Page 17 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 17
ยท" ~. 60 seconds on camp-us What do you think of the new writing center? I think It's helpful. It I like having a sys- It was a good idea. It's great. It's very They're efficient, make, your writing tem available for Computers are easy useful and easy to save time and they a lot easier. writing and other to use and a big use. actually make writ- uses. I like the varl- help In writing pa- Ing fun. Using the ety of the word pro- pers. Macintoshgets your cessor. creative juices flow- ing. The mouse Is cute too. Toni Crea Mary Beth Kepner Glenn Melzlesh Lorle Schanzle Joel Tyberg ------ Letters to the Editor I think Western Maryland Col- My nostalgia springs from A friend indeed memories of myself as a lege is still a great place to but some consideration four. This cartoon presents discriminating and degrading should be taken when printing freshman, naive and unconfi- grow up your paper. ideology rather than humor. In Editor, dent of my academic and Kathy Boyer It is not my purpose to addition, it lessens our re- and spect for Like many juniors and sen- social abilities. I am now a infringe upon your first The Phoenix iors, I often find myself com- product of this campus, this Racism in print amendment right of "Freedom causes us to question the motivation of the cartoonist plaining about the quality of atmosphere, this faculty, and I of the press," but it is my life at Western Maryland and feel that I have what I need to Editor purpose to let you know that and those responsible for publishing this biased mate- anxiously awaiting graduation. succeed. Somehow, in all the I would like to express my making a race feel inferior rial. Not only have you in- I am bumt out from studying. variety of experience, Western discontent with the way you can be constituted as dis- sulted us, but most likely you I've had it with the bureauc- Maryland College has helped approached the subject mat- crimination. have offended a large major- racy. I hate the food. I'm sick me to grow. ter of apartheid. Apartheid is It would be greatly appre- ity of the campus community. of standing in line for the a very serious matter which ciated if this letter along with It is unfortunate that we feel shower. My reason for writing this should be approached as so. an apology could be printed the need to apologize for this But almost immediately, letter is to encourage fresh- Your approach was not only in your paper. gross injustice incurred on these emotions are tempered men to take advantage of distasteful, but it was also those you have discriminated. with opposite ones. I will miss their time here. Use this time offensive. Offensive to blacks Karen R. Brooks We hope in the future more living with my friends. I'm to explore your interests. Get as well as many others who thought is given in the publi- scared of grad school. Will involved in organizations, are sensitive to the subject. Editor, cation of materials in our the "real world" treat me as both social and academic, I understand that the views paper well as WMC has? I suspect, and you will find that the fun represented in the articles, This letter is in reaction to as my senior year wears on, far outweighs the work. andlor cartoons are not ne- the distasteful cartoon con- Liz Fox these are the fears that will Despite my complaining, I cessarily those of the editors, cerning apartheid found in Nicky Pesik your Oct. 3 issue on page dominate my thoughts. have loved my time here and
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