Page 14 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 14
Page 4lWe.tem Maryland College/October 17,1985 Mexico's easier pace vs. hectic America by Jonathan Slade put handcuffs on me . and butch- Communications Network raises When Hernan Cortes in- a friend had to pay the bail." vaded Mexico in 1519, This was, Guerrero-Galdeano ering countless Indians and says, her worst experience in that money for earthquake victims plundering the countryside, America history had again shown But, despite the incident, contact between two different she still considers the US to cultures is often violent and by Jonathan Slade be an "open" and "free" getting nonproductive. tions and who needs it righl help," to country. someone Today, however, this prob- Ms. Armida Guerrero-Gal- "United States people talk lem has all but faded away. deane, a native of Mexico he added. to each other very easily," Mexico Cily native Ms. Ar- City, accepted a relief check Guerrero-Galdeano, who she claims mida Guerrero-Galdeano, who lor the earthquake victims of has been for liviAg in the United Her homeland's official atti- seven the past Slates visited WMC lasl Thursday. her devastated homeland on years, returned home last tude toward the US, however, brought many of the thoughts Oct. 10 in McDaniel Lounge. week to live with her mother is somewhat more ambigu- and emotions of her home- The donation, totalling $204, and sister. ous. land to campus, and sug- was collected from WMC's head of Network hosting and "The earthquake affected "I think it's a good relation- gested that contemporary students and faculty by mem- recruitment, offered the check me very much because my ship," says Guerrero-Gal- cross-cultural interaction now bers of the Network, a new to Guerrero-Galdeano before family is there," she said. "I deane. "We kind of have an involves little savagery, and organizational body within the a gathering of 40 people. otorit hear anything for almost admiration of the United more of an opportunity to communications department. "It is with our deepest sym- a week (after the disaster), so States and at the same time learn. "This seemed to be the best pathies that we give you this," I called a CBS station and we don't like it. One of the "There are many differences way to implement those he said, explaining that she they couldn't tell me any- main reasons is that we between Mexico and the things which we've learned could now return 10 Mexico thing." fought them and the United United States," says Guer- about intercultural communi- and personally decide who Guerrero-Galdeano finally States is a big country. rero-Galdeano, who has at- cation," said Dr. Eleanor may draw the most benefit located her family after send- "Mostly though, "she contin- tended St. Louis University for Schreiner, chairperson of the from the money ing and receiving a message ues. "it's because 01 the for- the past seven years. "What department. "This is our way of bypass- through "five contacts." eign policy and the way impressed me most was the Senior Chuck Weinstein, ing the large relief organiza- "They are okay," she said (American governments) inter- organization here - the way fere in other countries." US things are an set up - and I immigration policies. Guer- wish I could take it with me country's character. To exemplify the hectic at- Once, while attempting to lit rero-Galdeano suqqests also (when) I return home in sev- 'The main difference is the mosphere in which US citi- into the quick pace of her play an integral part in Mexi- eral days." speed of life in the United zens live, Guerrero-Galdeano surroundings, she received a can ambivalence She has travelled widely in States," says Guerrero-Gal- points out our nation's large speeding ticket. Drawing on What, then, could Ameri- her 37 years, from Canada oeano. explaining that in Mex- number of fast food restau- her background, however, cans learn from their only and Cuba, where she played ico the environment is less rants. she threw the slip of paper bordering southern nelqh- forward on het nation's bas- stressful. "Here you have to "In Mexico," she says, "we out as is customary in Mex- bars? ketball team; to Las Vegas eat fast and drive fast have just one (chain) - ico. "I would say something and the Grand Canyon, which "In some ways, though," Burger Bowl. People would "About two and a half years about family relationships," she visited as an American she adds, "I have become rather cook: for themselves." later," she explains, "the po- she says. "United States peo- col/ege student. Conse- more punctual. J got used to But adjustment to a foreign lice were checking stickers on ple are always moving, and quently, she considers herself the fast pace of the American culture has not been easy, cars and I found out that I lack the closeness of the a. fairly accurate judge of a life." Guerrero-Galdeano claims was subject to arrest. They Mexican family." n. S.~maSgma Time inaugurates College Will hold. REDSKINS TICKET RAFFLE Achievement Awards the In recognition .. Tickets to the pee. 18t Game against achievements of the of nation's ment Awards will be con- and influential figures in fields of the Time Achieve- Juding drama, * SAN FRANCISCO 49· ... * most outstanding college stu- ducted by Time and a panel such as science, business jour- sports, nalism, and Drawing to be hold Nov. 15th. 1985 dents. Time magazine is inau- of experts under the guidance government to look back at gurating its College of the Washington-based their college years and reflect Permit See any Phi 51g for your purchase. Achievement Awards, Pub- Council for the Advancement 1371 A. on the question, "What pre- lisher John Meyers an- and Support of Education pared you to excel - and nounced. (CASE). CASE is the adminis- Why?" of the The magazine is conducting House of Liquors a nationwide search for 100 trator of the Professor Jefferson Carl Sagan, for example, award, Year the college juniors who excel in medal and a dozen other will be in the Science cate- academics, and more impor- awards in education. gory and will reflect on the CarroU Plaza, _,!~.tmin.ter tantly, in an area of interest In addition to colleqe and University of Chicago. Writer, Nora 5t. Pauli.Girl outside the classroom; activities both university the presidents, of Meyers Journalism Ephron and will look represent on back asked college-sponsored support Chief at and individual endeavors Executive Officers (CEO) from her years with Wellesley. The 50 interviews "celebrity community service, agencies Lt. or Drk. 53.99 "-8~ pack' such as government, athletics, advertising corporations "to and achievers" are conducted by student en- major entrepreneurship, drama, courage exceptional students Mason Wiley, a recent Colum- with coupon dance and design, to name a you may know to apply for bia graduate and co-author of, The Official Preppy neno- few. these awards." Meyers also Twenty winners will receive invited the CEO's to partici- book. of be- program ~ PHONE 114N scholarship awards will and be pate in the internship Express, briefly summarize the rules for section will also The special tween and $5,000 $1,000 with Time, American Officer Navy achievements and Ford their the awards in competition pro- 848 0944 showcased finalists in a special receive Program. Achieve- program and direct sources for students Time. motional The Time College section in to the appropriate will Eighty be featured will in a special 14 PENNSYLVANIA AVE certificates 01 merit and hen- ment Awards advertising sec- application materials. WESTMINSTER, MD. 21157 orable mentions in the sec- tion in the Oct. 21 issue of Approximately 750,000 re- tion. All 100 winners will be Time's Campus edition. prints of the "Portraits in Ex- SALE~· INoSTAllA'flOIl· ~EPAI~S given first with Time Inc. and for lence," this "Portraits supplement cellence" section will be consideration Entitled in Excel- ad internships as RICH HALL 848-9518 other major participating cor- wilt have a mini-interview for- distributed in college tree-standinq inserts newspapers porations. mat that will allow well-known nationwide.
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