Page 66 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 66
Page 4IWe81ern Maryland College/March 13, 1986 ----------------1 Ar-ksc>,,! [ ...esar ~ere~ Dec.rees AI15«bll\:'hiDII~ Editorial Sh...\I B-e" SlAb";,;.f+ed 011 The Af'fle Mel" ill.j.,,~h! Pr':M:-l-:\Je T~reNo1- Auefh.b/e. ~ The end of silence ~ );) "Pro-choice is Pro-life," "Make Love, Not War," "May All Men Who Vote Against Women's Right to Safe Abortion Be Pregnant" These were among the banners waving above the crowd at last Sunday's "March for Women's Lives" in Washington, ~.C., where roughly 80,000 supporters of legalized abortion filled the streets. The reason for the demonstration was twofold, according to th_eNational Organization for Women (N.OW) whjc~ arranged the event: First, it was a way to reiterate praise for the 1973 Supreme Court decision that brought abortion out of the back alleys and into medical clinics. And secondly, the march was an attempt to remind the Reagan administration, which has grown increasingly en- deared to the Pro-life movement, that a Pro-choice faction does exist. The rally, however, also served a third and unforseen purpose: Surprisingly, it became a forum for student activism. In a spirit not seen since the Vietnam protests of the sixties, thousands of college students, most wearing their respective school sweat shirts, lifted the aforementioned banners above the group in an aggressive display of their Pro- choice beliefs. This is especially heartening in an era where those pursuing higher education are often accused of overt eighties do have their opinions and are willing to voice them. --Letters to the Editor-- apathy or narrow-minded materialism. Yes, the students of the In fact, almost 500 members of the University of Maryland's main campus participated in the event, and more "The issue of (abortion) is central to college-age people," CAPBoard issues challenge than 200 colleges nationwide helped organize it. said UM senior Jane Troxell, explaining the large student turnout. "They're not ready to start having families, but they're Editor, believe that CAPBoard has an The final most frustrating ready to have sex." . Recently the College Activi- enormous budget that it can element of the situation is that Becky Goldston, 23, from the University of Massachu- ties Programming Board toss around. These and many after your money has been setts agreed. "I felt it was the right time in my life to come out (CAPBoard) placed a banner other rumors are untrue. spent, and time and effort CAPBoard is a student run and marcr;" she said. by the Pub in Decker Center. We are advised have been put into planning a In effect, the banner said that well-rounded schedule, stu- And so the demonstration, which originally harbored just organization. two major goals, succeeded beyond the organizers wildest next year there will be no by the College Activities Of- dents do not take advantage campus events such as May fice, but the responsibility for of the programs. It is much intentions. Not only did Pro-choicers renew their cause, but bystanders were given the opportunity to see something that Day, concerts, dances, come- everything we do lies solely too easy to sit around party- ing in someone's room than to with the students involved. hyponotists, dians, jugglers, has been absent from the protest scene for nearly a decade-a college student with an activist banner. ballet, talent shows, lectures, Without your student input we walk to Alumni, Decker Audi- but ~ can only guess what types of and films, unless students get torium, or the Forum - Pro-choice or Pro-life: In this context, the side is involved. many This year irrelevant. What is important, though, is that American youth events did take place; how- programs you want to see: It you are missing out on so is for this reason that we many opportunities. are finally willing to voice their opinions again. ever, the small number of invite each and every student CAP Board encourages r------------------~ ~~~~n~n~hOp~~~~~~ o;~:;~ to come to our meetings, every student to take advan- As far as the budget is tage of the outstanding pro- programs are extremely concerned, we do not have grams available to them. GET The Phoenix burned-out: an extraordinary amount of INVOLVED, for without you • money to provide a year's there will be no more CAP· There seems to be a stigma activities. Here are the aver- Board. I challenge you to surrounding CAPBoard. Many age prices of some events: come to our meeting Tuesday students do not want to help films - $750 each, dances - at 6 p.m. in the Forum. Let's because it is associated with Editor:in-Chief _ Bitt Mann the "Administration." Greeks $850 each, concerts - $1700 start something happening . $2000 each, each, lectures - Managing Editor .KeUyConnor tend to avoid it like the Tim Pyle Copy Editor _.............. Jonathan Slade plague. Uninformed students ballet - $5000 each, pub CAPBoard President ~ $650 each. performers - Production Supervisor C. Lloyd Hart Sports Editor Cynthia Schafer Eric Greenberg Peace forum provokes concern Photography Editor . Margaret Gemski Business Manager _.._ Advertising Manager .. Linda Rippeon Production Assistant... Beth Jones Editor, schools, pay the deficit, get earth, yet we know nothing of On March 4 I attended the the economy back on its feet Reporting Staff their history, culture, or indi- Barbara Abel, Robin Adams, Joanne Colliflower, Chuck Cruise, Peace Links Conference held (Japan doesn't waste money viduality. If we did, we might weapons)...wouon'r in McDaniel Lounge.' I was on that Chris Ginther, Tracy Kennard, Michael Norkus, David Owings, seem them as brothers in- Tina Pagliocchini, Beth Spangler Patrick Dail ' thereby inspired to speak out prove more beneficial to stead of as "filthy commies." against the atrocity of Amer- America than a pile of Write a letter to your con- ica's current situation.' The bombs? gressman, write to the Presi- ~I The Phoenix is a bimonthly student publication of Western nuclear threat hangs over all As citizens of a democracy, dent. tell ten friends and have Maryland College. The opinions expressed in columns and of us like a black cloud, and we have a responsibility to them tell ten friends, and kill letters to the editor do not necessarily reflect those of the staff all of our futures are at stake. establish opinions and fight the blanket of apathy hanging or administration. Editorials are the responsibility of the editor- Wouldn't you like to wake up for them, or else democracy over us all. At least think in-chief and approved by the editorial board. The Phoenix one morning and say, "No, fails. Those of us who want about it - it's more important reserves the right to headline, and edit for length, clarity, and there is no chance I will be peace must make ourselves than whether Greeks should libelous content. Ali letters to the editor must be signed and pulverized today"? We could heard, and all of us must live together on campus, or authorship will be verified. feed Africa on the money we educate ourselves about the whether minors should drink spend for the power to blow arms race, the world situation, in clubrooms or how much ice Address all mail to: The Phoenix, Western Maryland College, up the world the ninety-ninth- and the Russian people. cream you're going to eat for • Westminster, MD 21157. time. We could take care of Many of us want to blow the dinner. L._ --,. __J our poor, improve our Soviets off the face of the Mia Whittle
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