Page 91 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 91
ThePhoenix Western Maryland College Gov. Schaefer set to tour campus library tomorrow t. governor see the condition of the library in light of the College's by C. Lloyd Hart request for $2.5 million in state support for the library's expansion On Tuesday, Ms. Bernice Beard, Exec utive Assistant to the plans. President, confirmed thal for a A set of preliminary plans and extension library Governor of Maryland William renovation are under consideration Donald Schaefer will visit campus on Friday and Saturday, March 13 and funding proposals now and 14. The governor will attend pending in Annapolis appear to be a weekend retreat with his gathering support. "The governor advisory staff and will be staying has indicated that our request is on at the College's Quality Inn. his list of things he is The Presldem's Office would supporting," adds Denman-west. Sources claim that Schaefer, nor release details or reasons for the governor's visit as of Tuesday, should he find the time, may tour referring questions to Ms. Joyce the entire campus. The Office of is especially Affairs Student Muller. Director of Public see Information and conference center anxious that he also the Israeli ambassador Meir Rosenne speaks on his director Barry Bosley. Both were renovations in Daniel MacLea unavailable for comment at press Gov. William Donald :X~ri:~L the affinity housing country's foreign policy March 5 in McDaniel Lounge. time. Schaefer will be R . sessions Conference However, Hoover Library held Friday and Saturday in the osenne examines Co·DirectorDr.MargaretDenman- "If we can only get him one West confirmed that arrangements place on campus the president Forum. Approximately 60 have been made for Schaefer to wants to get him to the library," Israeli foreign policy tour the campus, especially the said Denman-West. She noted the =~:an~th~OV:=~dhii: library, should time allow. importance of having the - -;;J~~pt;~h~a~:! ~!ot~~~ Sign group offers musical show by Lee SpectorT - applause for his govemmeru after G. Lloyd Hart 'The Ambassador of Israel to signing the pact despite the extent like an oral history," explains language, and act as artistic to which the treaty improved ties States, His Excellency by Roshini George! Jeffrey Kirkwood, president of advisors," says Kirkwood. There the United Roscnne. examined his between the two countries. He Meir Kimberly E. Morris Sounds of Silence. They usually are also three deaf performers. country's relations with added that many neighboring performs twice a semester with "Music is within me, despite neighboring nations, the US, and nations, especially Arab states, "Sounds of Silence is a group the May Day production being my deafness, and 1 like to act it the Soviet Union in a speech here still refuse to acknowledge Israel's working together to strengthen "the most spectacular." out, so that others can understand last Thursday. His appearance right to exist as an independent John Brand explains what I feel," friendship and understanding At present, the group consists II. was the third in a series of events country. He feels this is the between deaf and hearing of 21 members, but the ratio of Using American Sign drawing attention to the varied major stumbling block to undergraduate and graduate deaf to ... hearing students is Language (ASL), the group political, racial, religious and meaningful negotiations for students," says Maureen Owens, relatively small. "One or two artistic heritages of Israel. bringing peace to the region. the public relations officer for the deaf students come to the performs songs to make them Rosenne spoke about the group. rehearsals to help with the continued on page 5 1979 treaty between Israel and continued on page 2 "It is a tradition passed down translation of songs into sign i elights: as the Iran-Contra Deveney urges participation affair handled "properly" by President Reagan? in model of UN sub-group - by Leo Ryan student awareness Caribbean on issues, became was the Cuban in Missile Yes Latin interested Latin America American and Deveney, filled No with Newscasts on today aid are to the Dr. Thomas Department of Chairman Crisis," said the Nichols. has "Our Foreign area of for concern the been reports US a political and Ms. Coruras rights in Nicaragua, human and the Languages, of the Political Christiana primarily our of concern for nature. their But - Pinochet Britain and Argentina, between and the Department eighth are planning (MOAS) governments about" Latin American she Nichols Science violations civil under has not rid us of our to visit regime Chile, in Undecided ignorance annual Model the Falkland Island dispute nations. of States Organization Great ignorant," Colleges for "We General Assembly are devastating earthquakes in Mexico will take 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 8090 100 City and Ecuador. Latin America and Universities, which of American continued, "as to the uniqueness and distinct place at Organization cultures of each and Caribbean, have then, the Number of people become increasingly important States (OAS) headquarters in individual country. It is spheres of interest for the United Washington, D.C. during the important to realize that there is L_..:..._..:... source: Phoenix ...I States over me last decade. WMC week of March 30. first continued on page 2 survey sample: 125 In an effort to increase reason we [ue US] "The
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