Page 62 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 62
Page IOlWestem Maryland College/February 27, 1986 Down and Out achieves movie marketing coup by Jonathan Slade has obviously been tapped tantalize the snooty cinema here. And with positive re- cynics enough to get them Down and Out in Beverly sults. into the theater. Hopefully it Hills just oozes "marketabil- Marketing pitch #2: What will work ity." In Hollywood, this means was one of the highest gross- Remember, all these sales that a movie's content ing films of 1984? That's right, tactics are not necessarily catches the eye of multiple Beverly Hills Cop. And so 10 bad if the product someone is age and interest groups, snare everyone who saw this hawking is of superior quality. drawing them all in. Usually, movie, Touchstone has of- II is interesting nonetheless to though, such a film is so fered us a title with the examine how studios attempt concerned with "mass ap- phrase "Beverly Hills" in it to package their "master- peal" that substance gets lost Subtle, you say? Yes, but pieces" and feed them to the along the way. Down and Out effective. Americans seem to wary consumer. Fortunately in Beverly Hills, however, have an obsessive interest in for Down and Out in Beverly avoids this common sand-trap this ritzy locale, and the Hills, these strategies do not and somehow manages to be movie industry will continue to lead us into a dead end alley. witty and well-crafted despite feed off of it until our curiosity Instead, we are taken on a its across-the-board allure wanes. Surprisingly, though, tour through the entire king- Nick Nolte stars as Jerry the spit-and-polish quality of dom of comedy - from Dwight Collins performs poetry in Dark Symphony Bastin, a California bum who Down and Out almost entirely deadpan humor to blatant Revisited. decides to end his life in the excuses this cheap-shot pro- word plays, from satire to back yard swimming pool of a motional scheme slapstick. There are even a Dark Symphony revisited wealthy coat hanger manufac- Sales pitch #3: Miami Vice few moral lessons hiding turer. Richard Dreyfuss plays addicts too are sated here, quietly among the plot David Whiteman, a member The interior of Whiteman's threads, m 2 modern home is splashed Certainly, not everything co_tltitl~~tr9 ~age. ~~k:e~~~~ :~i~i~1B~~~~t~i~~ ~~u~~:si~~~~~:up~f1~ a~~~ with soft pink and high tech. works in this movie (there is a the quality of your speech. It's tory Month. It was presented Bastin's suicide, and who And there are even some chase scene that seems a battle in the real world and as a result of the efforts of subsequently invites the va- well-placed popular rock forced and a maid who ab- to fight the batt'e you need to Associate Dean of Students, gabond to become his house songs by the Talking Heads ruptly becomes a Marxist), arm yourself with communica- Dr. Charlene Cole: the Minor- guest. And Bette Midler is and the Beach Boys to give but overall it is one of the [ion and technical skills." ity Students Association; and Whiteman's oft-obnoxious wife us Friday night deja vu. freshest bits of Hollywood '-===================: with every pound of her body. become annoying because it time. It's light-years above the The performance of "Dark the offices of Residence life Barb who detests the vagrant Again, though, this does not creativity to appear in some Symphony Revisited" was one and College Activities to the satirical contributes Us, and Like dreadful Spies Thus we see the first major r sales ploy used by Touch- stone Films to sell their prod- tone of the film. Those who taste will not allow me to mention it in the same sen- want to soak in the' Vice-ish uct: They have hired three atmosphere may soak it in tence with the moronic Euro- stars that can be immediately And those who wish to pean Vacation. In fact, the identified by the public, Nolte, snicker at it may snicker at it. Whiteman famiry dog, Ma- the producers figure, will at- But the most innnovative tisse, could out-act Chevy tract the youth crowd that marketing technique reaches Chase with three paws tied loved him in Teachers and 48 out to a whole new audience behind its back. Hours. Dreyfuss will bring with - that is, the one made up of Regardless of which mar- him all those who enjoyed his the intellectual film connois- keting scheme snags your performance in Close Encoun- seurs who normally scoff at attention, whether it's the tal- ters of a Third Kind. And anything not playing in an art ent angle, the Beverly Hills Midler will draw music fans to house. There, at the bottom of reference, the Miami Vice the movie theater, as the movie posters and news- look, or the fact that the story well as viewers who praised paper advertisements, in cap- is based on a reputable piece her screen debut in The Rose ital letters is the line "based of literature, catch Down and (for which she received an on a play BOUOU SAUVE Out in Beverly Hills as soon Academy Award nomination DES EAUX by Rene Fau- as possible. It's a real pick- in t979), The "name" talent chois." This is an attempt to me-up. 10·7:30; Sat. MOVIE RENTALS Kreider debuts at Carnegie No_da,-nan. Sl.SO/movie Overnight The first-ever New York City Taeecla,-Wed. $2_S0Itwo movies Overnight concert appearance by a Sellman, Director of Alumni Affairs. Friday S2.00/moVIe Overnight Western Maryland College Kreider's concert program Fri. 'tlDNOD. $4.00/movie 3 days faculty member will take includes works by Schubert, .Sat. 'tID NOD. $3_00/movie OR place at Carnegie Recital Hall Debussy, Prokofiev, and $s.ooliwo movies 2 days on Saturday, March 8 at 2 Rachmaninoff. Kreider's inter- p.rn Dr. David Kreider, pian- pretation of Rachmaninoff's ist and lecturer in piano at the "Etude Tableaux, Op. 39, No. MACHINES: per night (any .. ght) $8.99 OvemJght College since 1981, will ap- 9, "which will be included in $15 dollars for the weekend (Sat_-Mon.) pear in concert and a recep- the concert, has been re- $200 deposit returned J:f machine is not damaged tion will follow at the Omni viewed by a Wilmington, DE, Hotel. Evening Journal critic as MEMBERSHIP: '9.99 - year; '44.99 - Life The concert and reception being "superlative. . full of 24 hour drop-off time are part of the scheduled virtuosie segments, handled Wed •• membership entitles you to: activities for a Maryland Al- with skill and elan." 10 Free Novia - one (1) per month umni weekend in New York, where "alumni will have ample "Irthdap Movie (up to 5 family members) A special weekend package Every 10th Movie Free 10,. Discoaat on Sales opportunity to participate in a trip has been planned by the special event for the college, College, For more information to become acquianted with about the concert, reception, Wid! til .... d •• ben will ......... ,.... the college's seventh presi- and weekend activities call .._tal ape (1 pa 'aally) dent and to visit with fellow the Office of Alumni Affairs at L. __J alumni," according to Donna Dr. David Kreider, Pianist ext.296.
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