Page 11 - ThePhoenix1985-86
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The Phoenix We.tem Maryland College October 17,1985 Students attempt fasting for spiritual purification student has completed this by Jonathan Slade assignment, the individual should be able fa identify, at Dr. Ira Zepp's Gandhi-and- least in part, with the famous Tagor8 class is trying life in twentieth century social the "fasting" lane. protestor. As a requirement for the "If they give it their best first half of this semester shot," he explains, "their course, 25 students must, for thinking becomes more lucid one week, either refrain from and clear." eating, sexual contact, or vio- Zepp, in fact, participated in lent thoughts, and keep a a fast several weeks ago with tournai of any conclusions. some of his students, claim- "These are the three basic ing, "It's nice to do it with points to Gandhi's philoso- other people - to have the phy," Zepp says. "Most stu- support and companionship" dents that I know of so far One of those class mem- have chosen to fast." bers who has already tackled He explains that avoiding the challenge is senior Nancy food, and subsisting entirely Sekira, a math and computer on fruit juices, was a tool of science major. social change used by the "I took the course because I Hindu leader Mohandas K. was interested in Gandhi, and Gandhi. Dr. Ira Zepp Dr. Zepp is really a dynamic "A deeper kind of thought professor," she says, "I al- that Gandhi was after was way of experiencing an im- ways wanted to know how it that fasting is a way to spiri- portant dimension of Gandhi's would feel to fast, so I tried tual purification," says Zepp. of needless distractions. it." Katherine Brady lectures to WMC about incest "It's not a diet, but a method "And, for my class, it is a of ridding the (human) system life." He stresses that once a continued on page 2 Brady lectures on rape, Open forum planned for Oct. 18 incest, child abuse will be held at 3:15 p.m. in policy matters relating to stu- by Leo Ryan the Freeman Room. dent affairs." The Committee by Kelly Connor bers who attended the The Student Affairs Commit- is opening Friday's meeting to presentation on Tuesday Before you pack your suit- tee consists of nine trustees, all students, explained Dean night. Oct. 1, in McDaniel «: case for Fall Break, think three facultyfstaff members, Philip Sayre, in hopes of "I'm not going to stop talk- Lounge. again. On Friday, Oct. 18, the and seven students. The learning more about "the stu- ing about incest until incest Brady shared her feelings Student Affairs Committee of function of ·the Comittee, ac- dents' concerns and prob- stops!" exclaimed Katherine and memories of a childhood dominated by in- repeated the Board of Trustees will cording to the Western Mary- lems." Brady at the beginning of her cest, and the guilt and fear hold an "open forum" in land College by-laws, is "to The Student Affairs Commit- lecture on "Incest, Rape, and which students can voice provide a means of communi- tee has been influential in the Child Abuse." A hush fell over with which she was burdened as a result of this abuse. their feelings on any aspect of cation among students, fac- past. In 1982, the trustees the group of approximately 55 student life: dorm life, aca- ulty, staff, and trustees, and toured residence halls in an Western Maryland College "Incest perpetrators are demic policies, social func- to review and evaluate for students, faculty, administra- continuedon page 5 tions, Greek life. The forum recommendation to the Board continuedon page 5 tors, and community mem- ~ghtS: hat is the US's best Chase explores 100 yrs. course of action when dealing with acts of terrorism? of WMC sports history pre-emptive strikes hopes to "focus some atten- presented to the winner of the by Roxanne Benjovsky tion on things that make us Hopkins-Western Maryland unique." Did you know, for football game. If WMC IS Western Maryland College negotiate through a third party is over 100 years old and in instance, WMC is Hopkins' victorious, the cup will be displayed in the Physical Edu- oldest rival, and that the Ter- that time the school has made tors once defeated the Hop- cation Learing Center. This many accomplishments, both kins football team 16-0? challenge cup proposal, how- military retaliation on and off the athletic field. ing to Dr. Del Palmer, Dean of ever, remains in the planning The project began, accord- when ... - tory professor, has recently Academic Affairs, sidered are brochures which stages. Or. William C. Chase, a his- Other projects being con- negotiate with terrorists directly long range planning commit- list of contributed to this would be used to attract pros- tee gave a lot of attention to achievements by compiling a pective students and inform scores the college's identity, into its sports collection of 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 from WMC, dating back as far mission and its history." alumni about outdoor acttvi- "We ties. Palmer explains, "We want," Palmer says, "to as 1894. "There are plenty of reasons Number of people to be proud of WMC," Chase enhance our identity." want to get into little publica- With this in mind, the school tions as to who we are and believes. "Sports is just one." hopes to begin a tradition of a survey sample: 125 source: Phoenix He composited the scores in challenge cup which will be continuedon page 5
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