Page 16 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 16
Page 6/Western Maryland College/October 17,1985 Editorial Student activism exists in the '80's College students today and since about 1973 have been labeled by their predecessors as the "do nothing generation." The remnants of the explosive 60's and early 70's chide us and remark that we neither have nor want a cause to fight for. While it is true that the mid 70's were very lean protest years, we beg to differ on the depth of student activism in the 1980's. The average college student in the United States is not simply interested in the pursuit of Yuppydom. We have taken steps to combine our future goals with activist and protest feelings. On campuses across the nation there has been a recent surge in the amount of student activism. Perhaps the greatest reason for the increased activity lies in the scope of issues a student has to choose from. As in the 60's we are faced with problems that touch Americans very de~ply because we have been through such crises before. Major universities and minor colleges have had anti-Apartheid demonstrations. Students have gone to jail in the 80's for protesting something they feel is very wrong, withholding basic human freedoms. There are critics who will say that the student of the latest generation has had it too easy. If that is the case then fine.lbut YEAH) BUT DO yOU HAVE POVDERED? at least we are using our advantages to help those in less graceful straights. Children" as well as "Food for Africa." Students are making a Mathias calls it quits, On this campus alone there have been CROP walks for the hungry, fundraisers have been planned for "Save the si_gnificant contribution to the welfare of the world in many the Network raised and sent money to Mexico to help in the leaves void in Senate different ways. A student communications organization called effort to shelter those left homeless by the earthquake. There is a calmer tone to the student activism of today. by Kip Koontz Of these three. Holt and Ma- graphically ripe for electing Students seem to be taking their college training and turning it thias have announced retire- Democrats with its high black, not only into money for themselves, but food, aid, and money Several weeks ago Republi- ment. It is highly possible that Jewish, Catholic, and urban for those that have little. Unlike the furious pace of the late SO's can Senator Charles Mac Ma- Holt's seat can be retained by populations. Also, even those toda}4; college students are saying,\\get angry when it i; thias announced he would not Republicans, and Bentley ap- in the Washington suburbs, necessary}but otherwise plan the most effective campaign and seek re-election to a fourth pears to have consolidated whom we think to be stereo- then act.,"And when we act.let's make it count. term. "This shocked Republi- her power enough to obtain typically Republican, vote can pundits everywhere who re-election. Democrat. This is because considered this Maryland seat However. the Senate seat they view the government. not a "sure thing." With twice as will probably go Democrat. as an enemy, but as a life- The Phoenix many Republican seats up for Mathias first won the seat in blood, as a large proportion 1968 grabs in 1986 as Democrat. race in a three-way are employed by the federal government. barely which divided the Democrat can party members afford to lose a "sure thing." Party. Thus Mac owes the The major hurdle Republi- Even far-right conservatives, seat, not to party affiliation, cans face for the Senate race Editor-in-Chief. Bill Mann though never really fans of but to a split Democrat vote, in 1986 is simply the absence Managing Editor Kelly Connor Mac, had selfishly hoped he and his moderate views on of anyone with state-wide Copy Ed~or Jooath.n Slade would run in order to maintain social issues. Consequently. name recognition and popu- he has retained his seat due a desperately desired majority Most larity. both leaders, Production Supervisor C. Lloyd Hart in the Senate. to this moderate to liberal locally and nationally, have News Ed~or. . Leo Ryan Mathias' announcement was voting record, and his rapport hoped to draft former U.N. Sports Editor .......•........................................ Cynthia SchOfer , even more frightening to Re- with Maryland constituents. Ambassador Jeane Kirkpa- Photography Ed~or..... .. Marg.r.t Gemski publicans as it came close on In light of this, Republicans trick to run. These hopes, Ursula Wiedmann the heels of the announced are faced with several prob- however, were dashed as she BUSinessManager. . Eric Greenberg retirements of Senators Laxelt lems. First, Democrats out re- announced she could not be- Adv.rtising Manager C&roI O'anen of Nevada and East of North gister Republicans by a come involved solely in Mary- Reporting St.ff;Chuck Weinstein, Chris Ginther,' Robin Carolina. Though both of majority of nearly three to land's internal affairs, and Adams, Sandy Brant, Beth Jones, Stefani these demographically favor one. Currently, only a fraction hence should use her influ- Call, Roxanne Benjovsky, Wendy,· Republicans. it is perceivable of elected officials in Annapo- ence in electing Republicans, to Owen Umstrom, Karen Rex. Chuck Cruise, for popular Democrats both. lis wear a Republican name- and effecting policy nation- capture tag. Why is this? Maryland emerge and wide. Furthermore, though her Joanne CoIliffower Advisor Or. Eleanor L Schreiner Combining this with the Dem- Democrats tend to be fis- candidacy would have made ocrats needing only a net four cally conservative, and mod- the race more intriging it is seat gain to capture the Sen- erate to liberal socially. doubtful that her conservative and for the students 01 WestemMaryland' ate. one almost positive in Therefore, the issue of con- views would have been ac- College. The opinions expressed in this publication do not Maryland, a dark cloud forms servative economics is re- cepted by Maryland voters. necessarily reflectthose of the staff or administration.The over the Republican hopes of moved from the platform of Hence, with Kirpatrick out of Phoenix. reserves the right 10 headline. edit for length, maintaining control. Maryland Republicans. This the picture, Republicans face clarity and libelous content. All lettersto the editor mustbe Mathias' resignation has not leaves then only social issues, '86 with the probability of an signed, authorshipwiN be verified. only national ramifications, but which finds Republicans pre- unknown, politically inexperi- We welcome comments andIor suggestions.Please ad- local ones as well. At present cariously perched on the stilts enced candidate. Democrats however, have a of fundamental conservatism only three Republicans hold dress all mall to The Phoenix, WestemMaryland College, Westminster, Md. 21157. federal office in Maryland. - views which are not widely growing list of not only popu- Represenlatives Holt and accepted by Marylanders. Bentley, and Senator Mathias. Next, Maryland is demo- continued on page 5
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