandatory According to Holthause, television appearances, including The "Sundays of Note" sign-in and sign-out sheet for "Students can have resumes done, threehalf-hourspcciaisonWBAL- presentation will include book reports, or even ten page TV and Cartee Cablevision, and selections from such musicals as students using the lab. According 42nd Street, Oklahoma. and A to Holthause, "With the sign- documents for just 20 cents a was featured on a half-hour in/Sign-OIlL sheets we can page with one day turn around. segment of "Arts Alive" in Chorus line. The presentation is determine when the most amount The Laserpress has printed August,1986 on PBS. The Wally open to the public. of student use is and what the roughly 400 pages for students in is done on the Senior bash tonight students are using the Power lab February alone. The initial print- for, whether it be for word out of The Phoenix processing or programming. Laserpress." With this information we can machines in the Writing Center Holthause's plans do not stop Tonight the class of 19S7 will Seniors should bring their Vali- adapt the lab to fit the majority of each month. The Macintoshes are with this semester. He hopes that have a party to celebrate dine cards as well as aT-shirt and students' needs." Holthause already capable of processing in the future more students will "COUNTDOWN '87- FIFTY a magic marker. Any senior regrets that the Power Lab's hours 400K bytes of information; hut be interested in working with the DAYS TO G01" The festivities willing to participate may end up had to be cut this semester, with the installation of a double- computers and mat mere will be will begin in the pub at 9:00pm. leaving the celebration with a "There just aren't enough tutors, sided internal disk drive, they will more machines available for There will be music and free souvenir by which to remember and the tutors already working do be able to handle SOOK bytes and student use. refreshments. his or her college years. not have enough time in their permit the use of double-sided Passover Seders and Meals are available to Baltimore area Jewish college students at The Johns Hopkins University and through home hospitality. For more information and reservations please contact Carol Brumer at 301-356-5200. Deadline for reservations is April 6. Student Government Asembly ELECTIONS ARE COMING UP ... Thke the . PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT plunge TREASURER this ~ SECRETARY & summer. CLASS Sign up for Army ROTC Basic ~~;s2[;:l PRESIDENTS Camp. You'll get six weeks of challenges [hat can build up your All those interested in running, send the leadership skills as well as your following to Liz Fox via campus mail (P.O. body. You'll also get almost )1;700. But hurry. This summer may be Box 1256): your last chance to graduate from college with a degree and an officer's 1. The office you are seeking commission. Be all you can be. 2. A 50 word essay of why you want to be See your Professor of Military Science for details. involved in SGA 3. A list of all extra cirricular WMC activities 4. Your majorts) and minor(s) 5. Your phone number and P.O. Box • Self nominations deadline - April 10 • Elections - April 23 .
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