Page 64 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 64
Page 2lWe.tern Maryland CollegelMan:b 13, 1986 New football coach Rouzer sponsors travel series sets season 's goals by Beth Jones Hiki~g Through Nepal, the first in a series of foreign lectures sponsored by Rouzer continued from page 1 Hall, was presented by local travel agent Gordon Wickes on Feb. 25. The presentation, As the new football coach, Sprague has a definite set of which concerned a week long trek from Katmandu to some goals and ambitions "Recruit- of the small towns of Nepal. ing is my most important was held at Harrison House priority right now. I'm im- Originally, the idea to de- pressed by the pool of re- velop such a series came cruits we have already, and from Rouzer Hall Coordinator the quality of 'up front' people Renee Nacrelli and Resident as well," he said. "I also want Assistant T.J. Thomas. Both to work with the returning have traveled extensively in athletes and begin staffing to expose and wished the rest of the coaches' Europe students to the value of WMC visiting foreign lands. But, A solid weight-lifting pro- they explained, most of the gram is another priority, presentations will focus on stated Sprague. He plans to countries outside of the Euro- start extensive training in this pean continent. area. "It's important not only "Europe holds more attrac- to strive for new weights, and tion for students - it's a safe new rnaxes. but to strive cor- place to test out the waters," rectly. We want to emphasize said NarcreUi. We're trying to the fact that we will show the introduce them to less trav- players how to do the lifting eled areas in Europe as weI! program, then leave it up to and show what hard work can as in some of the more sponsored "Hiking Trough Nepal" presented the individual." he explained accomplish Sprague also believes it im- "I think it's an attractive continued on page 8 Gordon Wicks, a Westminster travel agent. porI ant to improve upon aspect that here (at WMC), strength and flexibility, as well athletes are students first. We as speed. need to set our priorities, and Enthusiastic about the pes- athletics should not interfere continued from page 1 are no guidelines requiring scraping it with their sibilities for the upcoming with studies" nursery centers or colleges to Asbestos was also season, Sprague stated that Sprague also believes that tank last summer, and that's inspect for hazardous insula- from the TSU game WMC's team can be cornpeti- 90 per cent of the battle is the been the only major event in tion, he explained, and no will be taken out of live with anyone in the coun- love of the game. "I will work the Iwo years I've been here." laws which force a company Raven Room, a campus try if they are organized and as hard or harder to win, and Some of the remaining pipes or institution to take it out eteria, in April work hard. "We need to instil! to win the right way, than I in the building contain asbes- "They were going on the "We've taken an ag
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