Page 7 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 7
October 3, 1985IWestern Maryland CollegefPage 7 Five teams kick-off Soccer club works i season, get mixed results toward varsity status Terror football drops first two by Sandy Brant games next year, because the schedules are already The 1985 athletic schedule planned for this season." at Western Maryland College Soccer is just a kick in the Strothmanalso stressed the shifted into high hear last grass! support of the Physical Edu- week as all five teams With the arrival of Septem- cation Department, especially opened play. On Sept. 21 the ber. a group of WesternMary- the help of Dr. Carol Fritz and football team began on the land women met on the old Or. Rick Carpenter. However, wrong foot with a 41-7 set- women's hockey field with most of the success of the back at Gettysburg, while the soccer balls, cleats, and a lot club is due to the initiative of of enthusiasm. Juniors Vera the members. soccer team rebounded from two defeats to knock off FDU~ Strothman and Jill Hollman~ "There are around 21 mem- Madison for their first win. along with sophomore Tern bers on the roster, and every- Also on Saturday the Green Paddy, have worked hard to one has been working real and Gold Volleyball team promote the formation of. a hard at the practices, which captured the Mary Washing- women's soccer club, with are held Monday-Friday, 4- ton College tournament, while hopes of incorporating a var- 5:30," added Strothman."We the field hockey team won sity women's soccer team for have a lot of experienced two of three matches and the WMC. players,who have shown a lot cross-country team opened Ever sinc.ethe large turno~t ofJ~lte~~~~~:one of the team its season in the Washington last fall for Intramuralwomene players, feels that there is a College Invitational soccer, steps have bee~ good possibility that a varsity FOOTBALL taken to form a club. Enthusi- team status will be reached. asm is w.hat.s~ed the clu.b "We work well as a team, on On Sept. 21, the gridders and dedication IS what Will and off the field, but we need suffered a 41-7 defeat at the hopefully get gam~s sched- more school support." hands of the defending Cen- uled with women s soccer However, "it usually takes tennial Football Conference teams from other coneces. an organizationtwo years with champions, Gettysburg. The high .schools, or recreation good support with a cl~b Green had tied the score councils. status in order to be oonstd- midway through the 1st pe- "Since the club is still in its ered for a vars!:y, s~ort," riod when quarterback Scott plannning phase, we ,:,,",illStrothmana~~ed. Its stili n~t Bassett threw an eight-yard mostly play teams dUring too late to JOinthe wo~en s scoring pass to tight-end practices or in scrimages," soccer club. A.nyo:newith a Larry Smith. But that was the commented Strothman. "It desire and dedication to plar, only highlight of the afternoon. should be easier to set up should come out to practice. Fred Stsk and John Stone- braker had good games Ursinus Quarterback lofts pass as Terror Commission to issue recording five and four pass receptions respectively. Line- offence looks on from sigelines backers Tony Callahan and first reports in Oct. Rodney Joiner led the de- third Mary Washington touma- FIELD HOCKEY fense with 12 tackles apiece ment title in four years with a Western Maryland's football continuedfrom page 2 examined. "We hope to plan team lost their second game 6~~~a~5J~~i~/c;'~le~~nino~e; Senior Alyce Harden and a lot of student involvement, at home 20-6 against Ursinus championship match on Sat- freshman Sandi Stevens each lation groups will figure being as open and ~one~! last Saturday, Sept. 28. The urday, Sept. 21. WMC had tallied a goal and sophomore prominently in the findings. with them as possible, Terrorslone score was set up earlier turned back Gettys- goaltender Liz Harden Suqqestions. which deal stresses Fennell. Nancy Hutchinson, Margie~=~~~~~~~===========; by a Bassett pass to Darrell burg, Mary Washington, and notched her second shutout mostly with intrinsic changes, Progress reports will be Guyton who then ran fifty- North CarolinaWesleyan.Jun- on Sept. 17 as WesternMary- will be made, and values, on made at a meeting on Mon- three yards to the Ursinus 32- ior Karen Miles was named land whitewashed York 2-0. how students use time, will be day, Oct. 7 . yard line. Five plays later Bassettsneakedinto the end- the most valuable player of Meehan and Stevens each r the tournament and she was zone on a quarterback draw, joined on the all-tourneyteam scored a goal as the Green FAN'S CIINE8E REST........ but the extra point failed. Pete by seniors Nicky Pesik and also shutout Juniata, 3-0 on _ _ ... Wilson shone on defense with Linda Bawiec. The Terrors Sept. 14. But the WMC win Szechun f@j' _". ~ .Dc:Mntown ~ eleven tackles and one sack. opened their season with vic- streak stopped at two when Cataneae 58 W Main ~ tortes over Notre Dame, 15· Franklin and Marshall blanked ."..__,_ ~19 VOLLEYBALL 11,15.7, and Johns Hopkins, them 1·0, on Saturday, Sept '~J'-' The netters captured their ~'5:..'~0::.,.:.'::.54.:.:_' 2_'_.__ :-_____ American . 87&3166 Old anyone come Western Maryland College CocktaI1 seMce QuIckey Lunch & Carry Out Oepartment of Performing Arts 11 AM-10 PM Sun-lhura 11 AM-11PM FfI.SaI. to your last event? presents c-ing. for 1IanqueIa; Partiea,.Hors·.d'_ Don't take chances House of Liquors Advertise it in 1he Phoenix Carroll Plaza_, _We~tJl!in8ter Special rates for Stroh's and Stroh's Lite student groups $8,99/case Call 10day exl. 630 I. D, REQUIRED with coupon
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