Page 102 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 102
Page 4IWeslern Maryland College/April 2, 1987 Editorial Akademik probashun "This swnmer I've got it maid." Last August. this sentence appeared in a composition written by a WMC student preparing to begin his freshman year. And apparently it wasn't just an isolated example. "Is 'cool off one word or two?" another new student asked a writing tutor during a summer course. "Two," the tutor responded. Then, twenty minutes later, when proofreading the student's work, the upperclassman exclaimed, "there's still a problem here with the way you spelled 'cool off." "You said it was two words," the freshman reminded him. "Yeah," the tutor responded, "but it should be spelled with a 'c,' not a 'k." All of this may help to explain why roughly one-third of Western Maryland's freshman class has been placed on academic probation. Though Dr. Melvin D. Palmer. Dean of Academic Affairs; and Dr. Helen Wolfe, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs will disagree, we believe that there is a serious problem here. . Palmer and Wolfe, for instance, claim that the 33 per cent figure is nor unusual considering both national trends and WMC's own history. After Danno and I 'are finished 8tudying criminology, I think I'll turn We contend, though, that just because our statistics are comparable to on 1 Love Lucy and hone up on my Spanish. those of other schools does not negate the fact that we may be amid a crisis. Perhaps all of these institutions of higher learning are in an academic slump. Then we are no better. The Academic Mfairs Office, however, dismisses this suggestion by pointing to recent SAT results, explaining that average scores have Letters to the Editor --- only dropped a mere six points in the last year. We believe, though, that this fact simply supports what some sociologists have been saying all along-that SATs cannot be used as accurate indicators of a Israeli article by the narrow mindedness of your what it is, but you blew right student's potential. argument. Anon~mity is over any chance that the "group of Palmer and Wolfe also claim that professors are demanding more misrepresents important to someone who writes angry dramatic arts students" in the classroom, and thar. this could account in part for ihe large a letter to the editor in which they might have a real gripe. I like number of students on probation. But, if our academic programs are Beard's role say things that would be Pam (Regis. Communications so excellent, why then do we have seniors who are weeks away from uncomfortable for others to Cbairmanl a lot, and consider her graduation who have not yet demonstrated a grasp of basic math skills Editor. identify them with. Sure, you one of this school's major assets, on the college's proficiency test? An article titled, "Rosenne promise anonymity. but at this but I also understand how the What it boils down to, then. is thal we should stop trying to examines Israeli foreign policy," small a school that doesn't hold dramatic arts people might not be convince ourselves that everything is peachy • .and instead attempt to in the March 12. 1987, issue of water. While you may feel that crazy about the decision to merge rectify the situation. This can be done in two ways. First, the college The Pnoenu inadvertently named you have an airtight security the two departments. I see liUle must avoid sacrificing high school scholars in favor of those who can me as organizer of a recent three- system, those who write letters to other than economic sense in the simply afford the tuition. Indeed, we need students who can do more part series on Israel, whereas my the editor about "touchy" subjects merge, but what the dramatic arts man read Doonesbury comic strips. And secondly. we must impress duties involved only the final probably don't feel as people may be overlooking is that upon freshmen the importance of fundamental math and writing skills leCture. comfortable. By branding maybe she isn't that crazy about as soon as they arrive. It must be rather devastating for someone to In reality, the fine slide it either. Also, I'm not sure wake up halfway through a communications major to find that he is presentation by Dr. Julie Badiee . about your decision that The functionally illiterate. on "Israel: Land of Four Faiths," Wash's methods don't "wash in Certainly. with a little planning, WMC can reduce the number of and the exciting panel discussion the 1980's." [nice pun-gag, freshmen on academic probation next year. on "Israel: Land of Conflict," puke] It seems that by being the And once this is done, we've got it (made]. were the idea of Ms. Alice subject of your editoral they've Chambers, who organized and achieved more than they would produced them. have if you hadn't given them And vou wouldn't publicity. I should also mention also The Phoenix that Dr. H. Ray Stevens planned have committed an editorial to the wasn't Term his January trip to Israel subject if The Wash prior to the three-pan series. getting under your skin. I mink Thanks very much for your they're doing a fine job. and your Editor·in-Chief .. .......... JonathanSlade front page coverage of the reference to anonymity only being Copy Edil()( . .... Stacie Hemphill Ambassador's visit, which was acceptable/effective in pre-- Sports Editor. . .............. Cynthia5chafer revolutionary America is Photography Editor . ...... BiIlMann made possible by Western Business Manager .... . C. Uoyd Hart Maryland Trustee Alleck Resnick. ridiculous. What about the ProductiOn Technician .... . Andrew Raith sixties? Abbie Hoffman devotes a Graphics Artist... Christine George Bernice T. Beard whole chapter to underground Aeporting Staff.... Unda Ashburn, Craig Cecil, Angela Coleman, Kelly S. Connor, Marlene Executive Assistant to the newspapers in Steal This Book Clements, Bill Desclak, Adrian eew- President [1971J. disk, Aoshini George, Chris Ginther, anything that has no name on it a Your editorial confirms any Kim Morris, Robin Myers, Stacy Pucci, "hoax" you're easily weeding out preconceptions I had about the Leo Ryan, Susan Scalley, Lee Spector Advisor . Parnela Aegis WMC Press editor !he most important of those blind loyalty of a school letters. Rational thought should newspaper too regulated by the The Phoenix Is a bimoolhly publication of western Maryland College. The opinions expressed in columns and letters to lambasts Phoenix be sufficient to separate fiction administration. It shows how a the editOl' do not necessarily rellect those 01 the staff or from reality. well written paper can still be administration. Editorials are the responsibility 01the editor- for editorial On the subject of The Wash, ineffectual through an atrophied in-chief, and are approved by the editorial bo.ard. The Phoenix reserves the right to headline. and edit lor length, it is not surprising that you creative dysfunction. clarity, and libelous content. AI~letters to the editor must be admonish "The Editor" for signed. Authorship will be venfled. Editor, anonymity as well. You brand L. L. Levensohn Address all mail to: The Phoenix, Western Maryland College, Westminster, MD 21157 After reading your editorial The Wash a 'fiesty little Senior Editor regarding anonymity I was struck newsletter," and that's exactly WMCPress
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