Page 65 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 65
March 13, 1986IWestem Maryland CollegelPage 3 Annual Wellness Week Chambers' to display planned for April 6-10 souveniers from 1982 =~u~:~t:sWah~a~~~n~~ff~~~~Japanese excursion by Chuck Cruise sp~~~ualw~:~-b:~lg·begin on Weflness Week 1986 is Sunday with a one-and-a-half Health Center ahead of time. soon approaching at WMC. mile Fun Run beginning at me Thursday's thrust will be a With activities, exhibits, and Physical Education Learning sobriety demonstration Swords, a wedding kimono, will also feature slides and the presentations on the agenda, Center. II is being sponsored presented by the Maryland and kola players will all be performance of traditional the week of April 6-10 prom- by Trumpeters and Omicron State Police from 8-10 p.m. in part of Sights and Sounds of Japanese music by two ises to be a "fun and educa- Delta Kappa. the Pub. The police will use a Japan, a multi-media event to Washington, DC area per- tional experience" for anyone Tuesday will bring the high- breathalizer test and student be presented at 2 p.m. on formers. Using the koto, a interested in maintaining a light of the week, the Well- participants to display the ef- Sunday, March 16, in Lewis Japanese stringed instrument, healthy mind, body and spirit, ness Fair, from 11 a.m. to 3 fects of alcohol.t Hall's Decker Auditorium. May Ideta and Aika Ichimura according to Nurse Marlene p.m. in the Forum. It will Clements hopes Wellness Sponsored by the Cross-Cui- will play "Sakvra," a folk song Clements of Student Health include exhibits, taste-tests, Week will become an annual tural Studies Program at the associated with cherry blos- Services. and other activities put on by activity. As initiator of the coneoe. the event is free and som festivals. While last year's wellness various local and campus event, she sees Wellness open to the public. A recep- "It will be a preview of their effort attracted a "startling" groups Week as an opportunity for tion offering "a taste of performance in a larger group -'600 people, this year's ex- "People will leave the fair her efforts in "wellness edu- Japan" will follow at 4 p.m. in at the Cherry Blossom Festi- panded endeavors hope to with a lot of stuff in their cation" to make an impact on McDaniel Lounge. val in Washington," says Alice bring even more attentioo to hands," explains Nurse Clem- a large number of students. Souvenirs from the collec- Chambers,wife of the presi- wellness awareness. "The ents. Dr. Jean Kilbourne, a Ultimately, she seeks to "pro- tion of WMC President Robert dent. purpose of Wellness Week," nationally known media ana- mote health rather than just H. Chambers and his family lisa Chambers, the Cham- says Clements, "is to raise Iyst and lecturer, will present patch up the problems." will be on display and will be bers' daughter, will demon- the level of consciousness of a slideshow and lecture Tues- The Wellness Committee, part of demonstrations of Jap- strate the performance of the participants regarding health day night at 8 p.m. titled which is planning and ccorot- anese cultural traditions by Japanese tea ceremony and to emphasize education Under the Influence: The nating the event includes the Chambers family. The Other souveniers, besides and awareness that will pro- Pushing of Alcohol Via Adver- Clements; Drs. Louise Paquin, family spent six months in swords and the wedding ki- mote a more healthy lifestyle." rising. Sam Case, Suzanne Oakley; Japan in 1982 when Cham- mono, that will be on display The concept of wellness not Wednesday's major concern staff members Lea Anne bers received a US/Japan include a noren, a cloth that only includes physical fitness will be skin care, as Mary Ruhlmann, Hugh Dawkins, Friendship Commission grant hangs over doors; a kendo, a and nutrition awareness, but Marzulo, a local cosmetolo- Cathy Compton, and students to teach at Doshisha Univer- martial arts outfit; and a mok- -erso environmental and con- gist, will be speaking in Gold Sue Malkus, Jenny Brashears, sity in Kyoto. ugyo, an item used in the sumer awareness as well as Room B from noon till 1 p.m Rick Marshall, Usa Ricci, and Sights and Sounds of Japan Buddhist faith re_m_ot_io_n_a_t,_i_nt_e_lte_c_tu_a_l_a_n_dBe_v_er_a_ge_,__w_ill_b_e__pr_o_vid_e-,d,~B~r~ia~n~R~u~,,~o~ ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ f\f\ Late night SKI & SUN TOURS/SUN-SEARCH presents I MC2on~d's special FORT LAUDERDALE Western Maryland with this coupon and a purchase of a large sandwich and large drink receive a free regular fry. good only 8 - 11 pm, Sun.-Thurs. 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