Page 94 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 94
Page 4/Western Maryland College/March 12, 1987 Editorial Anonymous opinion There appears to be an. epidemic of opinions around campus- opinions without names attached lOthem. Indeed, The Phoenix' has received a number of letters throughout the year expressing interesting, and sometimes unpopular, views on everything from the Marriott Corporation to the Omegas "going national." So, why didn't you see these lillie gems in our pages? Because they weren't properly signed. One piece of correspondence that appeared in our mailbox last November actually praised the Marriott food service, and because it took such an unusual stance on the issue, we desperately wanted to run it. A problem arose, however, in that we could not verify the author. The Office of Student Affairs couldn't find the name on the school roster and Marriott said it wasn't a member of their staff. Therefore, the only assumption we could make was that the Ieuer was a prank, and this type of correspondence is of no use to us. All a legitimate contributor had to do was include his full name, class, and telephone number with his work. It's really mat simple, And then we get those letters from some fellow named Anonymous. Surely the most prolific writer we have encountered, he never wants to claim credit for any of his beliefs. In fact, we received such a piece last week concerning the Omegas and their decision to supported the sorority's decision and rebuked Ms. Kathy Dawkins, ---- LetterstotheEditor--- depledge Alpha Omnicron Pi. A well organized bit of prose, the letter Director of College Activities. for saying that the Omega incident would weaken Greek unity at WMC. Apartheid fracas plans to increase the commuting money or just waited until the Again, though, we couldn't print it because we were unable to student body, then the last minute to mail their check in, verify its author. We realize, of course, that incidents do exist where administration can no longer this was the case, Who gets mail people who write actually require anonymity, and perhaps this was the EdilOr, ignore the parking situation. on Sundays? By law, if a check case with the Omega letter. Still, it is a matter of policy that The Your editorial on the behavior In all. the questions posed by is postmarked by the date it's due Phoenix editor-in-chief know who that person is before we print by some at the Apartheid debate The Phoenix interviewer were then it has been paid on time. "Name withheld upon request" beneath a letter. ConfidentiaHty, of was excellent. Learning comes, I good, but no questions were All those people who dropped the course, is always maintained. feel, from exchange of ideas, not included about improvements at payment in the mail on Saturday, And, as long as we're on the subject of opinions without owners, from shouting of opinions. It is WMC that would directly effect a day early, were in big trouble. campus mail has also brought us several copies of The Wash, a feisty imperative to respect views of ccmmuters-udequate parking and Loan checks were also not in, as little newsletter printed by a group of angry dramatic arts students. others, even when these are snow removal are just as banks do not function on Indeed, the major purpose of the publication appears to be a crusade contrary lOour views. Imponam. We depend on our weekends, especially Sunday. cars just as much as the faculty against Communications Chairperson Pamela Regis and Dean of Good job. Keep up me good Students were penalized for Academic Affairs Melvin 0, Palmer for their part in combining the work. who have more than sufficient registration falling on a Sunday Drama and Communications Departments. Indeed, the newsletter's Dr. Ronald Tait parking. Every semester for the and were not allowed lOreceive a comments in this area, which easily approach libel, are attributed to a Sociology Deparuneru past four years, the parking fee copy of their schedule. Therefore, nebulous being known only as "The Editor." Such a method might has increased by five dolIars and 'some missed the first day of this cannot be justified by the have been acceptable in the days of Benjamin Franklin. but it doesn't Commuters draw poor conditions that exist classes. Others were 'not allowed to eat in the cafeteria as their cards wash in the 1980's. We must accept responsibility for those things that we say and bad 'parking' lot The commuters have been put were not validated. Was the write. or the words mean nothing. off and ignored for far too long. school planning to reimburse Incidentally. all Phoenix editorials are the responsibility of the Now is the time to ask not only students for the classes they editor-in-chief and and anyone who wants a specific name need only Editor, . what our president can do for the missed because of this mishap? glance at the masthead, a mere fraction of an inch away, After reading the interview residents, but also what can he for When the circumstances are with Dr. Chambers in the last the commuters. reversed there is nothing the issue of The Phoenix, I felt our students can do. We are helpless. president was full of good Kim Roberts If you ever layout some money The Phoenix intentions. However, there are Senior commuter for the school, count on not .' two issues that were overlooked getting it back for a long while. and I feel compelled to bring these to the administration's attention. Double standard They will tell you to save all the receipts and bring them in as soon In response to declining as possible. It still takes them Editor·ln-Chiel. Jonathan Stade enrollment, Dr. Chambers' in Accounts Office about four weeks to return your Copy Editors .., Stacie Hemphill, Kristin Tyeryar suggestion of "expanding its money. As students who pay a Sports Editor .. Cynlhla Scbater Photography Editor . Bill Mann (WMC) applicant pool with older Editor, great deal lO attend classes. we BuslnessManager C.lloyd Hart students" is feasible, but drastic It bothers me every time I have know that the school can afford to Production Technician... • Andrew Raith Graphics Artist ChristineGeorge improvements would have to be an encounter with the student pay back the $12.67 you spent On Reporting Staff . . . .uoce Ashburn, Craig Cecil, made in order to accommodate accounts office, for each time it is a floor program or materials. How Angela Coleman, Kelly $. Connor. Marlene Clements. Bill Desctek. additional vehicles that would be not pleasant. The student much time is needed to look at Roshini George. Kim Morris, present in the already accounts office does not like it at the receipts and write a check, Robin Myers. ROOM Paul. leo Ryan, Susan Scalley, overcrowded. designated lots. It is all when your payment is one If we, as students, must have Sharon Skozllaa.' Lee Spector obvious that in the enrollment of hour late and they do not take in payments in on time, I also ~~i~i~··i~··~···bi;:.:.Mih·IY'·si~~i···p~bii~·i~ar:I~=~~ "non-rraditonal" students, the to account any extenuating believe that the school should pay Maryland Colleqe. The opiniOns expressed In columns and commuter population on campus circumstances. They made their its debts promptly. There is no letters 10 Ihe editor do not necessarily reflect those 01 the staff would increase, since these point at spring registration when ?' a~mlni5Iralion. EditOlials are 1M responsibility ctme editor· reason to make students wait so tn-chlel. and are approved by the editorial board. The PhoeniJt students would have obligations you were not allowed to receive a long to receive money which is r.eserves the right to headline. and edit for length, clarity, and that would require them to reside copy of your schedule if your libelous content. All letters to the editor must be signed. already theirs and that the school Aulhorship will be verified. at home. With parking at a payment was not in by Sunday, just "borrowed." Addr~ aU mail to: The Pnoen~, Western Maryland College, premium now, where would these Feb. 1. Yes, I said Sunday! For Westminster, MD, 21151. students be able to find an those people who for one reason Name withheld upon request available space? If the college or anomer. either did not have the Senior
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