Page 59 - ThePhoenix1985-86
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February 27. 1986/Weltem Maryland College/Page T' Denman-West asks Wanda Sparrow, presi- students for help dent of the Minority Stu- dent Association, The WMC Hoover library is "When they talk about heat- presents a plaque to responding to student ing and air conditions, President Robert H. suggestions, said Dr. Marga- though," Denman-West ex- Chambers in the memory ret Denman-West, co-director plained, "there's nothing we that." She about do can of the facility. of Mr. Angel Picardo. She explained that an open added that that the library Picardo, a WMC admis- notebook has been placed on staff is forced to suffer with sions counselor, was a podium just inside the third the temperatures too. killed in a hit and run floor entrance so that stu- Many other comments in the dents and faculty members accident in Sept. 1985. may leave comments in it. notebook pertain to ordering Each day Denman-West re- new books. sponds in writing to any ques- tions that have appeared "We can't do that. The indi- there. vidual departments have to," "Due to the suggestions in Denman-West said. "If there's the notebook," she said, "we some special book you want Theatre auditions set for March have now extended our Sun- for your studies, talk to your day hours from noon to mid- advisor." night." Also, a paperback "We want to stress, though, book rack has been installed our willingness to deal with Theatre on the Hill will hold dramatic monologue, and Elderdice Studio Threatre. which contains many bestsell- any recommendations," she explained. auditions for its 1986 season come prepared to dance. The delightful farce Charley's ers. on Saturday, March 15, and Theatre on the Hills' Fifth .Aunt will also be performed in Sunday, March 16, in Alumni Anniversary Season includes the Elderdice Theatre. 'Mick' takes Mr. WMC Hall. three plays to be performed in July and August Oliver.!, Theatre on the Hill Director Adults interested in audi- the musical version of Charles Harvey Doster stated that he tioning for the summer reper- Dickens' Oliver Twist, will be was delighted at the number continu.ed. from page 1 ~~;:~~d~vse;i~sg~;a~~ ~~, tory company should can the a Mainstage spectacular. The of local children who audi- a few of the contestants theatre at extension 599, for musical voyage Berlin to tioned earlier this year and bition of the contestant's tal- "flashed" the audience. an appointment. They should Broadway, will be staged added that he hoped adults ents. "Mr. Big Crankster" did The performers' antics, as also prepare two songs, one cabaret style in the Dorothy will be enthusiastic. a ffashdance imitation. He inspired by their apparent in- Conference center planned was drenched with water by tcxication, revealed a rivalry an off-stage helper and pro- among the members of ·the ceeded to dance around the ·different fraternities. However, platform in his soaked under- this did not stop the winners continued from page 1 Financing for the complex out the country are wear. Other contestants from congradulating each. restaurant which seats 70 will come from $3.2 million in successfully generating reve- showed their abilities to gulp other as they accepted their people. Although no contrac- City of Westminster Industrial nues through similar lodging! goldfish or beer, and one prizes. tor name has been an- Revenue Bonds. Several Car- restaurant/seminar center fa- even did both at the same First place went to Tom nounced as yet to operate the roll County lending institutions cillties. supptementinq their time. The closest thing to Rinch, "Mr. Jagger". When restaurant concession, selec- are involved in this develop- income requirements by these talent, though came with "Mr. asked how he felt about his tion will be made in the near ment project including Carroll institutions. Campus officials Jagger's" imitation of Mick newly aquired title as Mr. future County Bank and Trust. Ta- are also hoping that the- Jagger. He was accompanied WMC, Rinch responded, "Ec- Ms. Joyce Mulier, WMC neytown Bank and Trust Com- project will "promote and fos- by Tina Turner impersonator static. that's all I can say." public information director, pany, Union National Bank of ter better relations" as well as Inga Patrick. John Stonebraker, "Mr. Sto- explained that actual architect Westminster, and Westminster provide additional job open- The evening wear competl- ney" or "Mr. Unrecogniza- renderings of the multifaceted Bank and Trust Company ings tion was the final segment in ble,"ran a close second, with p.a- Bob "Mr. Bob-G" Forsythe which the contestants complex have not yet been The estimated completion The income from the facility, released. The overall struc- date for this project is 1986. raded across the stage in taking third. ture, however, will maintain a Muller is not certain, however, once it is operating in the black, has not yet been ear- low-profile appearance that whether the entire facility will marked. WMC, though, may Englar carry-out stopped will blend with the area's be operational by this time, or use the money as a hedge natural surroundings. just a portion of it. has been expanded irom 18 The center will be located According to studies by the against rising operational continued from page 1 to 30 items. on 5.8 acres 01 a 31 acre WMC Development Corpora- costs or possibly as a means Other improvements to En- tract bounded by Route 140. tion, many colleges through- for future investment. board actually use the dining glar this semester have in- hall. Taylor, however, still con- cluded a hot vegetable buffet, Hoover Library needs repair tends that the policy is in- individualized desserts, and tended to' "keep costs to the fresh fruit at every meal. Tay- lor also strongly emphasizes explaining down," student continued from page 5 reproductions of bogus Dutch new or updated books put in that, if 100 per cent of the the need for studenVEnglar building and with space at a masters that currently assault their place. The only real students who pay did use the staff interaction, and in this spirit the Greek population will premium, desks are crammed the second floor wall. The solution to the lack 'of area is dining hall, managing costs together allowing little space light fixtures and climate con- expansion and renovation. would go up 40 per cent soon be sponsoring candle- light dinners. In addition, stu- for movement and periodicals trols must be corrected so The library can be expanded relative to consumption. who wish to share "Therefore taking foods out of dents and government documents that Hoover isn't confused to house more material and the cafeteria will increase home recipes are encouraged are confusingly stacked close with a rainforest or students also provide more space for up to demonstrate their prepara- together. driven away by the constant users. .. consumption and drive tion to the staff of 35. "I'm board costs," Taylor says The situation in Hoover can buzzing of the lights. Screens A college is only as good always available for discus- In addition, he explains that be improved without major could be added to the win- as its resources and a good the board fee will be used to sions," says Taylor, explaining renovation and could be com- dows so that they can be library is a valuable resource. finance a number of upcom- that he welcomes students' pleted in a relatively short opened and allow the tropical If WMC is to emerge from a ing dining hall improvements. suggestions and comments. time. Fresh paint could trans- heat to escape. small area college label, it form the dreary depths into The addition of more books must present incoming and Students can look forward to He adds that there has been a broadened deli, and the an overwhelming amount of an atmosphere of learning not and periodicals adds to the current students with an im- use of hamburgers and chee- positive feedback concerning imprisonment. Colorful post- problem of overcrowding but pressive library that will not seburgers as a self-serve op- the efforts of the dining hall ers or paintings of exciting some of the ancient books only be a reference tool but tion like the salad bar, which staff this year. designs could take the place that were last checked out in also an enjoyable place to L --' earn a liberal arts education. of the unmotivating original 1927 can be weeded out and
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