Page 68 - ThePhoenix1985-86
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Page 6IWeotem Maryland College/March 13, 1986 Seniors protest Aberdeen Proving Grounds graduation changes welcomes ROTC visitors continued from page 1 tration sees as the major problem -- that of giving the by Chris Ginther physical plant time to effect underclassmen: and reviving repairs before the summer Feb. 22-23. eight ROTC ca- the Baccalaureate service conferences begin. The col- prior to graduation. lege would not be able to do dets and ten cadre traveled to Aberdeen Proving Grounds In the past. graduation oc- this if seniors continued to curred on the Sunday follow- occupy their rooms during the near Aberdeen, MD to attend ing undergraduate exams. extra week. Chambers also the annual Ordnance Corps According to Sayre, though, stressed that the upcoming Orientation. The orientation provides a brief overview of this schedule put a stress on summer programs wilt gener- the corps, allowing cadets to the faculty and staff who were ate a large amount of revenue get some hands-on training, pushed to grade tests and for WMC. complete student transcripts Chambers said that he gave as well as participating in some leisure activities The proposal to shift the the go-ahead for a confer- After the WMC arriving, ceremonies, Sayre explained, ence three days after the group combined with a num- was originally presented to ceremonies, because he rea- current-year seniors in a soned that most seniors ber of other cadets from Penn State and Dickinson for an memo sent out by the Student would want to spend the Affairs Office during the first week at Ocean City rather opening talk from several ord- Vera Strothman ahead of the pack at the Aberdeen nance They ex- officers. week of February, The rea- than on campus. This would plained weapon specialities, obstacle course. sons for the changes are to give the college an opportun- allow faculty and staff more ity to clean training, and avenues of ad- addition, they saw a film on covery range, where bogged- time to complete their tasks, A majority of the students at vancement. Afterwards, a tour the Bradley vehicle, and lTV down vehicles are freed using of the facilities took up the to give the physical plant a the meeting, however, was also open to be exam- the Maa recovery vehicle. In chance to clean dormitories claimed that the decision rest of the afternoon. ined past years, after a demonstra- and apartments before the demonstrated that WMC is The first stop on this tour The next stop on the tour tion, the cadets were arrowed upcoming Summer Confer- "more interested in business was the tank turret repair was the small arms building, to ride in the vehicles through ence Seminar Program, and and alumni than in the stu- facility. Here, soldiers are where repair and assemble of the mud and water. However, to extend commencement dents' situation." An unidenti- taught to repair and maintain light weapons is taught. Fol- this year, Bradleys and Mrs weekend "to add more depth fied senior remarked that she the MGO tank turret; the im- lowing a short lecture here, were driven in and meaning to the ceremo- "no longer feels attached to proved TOW vehicle (lTV), the cadets were allowed to nies." the campus" because of the and the Army's new Bradley handle and examine closely Western Marylanders ereo-; Seniors, however, immedi- administration's apparent lack Troop Carrier, an infantry weapons such as the new participated In another Aber- ately voiced dismay to their of interest in the student fighting vehicle. These three MIGAZ rifle, the SAW auto- deen tradition, the obstacle class president Sharon Eimer body vehicles comprised a set of matic weapon, and the 40 course, and later that eve- and to Sayre. As a result, In essence. the seniors be- stations, and the group was mm automatic grenade ning, found entertainment in Chambers, Sayre, and a num- lieved themselves to be ten- split up so as to have a round- launcher. Other displays in- the officer's club. On Sunday, ber of seniors met on Mon- ants whose leases will be robin tour. The MGO turrets cluded mortars and a 20 mm the cadets traveled to the day, where the president were powered to turn and Gatling Gun. ordnance museum to view the reiterated what the adminis- continued on page 8 elevate as cadets controlled Cadets later traveled to the collection of tanks, artillery them from the interior. In new M1 tank facility and re- and weapons Letter / Greeks made administration scapegoats Editor, realize that the proposal was sented our concerns by on the weekend will attest to imprudence There is no rea- I am writing in response to made as a constructive genera\i~ing the complain~ to the fact that WMC is very son why WMC could not the leiter which appeared in, suggestion, but wouldn't that an outfight protest against much a suitcase college (and lobby the Maryland General The Phoenix on Feb. 27. type of exercise be more any club rooms anywhere. the homeward bound flock Assembly for the right of 1986, which dealt with the appropriate for the library The Greeks did not ask to grows each weekend). WMC students to drink as Greeks entitled "Irresponsible club? (Besides, with the re- have their club rooms directly The author's argument long as they stay on campus. Greeks undeserving of an- sources available at our li- below independents. Rather about drinking on campus This would be a common other break," (page 6) brary I doubt that they would the administration grossly needs to be put into context. sense approach to a perplex- The letter was certainty well find anything on the ISC). overlooked the possibility of The author doesn't drink, but ing and real problem. written, yet there are some I am not trying to down play confrontation between the in- is this truly representative of substantive problems. For in- the seriousness of the hazing dependents and the Greek the students at WMC? Most Granted, there were stance, the author suggests issue. Hazing is dangerous club rooms. Why have the students began drinking in changes that had to be made" that hazing is an accepted and unacceptable in a col- Greeks been made to suffer high school and will continue in the Greek system, yet the practice among the Greeks lege community, however, ac- for the planning failures of the to do so regardless of the administration's sometimes This charge is in fact far too cusing all of the Greeks of administration? I agree, there law. This does not mean that cloak-and-dagger, other times general. Greeks at Western "hazing" is in itself irresponsi- has been flagrant abuse--the WMC can or should try to sledge hammer-wielding-ex- Maryland College do not ac- ble. Greeks have been flagrantly circumvent the drinking age. ecutionist behavior has done cept hazing. The contradic- The author's criticism that abused However, adherence to the little but create dissention and tion lies in semantics. What the Greeks have "flagrantly Club room parties used to letter of this particular law erode one of WMC's pillars. exactly is hazing? One admin- abused" their privilege to be a unique part of WMC's defies common sense. The As to the so-called throngs of istration official recently have club rooms and/or par- social atmosphere. They pro- law was established for the disenchanted independents, I presented the Greeks with an ties in them is simply outlan- vided entertainment in envi- precise purpose of keeping can only say that the student outline of what may be con- dish. In 1983 I circulated a ronments that were as diverse young drunken drivers off the government should be their strued as hazing. The list was petition against the building of as the individual Greek orga- streets. It is easy for a prohi- proper voice--not a very small so broad that virtually any- club rooms directly under our nizations themselves. As well, bitionist to take a hard-nose handful of extremists. • thing could be considered independent section in Albert they were open to the entire stance on this. However, My estimation is that the hazing. Perhaps the ridicu- Norman Ward Hall. Those of campus -- including inde- those of us who are more Greeks have become a very lousness of the outline can us who complained were con- pendents. Today, only the moderate realize that given viable scapegoat for a con- best be clarified in her pro- cerned about the noise of Forum and dining porch can the basis for the law, there is stantly changing unorganized posal for an acceptable construction and later, par- be used for parties. These and should be room for le- administration pledge exercise; "Have the ties. We were constantly bom- parties are miserably similar niency. If students are forced pledges go to the library and barded by disturbances from and generic in nature. The off the campus to drink then research the ISC,(Jnter-Sor- organizations with which we dilemma of the devoid social the administration would be Scott D. Austensen ority Council) then have had no affiliation. The admin- life is becoming increasingly inherently responsible, not le- them write a paper on it." I istration deceitfully misrepre- aooarent. Empty parking lots gally, but by nature of their President, Delta Pi Alpha·
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