Page 63 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 63
ThePhoenix Sprague tapped to lead '86 gridiron squad by Kelly Connor as well as Carpenter. He was one of the eight applicants asked to visit the campus for "Out of 104 applicants, we the final interviewing process. are extremely happy to have During that time, Sprague met the best candidate on cam- with Carpenter and the pus and working with us," search committee, the Dean said Director of Athletics Rick of Student Affairs Philip R. Carpenter about Western Sayre, and student represent- Maryland's newly appointed atives, who included football football coach, Mr. Dale players. other athletes, as well Sprague. as those not involved in any Sprague comes to WMC sports. Sprague also had an from Wabash College, Indi- opportunity to meet with Pres- ana, where he was the offen- ident Robert H. Chambers. sive line coach and the In a friendly, soft-spoken kicking game coordinator. He manner that reflects a sense has a Masters of Education in of decisiveness, Sprague Laura King high steps her way through the opening Curriculum and Instruction stated that he felt very hon- from the State University of ored to be offered the coach- number of Dames At Sea.The next performance is New York at Albany and a ing position at WMC tonight. Bachelors of Science in Edu- "I was extremely impressed cation/Physical Education Dale Sprague, Head by the facilities, the surround- Graduation changes from American International ings, the people, the stu- College. Football Coach dents, and the coaches at Western Maryland," he said. Sprague was chosen by a instructor in business admin- "I simply fell in love with this baffle seniors five person search committee, istration; Dr. Charles Nea/, which included Dr. Samuel assistant professor of political campus." bers prompted an examina- Case, professor of physical science; and Dr. David Her- by Michael Norkus tion of the existing policy education; Ms. Sue Singer, locker, professor of chemistry, continued on page 2 during the fall of 1985 after Graduating seniors are con- Robey takes radio helm cerned about administrative conferring with the Adminis- trative Council, a group com- efforts to alter commence- posed of four vice presidents, ment policies this year. The the associate deans of driving force behind the effort, out, however, that despite his change, if effected, would academic affairs and student by Beth Spangler says that he attempted to get influence, WWMC is a "stu- force seniors to leave campus affairs, the directors of public the go-ahead to broadcast dent run radio station" and after final exams and return a information and admissions, After spring break, students back in 1982, but was that his "role as an advisor is week later for graduation cer- and the dean or graduate at Western Maryland will fi- thwarted because the com- just that." emonies. studies nally be introduced to munications department, its "I have a principle against One reason for this new Some of the intended WWMC, the college's long- potential sponsor, was too being an advisor who ends approach, according to Philip changes include moving com- awaited venture into amateur new to handle this added up being the whole thing," Sayre, Dean of Student Af- mencement back one week to radio. A limited range FM responsibility he says. fairs, is so that WMC com- June 1; having seniors leave station, WWMC has been "in In October, 1985, though, When asked about the mencement would be similar campus during the week, the works" for quite some Dr, Robert Sapora agreed to delay in WWMC's debut, he to the end-of-the-year pro- after taking their finals with time. take on the task advising the grams at other colleges. In Senior Andy Robey, a major station. Sapora quickly points continued on page 8 fact, President Robert Cham- continued on page 6 ~hts: hat is your position Western Maryland avoids on the abortion issue? national asbestos concern Pro-choice by Jonathan Slade Sity in Towson, MD, officials airborne fibers we are worried will spend roughly $400,000 about." Since 1983, when the Envi- to strip the fibrous substance At least eight buildings on ronmental Protection Agency from a cafeteria. campus were constructed or Pro-life handed down its first major On the Western Maryland improved during the 47 year set of asbestos regulations, College campus, however, no period in which this insulation schools across the nation such health risks exist, ac- was primarily used, including have busled themselves with cording to Mr. Edgar Sell, McDaniel Hall, Blanche Ward removing, covering, or encap- director of the school's physi- Hall, and Gill Gymnasium. But Undecided sulating this potentially carcin- cal plant. Sell explained that asbestos- related problems have been ogenic insulation. In June, 1983, the Carroll "I am not aware of any right minimal at WMC "We had a case in Mc- o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 County Board of Education now," he said, "Health hazard Daniel Hall," he said, "The hot to me means that it is deterio- allocated $68,000 for the re- Number of people moval of asbestos from one of rating, crumbling, and falling water tank was wrapped in its middle schools in Sykes- down. That's the only way asbestos. We replaced that Surveysample:124 Source: Phoenix ville, MD. And in April of this [the asbestos particles] can continued to page 2 year at Towson State Univer- become airborne, and it's the
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