Page 20 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 20
'\ ..' ......1\...~,.....\,"·. , •• ""...~ .':" ••• , ... ,...,•.••'.... , PIIIIe IOIWeliem Maryland College/October 17,1985 Teams break even in lackluster week, soccer ties twice ; Women's Cross- Bob Ballinger combined for 2t WMC saves. The jayvees Country scheduled opener with Get- The WMC squad finished in tysburg on Sept.27 was post- the back of the pack in the poned due to soggy grounds. It has been rescheduled for Dickinson Invitational cross, Oct. 31. T .dd '11' I country meet. No individual error gn ers stl Win ess ::e!o:~~ ~;~~b~~IIT:;ai~:; Women's Club LKO"mYOLlao'hmhaOnwef"nV,eSrh'edFrfe"rSshtmov"e~Soccer Four games into the season The Terrors other score was a disappointmentfor the and the Green and Gold Ter- came on a 28 yard pass from crowd of 3,800 who gathered • the 5K cou~sein 22:01, soph- The women's squad push rors are still winless. The Scott Bassett to tight end' on the cool, cloudy day for omore Gall Adamecz took toward varsity status got latest losses came on Oct. 5 Larry Smith in the second the festivities. WMC was out third while senior Kari Gustal- under wayan Oct. 4 as they against Mulenberg40·14. and quarter. LinebackerTony Cal- played on every point. Juniata sen placed fourth. In the stuck it out against Mount against Juniata at the Home- lahan led the defensewith 13 had 18 first downs to the quad meet, .the women de- Saint Mary's for a 4-4 draw. coming game, were the final tackles while linebacker Rod- Terrors eight, and they also feated Amen.can,.26-2.9, but The Terrors scored early on score was 43-7. ney Joyner and end Mike out-competed WMC in total lost to CathohcUniversity.18- two goals by Jill Hollman,and At Muhlenberg the gridders Lewiseach recorded nine. On net yards gained, 397 to 152 42, and to Gettysb~rg, 15-50. one each by Terri Paddy and played well for the first half, offense, Scott Bassett com-; The Terror score was set up Lohman was v= first Terror Michelle Meehan. Hard work before succumbing to a pleted 13 of 25 passes for on an interception by Joe runner In placmg eleventh. by the defense in the double crushing offense, The Terrors 160 yards and one touch- Callahan of Juniata's Mike: Adamecz placed seven- overtimepreventedthe Mount had tied the score at 14 in the down, but he was intercepted Culver on the Western Mary- teenth. from taking the win. The early moments of. the third three times, which the Mules land 38. Bassett then put when senior Mike period JV Soccer Club's season continued on Chavez returned a punt 76 turned into 17 points. John togetheran excellentseries of • caught four Oct. 16 at home when they Stonebraker pass plays to the Juniata 3 On Oct. 4 the booters bat. battleGlLoyola.Anothergame, yards for the touchdown. It passes in the game and was yard line where Smith scored tied Messiah to a 0-0 tie. against Dundalk,is scheduled was Chavez's fourth career leading the conference after on anotherpass. Joyner once Goalies Dave Cadigan and tomorrow ;::==================~re:tu:rn~, touchdown and first on a punt -r the game in receptions. game again had a successful day, recording 12 tackles. The Homecoming ONE OFlHE OLDESTWAYS Writers' Block Cured TO BECOME AM ARMY OFFICER Send $2 for catalog of over 16,000 topics to assist ISmLLONE OFlHE BESt your writing efforts and help you defeat Writers' '-. Block, For info., call TOLL-FREE 1-800-621-5745, Authors' Research, Brn, 600-N, 407 S, Dearborn, I Chicago IL 60605 The Anny Reserve And last year alone, over 70,000 students Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) is more than a pattict~~~ere interested in the leadership'sa and management training. Others enrolled on Neet.:a caring adult to watch full-tuition scholarships. And the financial Fot 163 years, ROTC has been :~s~~~dIfm-~l~~m::r:~r s~ll~~e~~ last my child every afternoon training people to do a job that's also the de~i~~~~:~~%~~1u0~~~~nx:~~ffi~~~.: - my home or yours, a tradition. The Why don't you do the same? You'll job of an Anny graduate to a position of real responsibility. within Robert Moton officer. Exercise leadership and management skills. In IBI9, Build a secure future for yourself. And enjoy the Captain Alden travel. adventure and prestige School area. Contact ext. 233 Partridge, a fanner of being a second lieuten- superintendent at ant in todav's Anny. West Point, starred what we know today as Anny RarC as mu~:'la~;~~'s He felt out country needed more "citizen sol- as the job it trains diers." So he established the first private school to you for. Find out how offer military instruction. to enroll today. It didn't take long for his idea to spread For more infor- mation, contact the and u~rv~:i~es~~ili!~~u~~O~:Ill:~ng Anny Rarc Pro- military instruction on their campuses. fessor of Military Today, with Anny Rarc available at over Science on your 1,400 colleges and universities, the program is campus. stronger than ever. 5-11 pm ARMYROK. BEAU.lOU CANBE.
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