Page 9 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 9
October 3, 19851We.tem Maryland CollegeIPage 9 Agnes of God soars Ladies First explores by Jonathan Slade Agnes bursts forth from the three dimensional personali- depth of its performers ties of John Pielmeier's Thank God. Or, more ap- Fonda is independent, com- screenplay truly come alive. lives of first ladies propriately, thank Agnes of pulsive, and yet sincerely Director Norman Jewison, God, compassionate. Somehow it however, also deserves con- With all the blood-lusting seems ironic that she, a fit- gratulations. He has captured WMC will present the tal- Rambo-like trash that has re- ness and workout guru, por- on film the sweet, pious se- ented actress Robin Lane in cently infiltrated theatres, and trays a character who chain- renity of a convent, and art- the one-woman dramatic the real-weird-science-genius smokes. But this idiosyncrasy fully contrasted it with the presentation Ladies First on type flicks that have sneaked in no way injures the film. hectic existence outside its Thursday, Nov. 7 at 8 pm in in between, the viewing pub- Certainly, Fonda will be one walls. Furthermore, he tells the Dorothy Elderdice Theatre lic may no longer hold a of the first to receive an this tale with a subtle wit, of Alumni Hall. resolute faith in Hollywood. Academy Award nomination constantly poking fun at In Ladies First, Lane, who Agnes, then, comes at a this time around. man's innate sinfulness. researched and wrote the time when we need it most, And, not far behind her in play, explores the feelings reconfirming our belief in the the Oscar line stands Tilly, And all the while we are and experiences of five Amer- motion picture industry. wha shines with such naivete, treated 10Sven Syvist's stark, ican First Ladies; Haenel Starring Jane Fonda as that we see in her adult yet beautiful cinematography, Jackson, Julia Tyler, Mary lin- court-appointed psychiatrist character an inquisitive eight and George Delerue's slightly coln, Eleanor Roosevelt, and ominous musical score. Dr. Martha Livingston, this year old. We are easily led to Jacqueline Kennedy Columbia Pictures production believe that she knows noth- Perhaps the most intriguing Lane is a direct descendant follows Llvlnqston's investiga- ing of her own pregnancy, aspect of Agnes of God, of Abigail Adams, wife of tion of a young innocent and that God is everything in however, is that it forces the America's second president, named Agnes (Meg Tilly) who her life. It is fascinating how audience to think. Viewers and mother of John Quincy has given birth inside a con- much vitality Tilly conveys, leave the theatre pondering, Adams. In preparation of this vent. The baby, however, is even though only her face among other things, which dramatic presentation, Lane dead upon the paramedics' shows through the loosely- laws are more binding - viewed films and listened to arrival, and the question ar- fitting nun's habit. those of the court or those of tapes to authenticate the ises as to whether the infant Bancroft, in addition, com- divine doctrine. And though vocal inflection and manner- was murdered. Meanwhile, pletes this triad of excellence. no definite answer will de- isms of Mrs. Roosevelt and Anne Bancroft plays the Her Mother Superior strives velop out of such discourse, it Mrs. Kennedy somewhat wordly Mother Su- with extreme persistence to is impressive that the movie First is sponsored by Ladies perior, Sister Miriam Ruth, avoid an all-out clash of the stimulates more serious men- the WMC College Activities who attempts to maintain the secular and the sacred. tal activity than the entire list peace during the justice de- Surely the most enjoyable re- of summer releases partment's intrusion into her lationship in the movie is that Indeed, the public has fi- religious sphere. of Bancroft's character and nally received a quality prod- College "Best Buys" Indeed, the strength of Fonda's - it is here that the uct. And amen to that. Antigone to run Oct. 10-13 includes WMC listing Sophocles' Antigone, the drama and associate profes- WMC undergraduates par- classic drama which debates sor of performing arts. ticipating in the production whether the laws of God su- include Amy Wieczorek, Tra- continued from page 1 "Our next goal," M percede those of humans, will The acting company for the cey Tokar, Faron Mueller, says, "is to get be performed by the Depart- play includes guest artist Laura King, Julie Ann Elliott, "More applicants mean that Selective Guide to ment of Performing Arts on Terry Long, who comes to Joel Tyberg, Bernadette we can be more selective, which, she explains, is Thursday, Oct. 10 - Sunday, WMC from Ogden, Utah. Rep- Marra, Amy Ross, Jan Murphy better selection means a elite book on college Oct. 13. All shows will begin resenting the faculty is Dr. and Kendra McCauley. There stronger student body, and lence. at 8 pm in the Dorothy Eld- Raymond C. Phillips, profes- will also be an appearance by that means a belter reputation Other Maryland erdice Theatre in Alumni Hall. sor of English, in the role of members of the college choir for us," he explains. mentioned in the "This Greek play, more than Teiresias. Jeff Kir'Kwood, a under the direction of Beverly Both Muller and Chambers Loyola College, any other, deals with issues graduate student in deaf edu- Chandler. agree that additional improve- Maryland, St. Mary's that are timeless and that cation, will play Haimon. Mid- Tickets for the play are $1 ments are needed in the of Maryland, United cross all geographical and die school student Aislyn for students and $2 for the areas of the library, the sci- Naval Academy, and political boundaries," says Weinfeld will be one of the public. For more information ence labs, and the art gallery. ington College Tim Weinfeld, director of the c_a_II_M_8_-_7~__ ,_e_x_te_n_sio_n__500-,'~::::==::::::==::::==::::::::::::::~ ~C_hO_ffi_l_v_Oi_ce_s_, ~MONDAY I!k@ COLLEGE ~Ut. NITE lor all 01 ,.. RoraI i848-9350 More people have survived Carriage House Liquors cancer than now live in "At the Forks" the City of 113 W. Main Street, Westminster Los Angeles. specials this week.... We are winning. t~ REDEEMABLE ONLY ON COLLEGE NITEIL--_O:_I_:_d_M_iI_w_8_U_k_ee_1_2_p_k_"_$_3_"4_9---, 12 k $6 49 848-0007 WESTMINSTER p " Heineken 140 Village Shopping Center
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