Page 58 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 58
Page 6IWestem Maryland College/February 27, 1986 --Letters to the Editor-- Parking situation Traditions do make a difference still not resolved Editor, Phi Delta Theta Money for Mexico Do you know what happens Swim-a-thon Phonathon Editor, the convenience of parking If when you wipe out the Greek Phonathon Crop walk Yes, there is something the college is as committed system on this campus? You 10k race, proceeds to "bugging" me - parking! And as they claim to the promotion end a tradition mentally retarded Sigma Phi Epsilon now, even more so, after of the college to the commu- Phi Alpha Mu Crop walk Crop walk reading the last article in the nity, some policy changes Swtm-a-thon Lou Gerig Fund Food for Africa paper should be implemented. Per- Jump rope for the heart Gold star award Set up free book depository Our illustrious security haps forbid freshman stu- Food for Africa Kansas City trophy Swim-a-then leader, obviously has never dents to have their cars on Money for Mexico Headquarters trophy Models for bridal show been late for a 9 a.m. class, campus, as many other Phonathon Help run Main St. Mile only to find no parking space schools have done. Require Blood drive Alpha Nu Omega Basketball game against Phonathon anywhere, except behind the sophomoresto park behindthe Career day Md. home for boys gym, If his classes were in gym or across Main Street. Phi Sigma Sigma Phonathon Lewis, as mine are, and the These limitations would ease Grants to national Blood drive Crop walk rain was cold enough, he the parking problems without Kidney Foundation "The effigies and splendors Swim-a-trion would soon appreciate the a designated parking lot. En- Crop walk Special olympics of tradition are not meant to problem at hand, At 9 a.m. sure parking near Winslow Easter egg hunt for the Money for Mexico cramp the energies of the there is no place to park, and behind the library on the mentally retarded development of a vigorous except in the roadway near roadway; and the lower part Sponsor child in Food for Africa and various nation. They are Big Baker. which is marked of the gravel lot for the com- the Philippines Delta Sigma Kappa not meant to hold in mortmain "Faculty Parking" And as for muting students only Tabs for kidney dialysis Phonathon the proper territory of human finding a parking space in Regardless of the measures Toys for tots Sponsor child in Asia intelligence and righteous as- "one minute" as he claims, employed, there must be Phonathon Cerebral Palsey (Fall fest) piration. They live and teach I'm sure he has never tried at more done. Our eloquent se- Swirn-a-thon their lessons in our annals, 9 a.m. And if he has, those curity chief prescribed park- Alpha Gamma Tau Grants to Cancer Society they have their worshippers parking spaces are on the ing on a "first come, first Big Brothers Assoc Help with parent's weekend and their own shrines, but the outskirts of the campus serve" basis. This is inequita- Grants to Cancer Society Leadership workshop earth is not theirs nor the ble to say the least. Money for Food Sunday fulness thereof." Commuting students are Crop walk Gamma Beta Chi Lord Rosenburg: Nov. 5, 1880 dependant on their cars, and Diane Hale Phonathon Swim-a-then Swirn-a-thon Food for Africa Liz Fox Irresponsible Greeks undeserving of another break Editor pendants? I doubt that's truly While I do agree that gener- I am writing in response to the case. alizations and stereotypes a column in the February 12 The author continues, sug- don't serve any purpose, I issue of The Phoenix, "Greek gesting that there is "a fallacy disagree that entire fraterni- Persecution only hurts WMC's that independents are un- ties and sororities have been future." Unfortunately, the au- happy with housing and cam- penalized for the actions of thor doesn't seem to realize pus life and that something individual members "too that Western Maryland may needs to be done." I know A H N T many times." u's ironic that truly have a problem with that's not a fallacy - many e the author suggests that the Greek organizations. Though independents are truly un- B - y individual then the organiza- the Greeks may have a long happy with the housing situa- I tion be disciplined, since this history on "The Hili," tradition tion and campus life. I have r 0 ยข is really what's happening, as should not obscure the fact talked with several individuals K n demonstrated by the Judicial that students should be con- who don't want to put up with 6. .p X Hearing Board. In addition to cerned with what happens the noise and destruction of- E A 'I' that, aren't the Greek organi- both now and in the future at tentimes associated with M ~ zations supposed to be uni- our school. Greek life. In addition, many Z n fied, instilling values of If indeed the administration students don't want to attend brotherhood and sisterhood? was attempting to "undermine Greek functions, simply be- And yet, the author is imply- the Greek tradition," one must cause they feel our of place. ing that the Greeks want to certainly wohder why. No The Greeks are outraged be treated as individuals sane individual could say that that "clubroom parties have It's unfortunate that the en- Western Maryland's adminis- become a thing of the past." tire student body has to be tration was trying to rid itself Again, they will say this is the subjected to many of the of the Greek community for fault of the administration. But childish attitudes and actions no reason. Perhaps one of the maybe it's time the Greeks of the Greek organizations. First Principles of this school realized that having clubroom both she and others realized tradicts herself when she While there are some Greeks is being overlooked by the parties was a privilege - a that the individual is ultimately states, "Granted they [under- who recognize the responsi- Greeks - "We place stu- privilege that was flagrantly responsible for his actions. age students] should not be bility of being a part of the dents at the center of a abused. A privilege carries How absurd to suggest that drinking in the first place WMC community, I believe humane environment so that with it responsibility - some- the administration or anyone but ..." The fact is, there that many of the Greeks need they may see and work to- thing the Greeks obviously else could be held responsi- shouldn't be any buts to realize that it's time to grow ward their personal goals failed to exercise. The fact ble for' off-campus drinking Wouldn't it be the height of up. Western Maryland College while respecting others and that you choose to join a and driving! She then states hypocrisy if the administration is an institution of higher sharing responsibility for the Greek organization doesn't that the school should allow allowed underage students to learning and is dedicated 10 common good." Is it really a entitle you to any more rights on-campus drinking in club- drink on campus? That consti- adhere 10 the First Principles humane environment if hazing than any other student. rooms to prevent drunk driv- tutes a violation of Maryland - one of which states that is a socially acceptable prac- ing by underage students state law. The truth is that the "They [the students] take tice in the Greek community? The author then poses the Again, the fact that Greeks administration is merely main- charge of their lives and de- Or if the Betes continue to question of "who will be re- can no longer have clubroom taining consistency on this velop their unique potentials destroy Blanche [Ward] Hall? sponsible for off-campus parties doesn't mean that the issue - underage students with reason, imagination, and Do Greek organizations really drinking and driving which do administration advocates should not be drinking, either human concern." m~rprt others, namely inde- not mix?" Maybe it's time that drunk driving. The author con- on or off campus James W. Chung
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