Page 15 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 15
October 17.1985IWe.tem Maryland CollegeIPage 5 Rangers conduct Fall exercises Mathias' retirement by Chris Ginther On Friday, Oct. 4, 32 mem- -I bers of WMC's Ranger Pla- leaves Senate gap toon began their two day fall exercise, Operation Gibralter, at Bloomery, WI/, The opera- tion included tactical march- However, the times have ing at night, a river-crossing, connnued from page 6 I changed. Mathias' "liberal" I rock climbing, and rappelling. tar. but highly qualified candi- tendency has prompted the An advance party of beret- Governor I • qualified Rangers prepared dates, including Baltimore New Right to work against Hughes, Harry him, preventing him from as- the training site for the rest of County Executive Don Hutch- cending to the heights of the platoon, They set up the inson, and Representatives power he should assume rafts for the river crossing and Michael Barnes and Barbara due to his seniority. This in- selected the best marching Mikulski - all of whom have cludes his not being ap- route. announced, o~considering an pointed chairman of the The main purpose of Opera- entrance into the fray. This Senate Judiciary Comittee - tion Gibralter was to give the then makes it extremely diffi- a post he rightfully deserved, platoon an opportunity to at- cult for Republicans to retain and some hoped to bribe him tempt a tactical movement to this seat, as well as leveling a with an order to prompt his a base camp. Squads set out places in the rafts, which ceived instruction in rock crippling blow to an already running for re-election. that night in single file, at five were pulled across the water climbing, belaying, knot tying, very ill, virtually non-existent Finally, Mathias will be minute intervals. Flashlights by Ranger Gilbert Mack and and rope coiling, Republican Party in Maryland. missed, not only because it were prohibited, but the pla- advisor Ben Franklin. The next The afternoon featured rock In conclusion, Mac's retire- will be virtually impossible for toon made use of their obstacle was a steep, forty- climbing and rappelling. The ment has to be viewed not a Republican to win the Sen- "ranger eyes," which are five degree mountain slope. ascension lanes for climbing only as a loss for Maryland, ate seat in Maryland, but, night-reflective plastic pieces After conquering it, the pla- ranged from 20 to 60 feet, but for a nation. Mathias has because of the loss of Mac's fastened to the back of each toon established base camp. while the two rappell lanes been a leader on civil rights knowledge, expertise. and Ranger's cap were an 80 foot, straight- issues, and has been in the power, which he employed After a four mile hike to the AI 6 a.m. Saturday morning, walled slope and a 100 fool forefront in the effort to clean when the Senate was still a river,squad membersdonned after physical training and area which featured a small up the Chesapeake Bay true voice of the people life preservers and took their breakfast, the squads re- overhang. Brady warns of rape and abuse Commission to hold . talk about it. For years, I During her lecture, Brady open forum on Oct. 18 continued from page 1 couldrit say a thing, and now stressed how to be a non- guilt-trippers. I hated to make , can't stop," victim and how to be a non- renovation program, and the a fuss. We (incest victims) Brady's traumatic expert- victimizer in sexual assault continued from page 5 creation of the Student Life tend to think we're the ones to ence is recorded in her book, incidences. "I don't like it. I'm effort to meet with students Council. Last October, the blame. We're wrong. We're Father's Days: A True Story of going to change it, and I'm who had complaints about the committee recommended the gullty," stated Brady. "I am Incest. "People often ask me not going to change it alone." living conditions. In 1984, the formation of the Commission here to tell you that you are why I wrote the book, and it Brady also chal'enqed others committee developed the Col- on Student Life. This commis- not alone, and you are not to was mostly to figure out the to put action behind their lege's Long Range Plans. sian began its one year study blame!" question, 'Why me?' It was knowledge. "The lonqer you These plans have since re- of student life last winter, and also hard to figure out my wait to act, the worseJt gets suited in an increase in minor- has already issued its prelimi- Since there is no communi- ~~~e~h~r~i~;s p!~o~tt~~~iV: ~~d~arOwneotm~~~:a~yVif~i~t~~ ity recruitment, the dorm nary reports, cation within a family of in- cest, Brady described her nurturing parent, so 'Why pid!" Chase explores ordeal, which lasted ten him?'" Brady is one of the most years, as a "solitary confine- In addition to child abuse, sought-after speakers on the Brady's lecture focused on college circuit and has lec- WMC sports history ment of the mind." Her father date rape and acquaintance silenced her so that she was rape. With the help of mem- tured at more than 50 col- include additional sports re- during leges the 1982~83 afraid to say or do anything bers from the audience, she continued from page 1 lated topics. but submit to his abuse. "I enacted several scenarios to academic year, in addition to what we want to do." These "The bottom line is how presenting her ideas to cor- had nowhere to go, but inside further emphasize her argu- students feel," says Chase. myself." ment that sexual abuse hap- porations, rape crisis centers guides would feature folk pens more often than it is and various associations. This traditions of the Baltimore- "Feeling good about yourself Brady further stated that in mentioned. "It usually shows event was sponsored by Washington area, Carroll is a good thing." And, he order to survive from day to if a peron is physically WMC's College Activities Pro- County back road and walk- suggests, becoming active in sporting events is an excel- day, she would pretend that abused, but sexual assault gramming Board and was ing tours, and area ski re~ lent way to accomplish this every incident would be the doesn't always show," Brady free and open to the commu- sorts. Other pamphlets may last. "I decided to not think or said nity, Got something to sell or say? Put It In print In the Phoenix 532 Baltimore Blvd., Rt. 140 next to D.M,V. I • Call 876-5815 Mon_-Thur5. lHXlam-1HXlMid_.Fn.&Siot or 876-2611 lO'OOpm 848-5666 ll:00·I:00
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