Page 21 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 21
October 17,1985IWeilem Maryland ColJegeJP.,e II Invasion U.S.A. is just plain offensive by Jonathan Slade significant dimension. He wooden token at that. Her projects his machismo screen presence is less than Bullets, bombs, blood, big through a stale graham that of an elementary school bodies, boring dialogue, and cracker personality - no performer, and her talents bad acting. crunch, just soggy blahness, seem to include screaming The "9" movie is back. a wet Clint Eastwood if you about the First Amendment Indeed, Cannon Film's most will. Sometimes you kind of and tossing trash can lids at recent release, tnvesior; t wish Norris was stilt Missing Norris in mock disgust. US.A, reminds us just how in Action. In fact, the individ- My disgust, however, is not • entertaining all those poorly ual who exudes the most mock. made summer flicks were, for humanity during. the entire Even the SIOry, by Aaron this new attempt to capture adventure is Hunter's pet ar- Norris and James Bruner, ap- something on camera man- rnadillo. and he bites the dust pears only half-conceived. The first ten minutes, for ex- I ages to fail on every conceiv- only twenty minutes into the ample, are so jumbled and movie, able level. difficult to follow that the audi- Norris as Starring Chuck Richard Lynch, though, who Mati Hunter, a retired US plays Rustov. almost sue- ence sits befuddled, wonder- secret agent, this picture ceeds in creating a truly ing if it all lies in (and don't chronicles his personal war wicked villain. He has the worry, it doesn't). In fact, the against a group of terrorists sharp features, the penetrat- terrorists and the US soldiers get so intermixed at times that I • who have decided to stir up ing eyes, and the sponta- a man next to me in the delivery thai could neous trouble in southern Florida. theater once asked aloud, "Is These Soviet-sounding bad- place him alongside the clas- dies, it seems, love to spend sic psychos in cinema history. Lynch do not deserve to be in production schedule. Faster, that us or them?" a leisurely afternoon machine Lynch's effect on the audi- it. Each has amazing poten- you might say, than a speed- "The good guys don't gunning under little children, ence, however, is diminished tial, but are warped into sub- ing bullet sweat," I said. destroying churches, and by a number of irrelevant and mitting substandard And as for Melissa Prophet, Indeed, anyone who is even blowing up highly decorated downright hokey scenes: performances. This may be who stars as McGuire, a gum- remotely interested in Inva- Christmas trees (0000, are There's just something fake due, however, to the speed sion U.S.A could probably they evil). about a criminal mastermind with which the infamous pro- ~j~~~~n~;'S~m:h~m~~~h~~P~~11 derive more pleasure by Every once in a while, and his lieutenant discussing ducers Menahem Golan and be an old doormat. We see smashing himself over the though, Director Joseph Zito the specifics of a plan to Yoram Globus wanted the her when we enter the movie, skull with a blunt instrument. It calls a cease-fire so that invade America while sitting picture completed. In a 60 when we leave the movie, honestly is that awful. Hunter can whip out a mono- in a crowded Miami beach Minutes interview last year, and rarely in between. In And thus, a rule of thumb tone one liner. But then the restaurant and eating hot Golan and Globus admitted Cannon's advertising cam- as for all other films released by Avoid the Cannon studios: paign, she is heralded grenades fly agin, and Nor- dogs. that their only concern is to ris's character, who could Perhaps the most disheart- reap a profit from a film - Hunter's love interest. In ac- them at all costs, for the throw off an incredible aura of ening aspect of Invasion' and thus they push it through tuality, though, Prophet is just place only manufactures killer congeniality, is robbed of any U.S.A. is that both Norris and at an extremely accelerated a token female - and a "B's." The Student Government Association ..- Would Like To Extend A Warm Thank You To All The People And, Organizations That Made Homecoming '85 A Success! An open forum on Housing Concerns sponsored by the Residence Life Housing Sub-committee of the Student Life Commission Wed., Oct. 30 McDaniel Lounge at 7 p.m. SGA meets every Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the SGA Conference Room
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