Page 60 - ThePhoenix1985-86
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~age 8IWesiem Maryland CoJlege/February 27, 1986 Women take section title _Ed Swansol1 Terror swimming: r, Schiifer 'by Cynthia promise pans out For the first time since 1980, the Green Terror women were the champions of the South- west Section with a 14-8 over- It all started in early Octo- said thai, "From a coaching ber. That's whe~ the swimstandpoint,this has been one all record and an 8-2 MAC Southwest record. The Green team began Its nqorous pre- of the best learns I've ever made it to the Middle Atlantic season training schedule. coached in terms of overall Conference Division Semifi- This consisted of many hours ability, committment and atti- of weightlifting and dry land tude. We're a young learn nals before falling to Muhlen- berg, 56-63, at home on Feb. exercises. Then, in mid-Octo- and we can only get better." 19. ber the swi~m.ers hit the This years young swim team water for their first practice. exhibited much aptitude, Be- The women's team sewed Since that first day in the cause of their youth and up a berth in the playoffs the pool, the members of the depth, the Terrors definitely week of Feb. 3 with a win swim team have kicked or have a chance to become a over Johns Hopkins, 81-57, pulled well over 260 miles in major power in the MAC's. and Lebanon Valley, 76-69 120 practices. It's hard for Out of the teams 20 members The Terror's bid for an un- those that are not swimmers only three are seniors. Capt. defeated section record was to understand how much hard Dennis Dematte said, "The however broken when F&M work, time, and effort these teams worked hard this year. passed WMC, 52-50 on Feb. athletes put into their season. Since were not losing many 8. Junior Cindy Boyer and . This year all the hard work seniors, we should really sur- senior Nancy Hutchinson led was worth it because the prise a lot of teams next I the scoring for the Green swim team had a very suc- year." against Hopkins with 20 cessful season. This year every swimmer on points each, while Molly Cob- Both the men's and the team recorded times that erly chipped in 16. Boyer women's teams boasted re- were their personal best. scored 21 points in the play- spectable records. The men Some of these swimmers not off-clinching win over Leba- compiled a season entry of 7- only broke their personal best non Valiey while Usa Sullivan 5, while the women recorded records but they broke school added 18 more. Three play- one of 4-9. Many opponents records as well ers scored in double figures were impressed by the ability Junior Diane Curran had a but it was not enough as F&M the team displayed as well as sensational year. She shat- handed WMC its first section their talent and depth. Kim loss. Hutchinson had 13 Easterday, the Terrors coach, continued on page 9 points and Boyer and Coberly added 12 and 11 tallies re- spectively WMC nipped Gettysburg, Molly Coberly outfoxes a Mule in the Middle Atlantic 69-67, in a one-game playoff Conference Division semifinals. Mulenberg took the for the section championship after dropping the regular southeast title with a 56-63 win on Feb. 19 at WMC. season finale to the Bullets Feb. 15, 69-68. The Green let a 17-point advantage slip was tied at 65 with 1:59 left to Green led for the first half but away and the Bullets came play. After an exchange of the Mules came back to win away with the win. Boyer baskets, the Green had the With 6:14 to play the Terrors scored 17 points while Sulli- ball for the final shot and were trailing by 6 points when van chipped in 16. In the Boyer connected on a short Boyer was able to pull of a section title game the women jumper with three seconds to three point play to halve the deficit. But there was not-e go for the win. Boyer scored One free order of nachos over came an eight point 22. of her game - high 30 enough momentum to carry deficit in the first half to tie at 35 after the first 20 minutes. POints In the last half. She the women through. Sullivan with any large 2 topping pizza WMC created their own eight also pulled down a team-high finished with 16 points, Boyer point lead midway through 11 rebounds ten and Jennifer Bertrand and 1 coupon per pizza the second half but the score In the semifinal game the Hutchinson eight apiece $1 off any 16" pizza Youhave an appointment 50¢ off any 12" pizza with Paul Mitchell. Correction 1 coupon per pizza In the Feb. 13 issue of The 2 toppings for the price of one Phoenix, the story entitled "Study tours bring tragedy, pleasure," (page 1) gave the on a 12" or 16" pizza mistaken impression that Dr. Julie Badiee, Associate Pro- 1 coupon per pizza fessor of Art History was the only faculty involved in the Art Tour of Europe. In fact, the Order any pizza on Friday or Saturday tour was also led by Dr. William Cipolla, Professor of Foreign Languages. Cipolla's and receive a free 6 pack of soda contributions were based in 1 coupon per pizza his areas of expertise, French language and culture and his FREE DELIVERY ~Qrriott corporalion knowledge of the city of Paris. ON CAMPUS Educalional Food Services x642 ...... Ws're gtvq bod IES'Vi:e • p:xI name.- The Phoenix regrets the error.
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