Page 98 - ThePhoenix1986-87
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Page 8IWestern Maryland College/March 12, 1987 - Craig Cecil Jett, Fox make characters shine in ,Light of Day Remember Joan Jeu and the woman who can't forgive Patti for the boy and Benji innocently calls Blackbearts, the summer of '82, her past sins (her illegitimate son) him Dad. Never before has Fox and "I love Rock and Roll"? and can't deal with her present created so much intensity in a Well, loan's back, this time with ones (her obsession with rock character. Michael J. Fox and the music). Events push and pull the With Light of Day , director Barbusters in the intense, emotion- two together and apart with Paul Schrader has managed to take filled drama Light of Day from family and friends caught in the a slice of Americana and capture it Tri-Star Picrures. middle. . on film. All of the characters Originally titled Born in the On the surface, Light of Day created in the film come to life USA, the name was changed at is about Patti's struggle to make and feel as real as anyone's next- the request of Bruce Springsteen. it to the lap through her music. door-neighbor. The unedited, raw The Boss was so enamored by the Underneath, it is about a struggle music combined with the original title that he contributed between mother and daughter, a problems of this typical American the title track, "lust Around the relationship that raises issues of family create an atmosphere that Comer to the Light of Day". morality, religion, single- is hard to forget. About the only Hence the new title. parenthood, and inevitably, rock complaint to be made about Light Light of Day represents versus religion. Patti's bitter of Day is that at times the firsts for both JeU and Fox. For feelings toward her mother push movie's pace is excruciatingly leu, it's her first role in a motion her into rebellion, forcing her to slow while larger jumps in story picture, and for Fox it's his first clutch on to the only foundation time occur suddenly before you dramatic role. she can count on-her music. But can perceive the change in time. Jett plays Patti Rasnick, the music becomes such an For two hours, audiences are single mother and the singer for obsession that it further isolates outclasses anything she has ever lived with for the past several simply transported into the lives the Barbusters, a local band that her from not only her mother, but put into an album. Both ron's years. His long hair, earring, and of this surburban family. plays whatever gigs it can get in from her brother and her son as and Rowlands' characters are leather jacket help to dispel the Therefore, viewers who enjoy cut- the Cleveland area. She's also the well. As Patti holds on to her emotional rollercoasters on a expectation of Fox suddenly and-dry storylines will probably "black sheep" of the Rasnick music, her mother holds on to her collision course. When their blurting cut a one-liner about be disappointed. family. Fox plays her younger religion. characters share the same scene, Malory. In fact, as the film Jell, Fox, and Rowlands' brother Joe, guitarist and lyricist For her first attempt at the level of tension is so great progresses, Fox produces more intensity and flow of emotions are for the Barbusters. The Rasnick acting Joan Jett is simply that it seems to radiate off of the emotion as his character becomes some of the deepest and cutting in household is a tension- filled incredible. She can, of course, screen and into the theater. increasingly attached to Patti's recent films. A lot of American battlefield between free-wheeling relate her own personal neglected son Benji. These families out there will be able to Patti and her conservative mother experiences as a singer directly to Michael 1. Fox manages, at emotions climax: in one of the relate to the Rasnick's. All of (Gena Rowlands). Rowlands her character but the range of least for two hours, to lock away film's most touching scenes, this helps to make LighJ of Day plays a traditional, Christian emotions Jeu produces here easily the Alex P. Keaton role he has when Fox is laking a bath with really shine. ... CAPBoard's March Madness ... Tired of complete originals? ... then don't miss-» Randy Mauger 'Thursday, March 26 'PUB '9pm .' 'FREE! RUfHLESS PEOPLE ., Performs popular, original, and novelty tunes Worthless, Be Very, Very Wreckless, Afraid ... NO ... * Wednesday, March 25 THE FLY * Lyric Opera House, Ruthless Baltimore People , Thursday, March 12 'Noon, 7 & 9pm * Bus leaves * FREE! 'Friday, March 27 'PUB at 6:30·pm 'Noon,7 & 9pm • FREE * PUB
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