Page 8 - ThePhoenix1985-86
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Page 8IWeotem Maryland College/October 3, 1985 Strong, but uneven ROTC cadets advance, play still nets two wins 14 scholarships given by CynthIa Schafer The Gettysburg game high- cieney in the leadership and dents had received ROTC lighted the work of the de- by Owen Llmstrom practical skills. In fact, cadet scholarships. Buddy Parker, The Western Maryland fensemen, senior Mike Scott Austensen distinguished Vera Strothman, Marc Yates, men's soccer team opened Paglione, junior Brian Nicho- Western Maryland College's himself in physical fitness by and David Stroud received their home season unde- las, sophomore Dennis Syn- Military Science Department setting a camp record of 130 two year awards, while Blake feated in two contrasting der, and most of all Phil Blatz experienced an active sum- pushups. Austensen, Nancy Boore, games. While the Terrors and goalie Don Gardiner mer, for it held the annual Two other WMC students, Mark Buckley, Gary Gold- showed a superb offense in Blatz and Gardiner were es- commissioning ceremonies as Dan Pipes and Buddy Parker, berg, Lee Schiller and Jenny their 8-0 victory over Lebanon sential to the shutout. well as welcomed the incom- attended Basic Camp at Fort Wise were awarded three Valley on Sept. 25, they had an equally impressive de- In previous games, WMC ing MS I class. ~t~:;n~e~~~~v:h~~~ ;~~i~~ ~~~~e~~h~:~~hib~vi~ou~a~~~~ fense in their hard fought took FDU-Madison, 3-1 on The_ department commis- pated in the ROTC Basic lana, Jennifer McLeod, Chris- overtime tie of Gettysburg 0- Sept. 20-21 in the Moravian stoned 13 former WMC ca- course to pursue a commis- topher Morris and Jay Wilson. O. tournament. The Terrors were dets as Second Lieutenants in sian as a Second Lieutenant. This brings the total number The lead man in the Leba- defeated by the hosts 5-2. the US Army on May 25. The In addition, a number of of cadets receiving scholar- non Valley victory was junior The first contest of the season ceremony was held in Alumni other students attended spe- ships to 28, and each award Steve Lutche who led the on Sept. 17 was a disappoint- Hall and the guest speaker ciahzed training during the is valued at over $8,500. team by scoring three of the ment foUowing a 6-0 trashing was Major General Charles D. summer. Vera Strothman, Through Army ROTC scholar- eight goals and having one by the Ursinus Bears. Bussey, Chief of Public Affairs Todd Mitchell, Mike Mclner- ships, WMC 'wll! receive assist. Sophomore frontlines Coach Mike Williams for the Army. Also in attend- ney and Brian Miller com- nearly $200,000 in tuition pay- man Jon Anderson had a sounded guardedly optimistic ance were President Robert preted Airborne School, while ments this school year. good day scoring one goal about the 1985 season. The H. Chambers and Lieutenant Chris Ginther earned his The ROTC detachment also and two assists. Senior Chris Terrors only lost three letter- Colonel Julius D. Duvall, wings at Air Assault School. welcomed a new cadre mem- Paolone had one goal and an men to graduation and Wil- former Professor of Military John Lambeth cooled off ber this past summer, while assist. The rest of the scoring liams says "we are better on Science at WMC "naturally" as he attended saying farewell to another. was rounded out by a goal by paper than last year, but we Fifteen more WMC cadets Northern Warfare School in Captain Michael Fitzgerald Joe Nattans, Mark Wana- need to play well for 90 will receive similar treatment Alaska. Two other WMC ca- comes to WMC from the Re- maker and Hich Metz. Brian minutes to win. There will be on June 1, 1986, for having dets, Eric Hopkins and Mike public of Korea. He is a Field Nicholas and Rich Hermanson no more easy games. I will be completed ROTC Advanced Birmingham took part in the Artilleryman and a graduate contributed with one assist satisfied with a 500 season Camp '85 at Fort Bragg, Cadet Troop Leadership of the University of Notre each. By the end of the game but feel we can do better than North Carolina this past sum- Training program Dame. Fitzgerald replaces the team had taken 37 shots that." The Terrors have an mer. Advanced Camp pro- Furthermore, the Military Captain James Martin, who on goal overall 2-2-1. vides an environment where Science Department an- was re-assigned in Alexan- ~====================================~lh~ey~c:a~n~d:e~m~o~nS:lr~al:e_p~r:ol~i-~n_o_u_nc_e_d_l_h_al __14__W_M_C__ S_IU_-__dr_ia_,_v_a ~ What? No coverage? ONE OF THE 0LDES1' WAYS TO BECOME AN ARMY OFFICER Send The Phoenix summaries, scores, and highlights of your sports team's games, and ISmLLONE OF THE BESt we will cover them. Rouzer Hall - Basement The Army Reserve And lastyear alone, over 70,(XX)students Officers'Training Corps (RarC) is more than a partic~~~~ere interested in the leadership and management training. Others enrolled on CAPBOARD cor!Tnb~m. lr's a full-tuition scholarships. And the financial For 163 years. RarC has been :~~~~clIfdT~l~~m:~~ds~ll:'l!~ last PRESENTS But all of them had one thing in common: the d~~~~~ยท~eabo desire to begin their future as Army officers. a tradition. The Why dont you do the same! You'll Dave Wopat job of an Army graduate to a position of real responsibility. Tuesday Oct. 8 officer Exercise leadership and management skills. In 1819, Build a secure future for yourself. And enjoy the 9pm Pub Terrace Captain Alden travel, adventure and prestige Partridge. a former of being a second lieuten- superintendent at ant in todav's Army. Three Stooges Films West Point, started what we know today as Army RarC as mu~h~?a'!ra'1~~~'s Thursday, Oct. 3 as the job it trains diers:~&,fh~~~bh~h;Jth:e~~~p';;~:~~'~~~1:1- you foroFind out how 9pm-11pm Pub-Free offer military instruction to enroll today For more infor- ~:~~':u~~~oili~ ~c;n~s~~~O~oc~bread. mation, contact the MOVIE TRON and universities acrossthe country were ~ring Army ROTC Pro- Thursday, Oct. 10 fessor of Military mili1~:,u~~~R~C~:aa:ble at over Science on your 7&9pm Forum 1,400 colleges and universities, the program is campus. stronger than ever. HOMECOMING DANCE ARMY ROTC. Friday, October 11 9pm-1am BEALL 1011 CAN BE. Featuring "SMILE" Forum $2 $3 couple
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