Page 12 - ThePhoenix1985-86
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r.ce Z/W.,.tem Maryland College/October 17,1985 Randall to speak Coley, King lend new Pulitzer prize recipient Jona- Going All the Way • Christian blood to admissions -I than Randal will present a Warlords, Israeli Adventures I lecture on terrorism and the and the War in Lebanon. His! by Beth Jones war in the Middle East on I Tuesday, November 12 at 8 coverage of the Shalila mas- Dr. Joan O. Coley, Dean of sacre last September earned p.m. in McDaniel Lounge. him and fellow correspondent, Admissions, and Ms. Marilyn A senior correspondent of Loren Jenkins, the coveted King, Director of Financial I the Washington Post, and a Pulitzer Prize. Aid. are both new to their journalist for nearly 30 years, Randal, a Harvard qradu- positions this fall. I Randal has covered the most ate, has also worked for Time Coley began her career at stories in important foreign recent history including the and the New York Times. WMC in 1973 teaching in the graduate program for reading The lecture is being soon- Algerian war of independence sored by the WMC College disability education. For the against France and the Activities Programming Board. past three years she has Congo, Czechoslovakia in The public is welcome to been the associate dean of 1968, and the Iranian revolu- attend free of charge. For academic affairs. tion. He is also the author of more information call 848· Although she says that her the recently published book, 7000, ext. 265. new position is "one of the most exciting and demanding Gandhi classes fast jobs I've ever had," she adds, "I love teaching more than continuedfrom page 1 Sekira still considered it to bel anything and eventually I'll go back." Sekira explains that she a valuable experience. Zepp, Coley's responsibilities as Ms. Marilyn King, Direc- Dr. Joan Coley, Dean of wanted to finish the project however, warns that "this is dean include the planning tor of Financial Aid Admissions before her birthday, since she not something everybody and implementation of the kn~w that she "could not should do." Many athletes, for entire admissions effort, fe· reset food then." example, choose to work on cruilment. and designing in· quality students to come." with the intent to go on to the "It is interesting to learn projects which concern the formational literature and Coley, originally from Phila- seminary". And she still hasn't how much social life revolves other two principles of Gan- programs about· WMC. She delphia, received her A.B. ruled this out for the future. around eating," she says. dhi's philosophy, such as will spend the next month from Albright College and her King, a native of north- "And I was surprised at how journals which concern sexual visiting 67 high schools in Ph.D. in education from the western Pennsylvania, at- well you could live off of just abstinence and non-violent Maryland and Pennsylvania, University of Maryland. tended Hood College and juices. I wasn't weak." thought. Students who find no including a one week stay in Marilyn King is also new to says that she has "always Though she "didn't have interest in any of these turn in Philadelphia. WMC, but not to financial aid liked the state of Maryland." any wonderful revelations," book reports. As Dean, her goals are to work. She was previously em- Her opinion of WMC is ployed at Goldy Beacom Col- equally as favorable. "The r "::=================~ double the pool of applicants to lege. In addition, she served college community is a very in the next five years, The Writing Center in Memorial execute more systematic as the President of the Tri- positive environment. I had ways of contacting students, state Association of Student lots of help in the moving and and to utilize faculty, stu- 212 will be open the following dents, and alumni in the re· Financial Aid Administrators transition processes," she says. cruiting processes. Coley also Although King' has worked King also explains that it is hours through Dec. 8* applicants with a campaign in this area for the past nine too early to talk about major hopes to attract more honors years, she says that her un- 1:30-4 p.m. Monday which will communicate to dergraduate degrees in changes in operations. "It will be a stable year," she says. enrollees prospective that "We'll basically work on re- and 5-10 p.m. Thursday WMC is a "good place for top music, religion, and psychol- finement in procedure." ogy were originally "designed 1:30-4 p.m. Fridays 2-10 p.m. Sundays Pleas to aid suffering "Exceptions: No hours on Oct. 18, 20, 21, 22; Nov. 26-29 stir campus activism Hours for Exam Week will be announced There is a relatively new being provided to many peo- attempting to begin cam- WHEN IT COMES TO PIZZA, fever sweeping our nation ple as a result of these educate children and college L paigns in many schools to PIZZA ON WHEl'LS COMES TO YOU. and it has finally found its way events. students on the world hunger \ onto the campus ot Western But, as several members of Maryland College - it is the the WMC faculty believe, still condition. movement to help. to provide more needs to be done. The "Food for Africa aid, food, and shelter to those Through the non-profit Project," initiated by Tail and who are suffering in foreign agency called Save the Chil- Pats, is giving organizations countries. dren, Dr. Ronald Tail and Ms. here on campus the oppor- In 1985, this fever came to Nadja Pats of the Sociologyl tunity to raise money for the a peak as English musicians Social Work Department have starving nations of Africa. Any got together to form "Band brough the fever to WMC. group participating in the Aid," asking the Question, "Do Save the Children, which was project may choose the type They Know It's Christmas?" It started at the height of the of fund-raiser it would like to then traveled over the Allantic Depression in 1932, aids chil- hold. to the US where the United dren all over the world. From The month of September Support of Artists for Africa an Indian reservation plagued was used to plan this project. --857-5300 was born. These two events by floods in Arizona to the Tait says, and to recruit culminated in the world-wide war-torn Lebanon, it has groups. In October and No- broadcast of the "Live. Aid" worked to rebuild both the vember, the actual fundraia- concert. Even local groups homes and hopes of people. ers will take place. Finally, have formed a band to record In African countries such as when money is collected, a $1 OFF any $2 OFF any their own tribute to the cause Ethiopia and Malawai, Save check will be sent "to help "Baltimore for Baltimore" is the Children is helping farm- - renew many hopes and to small Wheelbarrel large Wheelbarrel an example. And now, food, ers improve the quality of make lifetimes longer." clothes, shelter, education, their crops and increase their L -L .J and agricultural training are yields. The group is also
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