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Page 2IWestern Maryland COllege/April2, 1987 Freshmen receive CAPboard plans May Day academic probation festivities for May 2 continued from page 1 Wolfe. Students who are below a continued from page 1 warning, 2.0 are issued a stronger "Many of them said that they and for those in severe trouble, a May Day." were on academic probation and meeting with the Admissions and In addition, she explained, had to bring up their grades." Standards Committee is required. "the Art Club, Tri Beta, Psi Chi, Those students who are on Lastly, a GPA below a 1.0 is and the Christian Fellowship are academic probation have a grade grounds for immediatly dropping among the groups who have point average of less than 2.0. If a student from the class. already applied for booths, but we at midterm a student has close to will continue to accept a 2.0, he receives a warning from "The warning letter was pretty applications until April 13. " Wolfe, on behalf of the good in a way as it made me get One of the questions Admissions and Standards my act together." explained one surrounding this year's event Committee. freshman student who asked to concerns the alcohol policy. "This warning contains remain anonymous. "My study According to CAPBoard advisor strategies to help improve study skills have improved and so have Kathy Dawkins, "A limited habits and raise your grades," said my grades." supply of beer will be available Dillman, Levensohn free of charge. that students may not but we will operate policy. under the campus alcohol This means tackle new projects bring their own that alcohol they into the and must event, consume the provided within the May Day premises." alcohol edition." Other current projects continued from page 1 include the publishing of a book May Day, as such, came into of short stories. which assistant being with the creation of Chairperson Pam Regis assisted editor Jenny Otto is managing; CAPBoard in 1981. "Although has changed and grown over the organizations can get involved," her. the production of Dr. Charles WMC had always had some type years, and hopefully it's getting she continued, "and we hope, The managing hierarchy of the Neal's Constitutional Law text; of Spring Weekend before," said better, through May Day, to bring a press, though, was formalized in and a new chemistry textbook. Dawkins, " it became more "It is one of the only campus little bit more feeling of tradition the fall of 1986 with Dillman as fonnalized under CAPBoard. It events in which all social and history to the campus." Managing Director, Regis as the Editorial Director, Sue Milstein as the financial consultant, and Holum unveils lost city of Herod Luc Levensohn as the Senior Editor. Dillman explains that he Two decades before the birth pm in McDaniel Lounge, Dr. the city. believes it was important to have of Christ. Herod the Great, King Kenneth G. Holum will describe Holum's lecture will be a a undergraduate coordinating the of Judea, set out to create an how archaeologists have set about preview of a museum exhibition day to day activities or the press international metropolis on the recovering this interesting ancient entitled "King Herod's Dream" so that a student is exposed to as coast of Palen stine where no city. in an illustrated lecture that will open at the Smithsonian much practical experience as major city stood before. In a entitled. "King Herod's Dream: in 1988 and tour nationally. possible. "Everyone was pleased with career marked by grandiose The Archaeology of Caesarea Dr. Holum is Associate "I feel th;u. being involved the way the Boner project turned building projects, this was to be Mariuma.Jsrael." Archaeologists Professor of Archaeology at the with the press." says Levensohn. out. It was the do or die test his crowning achievement: have worked at this site both on University of Maryland and the "has taught me a lot about the Now that we've proved that we Caesarea Maritima, rival of land and beneath the sea, since a author of Theodosian EmPresses: basics of publishing. The effort can deliver, professors have Alexandria in the eastern trade, a vast harbor complex was part of Women and Imperail Dominion required to get 120 pages of offered us more material than we city of opulence and magnificance Herod's dream. Holum will show in Late Antiquity and the algebra written was way beyond can handle. With the addition of a worthy to be named for Herod's archaeologists at work in both forthcoming King Herod's Dream: our initial expectations," he added, digitizer to the Laserpress, and patron, Caesar Augustus, master locations. His personal slides Caesarea on the Sea. referring lO last fall's project some software advances that will of the Roman world. will highlight both the artifacts "King Herod's Dream" is free where Dr. Robert Boner's facilitate Laserprinting of On Tuesday April 21 at 7:30 found at Caesarea and the ruins of and open ID the public. Fwuiamental Concepts of Algebra anything, the quality of the press was printed. The book was on can only go up. If more freshmen sale this semester in the WMC and sophomores get involved be Philosopher to speak on Freud in Bookstore. the press it could eventually Currently the press is run exclusively by students," says involved in re-formatung a Levenschn. at WMC. Hartman has heard him articles on wine tasting. He has guidance bulletin for the registrar. With the addition of juniors by Robin Myers speak at a conference, explaining spoken all over the world, and "Barb Disharoon felt that it was Sue Bruder and Royal Westwater, that, "He is an excellent speaker. written numerous papers and book time to make an important, but the press is "sufficiently staffed On April 6ยท8, Western We are very lucky 10 have him." reviews, according to Hartman. unclear booklet easier ID use for for the near future," Levensohn Maryland will be priviledged to "Although his studies are in both advisors and students," says adds. However, any students host internationally recognizee Machamer received his the philosophy of science," said Levensohn. "I think everyone interested in becoming editorial philosopher Dr. Peter Machamer. undergraduate degree from Hartman, "he is interested in will benefit from next fall's assistants can still contact him. Machamer, who will be. Columbia University, his history. art. and music, and can speaking at 7:30 pm in master's from Trinity College in relate what he is saying to a lot of MacDaniel Lounge on all three Cambridge, England. and his different fields." nights. will examine Sigmund doctorate from the University of Adoption Freud's theory of femininity on Chicago. He is currently the April In addition to the lectures on the cognitive 6-8, Machamer Monday, revolution will speak Science of Philosophy on Tuesday, and God and science Chairman of the Department at the of with honor's students on Tuesday, A loving, young childless couple wish to in the seventeenth century on University of Pittsburgh, one of April 7 at 4:30 pm, and the His specialty adopt a healthy white infant. We can provide Wednesday. in the 1500-1600's. is the two top departments in this biology and chemistry majors at 8. April 4:30 pm on Wednesday, science field in the country. the best education and opportunities for a "He is one of the leading Machamer is not only child. proponents in the field of concerned with the philosophy of Hartman hopes that many Please call collect 301-461-1792 evenings. philosophy of science," said Dr. science, he also is interested in students will take advantage of Robert Hartman, Chairman of film criticism, is a wine this opportunity to meet a world- L ------' Philosophy and Religious Studies connosieur, and has written many renowned philosopher.
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