Page 13 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 13
October 17,19851Weltem Maryland College/Page 3 HOMECOMING '85 huge turn-out of alumni to view the traditional parade and football game. The pa- rade, which beqan at East Middle School on Longwell Avenue, proceeded down Main Street with the Army ROTC Colorguard leading the way. President Robert H. Chambers and his wife Alice, travelled along with the festivi- ties in a convertible, while fraternity and sorority mem- bers rode on fire engines, tractors, and cars. Rouzer dormitory won the Homecoming float competi- tion, receiving $150 which will be put into their hall's pro- gramming fund. Among those who worked on the project were freshmen Bernadette Marra and Denise Laudenber- ger, as well as junior Ste- phanie Wagner. Resident assistants Margaret Gemski and T. J. Thomas were the sponsors of the Rouzer float committee. Kip Koontz sings the "It was a real spirit booster Alma Mater during half- for the residents," said Gem- time ceremonies. ski. by Tina Pagllocchlnl/ The parade, which lasted a Jonathan Slade half an hour, made a right Excitement filled the air. turn at the end of Main Street and disbanded in the parking Tension could be fell all over lot above the football field. campus. On Friday, Oct 11, the eve of Homecoming weekend, On the hill overlooking Scott WMC was entertained by the S. Bair stadium sat a crowd of music of Smile, a Baltimore WMC alumni and students. They came, equipped with area rock band which played .- at the semi-formal dance held cooler and music, to watch the Terrors battle Juniata. The in the Forum of Decker Col- lege Center. Western Maryland gridders, however, were defeated 43-7. The performing arts depart- ment also participated in the revelry, launching their first As the afternoon drew into play of the season in Alumni evening and the alumni Hall. Antigone, a Greek trag- strolled away from the field, edy, premiered Thursday eve- many of them marveled aloud ning to a sold out audience. at the changes that have Record attendance continued occurred in their absence - each consecutive night as the to the structure of the campus Terror quarterback is cut off at the pass by a Juniata defenseman WMC community applauded itself and in the faces of the the "innovative performance" students. of the cast. And another Homecoming -Saturday was met with a weekend drifted to a close. Homecoming Queen Robin Adams talks with mem- bers of the court President Robert H. Chambers presents alumni service awards
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