Page 19 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 19
October 17,1985IWestem Maryland CollegelPage 9 Volleyball loses first of season to F&M Brian Russo is at the head of the pack in men's cross country Russo paces team to 3-3 by Cynthia Schafer Mid-Atlantic Conference rival The Green and Gold netters Susquehanna went down in by Cynthia Schafer Rembert placed third while 'sehroetdoWnathSehin990taol.nwith 55 suffered their first loss of the three games by a 12-15, 15- Kauffmanand Nolder finished s season tast Thursday as 7, 15-6 count to enable the 'Men's Cross- fifth and sixth respectively. evTehre,COGUrledennotTemrar~reS'a ~~~ Franklin and Marshall took a Green Terrors to reach the WMC also achieved victories five game match from them, quarterfinals. But Millikin CoI- Country over Catholic University, 24- ~~~' ~~~~.yst~~gJ~~~Sac~eb~~15-13, 15-12, 1-15, 4-15, 15- lege of Illinois was too much The Green dropped tneir ~g~3~~~U~~:,~i~~nG~~~~~~~:Oct. 5 to gain a 2-2 tie. g~c~~~~~na ~~~a;~e b~~~'i~~~~dh~ 3_~~~t~~~2,d1eJ~5~ting first dual meet of the 1985 19-39 in a quad meet on Oct Hutchinson scored both WMC behind the hitting of juniors On Oct. 9 the women season as Franklin and Mar- 5. Russo was again the lead- goals while Stacey Bradley linda Bawiec and Karen played at home against Eliza- shall defeated the Terrors, 21- ing Terror runner placing third added an assist. Goalie Miles who recorded 11 and bethtown. The Green and 38. Senior Brian Russo was overall while Rembert and Harden recorded nine saves seven kills respectively. WMC Gold were once again victo- the first WMC runner across Kauffman took ninth and while Western Maryland held an 8-3 lead in the final rlous. defeating the Blue three the line as he covered the 8K tenth. outshot Lebanon Valley 28-26. game but the Dips came on straight games in the three course in 27:30.4 to place The game versus Gettysburg to gain the victory. In the out of five series, 15-11, 15-7, .-""C0nd. Freshman Chip Rem- Field Hockey was postponed untit Oct. 23. eighteen qarne Juniata Clas- 15-6. bert was fifth in 28:06. while Harden scored Western sic on Oct. 4-5, the Terrors WMC placed second in the junior Doug Nolder look ninth Alyce Harden, Margie Mee- Maryland's only goal in a 1-1 won four matches and lost Dickinson Tournament after a in 29:29. Steve Kauffman fin- han, Sandi Stevens, and tie against Johns Hopkins on one. Western Maryland tough three-game loss to ished tenth and John Robin- Nancy Hutchinson, all scored Oct. 11. Harden's goal, her blasted North Carolina- Messiah on Oct. 11-12. The son finished thirteenth to 2 goals in Western Maryland's fourth of the season, tied the Greensboro 15-3, 15-10, as Terrors had defeated the Pal- round out the WMC field. shutout of Washington on score but the Green Terrors Miles had seven kills. Eastern cons earlier, 2-1. Other WMC The men then won three of Sept. 26. This was the stick- could not get the game win- Mennonite and St. Catherine victims were Glassboro State, four matches. The Terrors de- ers' third win in four starts. ner. On Oct. 7, WMC de- fell as WMC downed EMC 15- Moravian, F&M, and York. The feated Loyola on Oct. 2, 25- Sophomore goalie Liz Harden feated Susquehanna, 3-0 as 6,10-15,15-11. and St. Cath- netters next game is Oct. 19 over the course in 27:21.2. rS_ho_t_s_W_h_il_e_t_he_T_er_ro_rs_b_lis_-_H_ar_d_en_ea_C_h_s_c_or_ed_a_9_oa--,1.~=;~~~;=;~~7~~~i~~~~~=l 30, as Russo finished first Hutchinson, and Bradley, only had to turn away two erine 15-12, 15-17, 15-12. away at Dickinson. r ,~MONDAY "Cash and by An evening of song and story .$/.euJaIJ N. !b~ with p-~COLLEGE IIJ.~ Slt.op, JIfD. :UUt. NITE. weekends only! Michael Gulezian II diHtrtIIt variety of flowers will be offered eoch w.. k, featuring roses, camations. liliH, sweetMarts.... tc. Oct. 17 9-11 pm On the Help Dining Porch Wanted Pizza and Submakers Sponsored by WESTMINSTER 848-0007 CAPBoard 140 VIllage Shopping Canter Flexible Hours REDEEMABLE ONLY ON COLLEGE NITE Maria's 848-5666 or 876-2611
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