Page 100 - ThePhoenix1984-85
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Page 4lWe.tem Maryland CoUegeJMardl 21, 1985 I :Editorial UJ ITH TV IT/ON \--tl<:rH we. C ou LD TH1S \-lAVE.. OuR.... QLVN NI'\VY! Worker harassment breeds poor service We find the conduct of many of this college's mature students to be reprehensible at best. Too often we have been witness to acts of childish cruelty toward food service, cleaning and bank workers. II is not unusual to reach the deli bar and find some thoughtless maniac berating the worker behind the sneeze proof glass for lack of chicken salad. Let's be honest, don't you have better things to do, such as thinking. This is the norm for ordering food in the dining hall: "1 want this and that and gimme more of that, more! more! I said more! Hey gang, when an ltem is out it is out and that worker can only wait just like the rest of us. The chicken wilLarrive shortly. In the mean time get a grip and eat the tuna. After a meal there are countless disgusting trays simply ,5T~JI3IIYJ -.jf~ .:::::;-...._ left by people too "cool" to walk their mess to be washed. P-,! Marriott does the hard work, all you need to do is help. When we see food service people policing dirty trays or aiding rude jackasses, I wish that worker would say hit the road. Instead the employees do their best to please, even when the Chambers' views on 'familial' most ruthless slob trys patience to its utmost. In a letter The Phoenix received from Ms. Joan Rugemer, food service staff member, she described acts of aggression college called 'preposterous' levied against food service employees as well as the ridiculous conduct of the "future leaders of our country." She was Editor, Police out when a group of with the college's "familial" seriously worried about the state of this nation when placed in I am writing in reference to the college's "children" sing a atmosphere, Mrs. Chambers. the hands of people who display such behavior in a mere the recent (letter to the editor) few songs? Why wasn't the college as dining hall. These acts of abuse also apply to the cleaning by Mrs. Alice Chambers, who How could the college ever "understanding" in these oc- staff, pub personnel. bank staff and security. spoke of the "familial" aspect suggest its "children" would currences? I believe I speak Students tend to be very liberal with complaints about of a college campus. lie about wrestling around a for the majority of the student situations that don't quite go as planned. But are there any She claims that Dean tree and go as far as to claim body when I say "Thanks, but among the boarding population that can say that they go Sayre's recent obstructions of that they were "racking" their no thanks 'Daddy' Sayre." hungry or that their halls are not clean? If so who is at fault, justice were only a result of own "brother"? And finally, Furthermore, (she) com- students who constantly trash the facilities, or the workers who his caring, fatherly attitude why does the college call the pares walking a dog without a do not have enough hours in the day to repair the damage? toward students. No disres- Westminster Police out (com- leash and exceeding the 55 There may be legitimate complaints about certain aspects of pect. Mrs. Chambers, but rny- plete with enough billy clubs mph speed limit to the use each independent service that caters to WMC, but is this any self and the majority of the to put down a small scale riot) and possession of marijuana . reason for unabashed disreguard for the feelings and rights of student body consider your when some of the "brothers" a serious criminal offense. I others. Certainly you are paying for what you get, but that allusions to be preposterous. of the family are having a fail to see the logic. money .gives you no right to abuse. If your explanation is applica- "family" Quarrel? Logically, if one is being treated poorly by his employer, ble, then why does the cot- These few examples, of the the Quality of his work _will show it. If he is being treated with lege call the Westminster many, do not seem to comply Blake Austenson the courtesy and respect due a professional who performs may get better, banking will speed up, that mop will hit a Security guard is real loser; good work, his efficiency increases. La and behold the food neglected comer and we will be more secure. The no winners in protective action Phoenix Editor, look at some of the problems mise is inappropriate in an Her basic "familial" pres- Mrs. Alice Chambers pres- with this. First, a college is but because it is special, ents an argument that brings environment that is supposed Edltor-tn-Ctuef Bill Mann me back to the anti-estabhsh- supposed to prepare us for to create in us a respect for arguments the world we will live in and the society and the laws that ment, near-sighted Managing Editor Kelly Conner of the late 1960's and early shape, not protect us from it. we as a society deem neces- Layout Editor C. Lloyd Hart 1970's. She shows no respect How are we to realize that the sary for the maintenance of Copy Editor .. ...Jonathan Slade for the .law and is encouraq- real world is serious, if we're order. How are we to learn if I News Editor.. . Leo Ryan ing this view in the students told that (possession of marl- we are sheltered? If we are Elizabeth Leik I Sports Editor Stacey Pucci, Margaret Gemski, here at Western Maryland juana) is not realty all that old enough to vote, drive, Photography Editors College. This letter ... shows serious an offense? fight and hold jobs of respon- Ursula Wiedmann again the emphasis on rights Secondly, this idea of family slbttttv. then we are old of individuals while ignoring seems to be very unevenly enough to accept the pun- 2~~~~i~f~~~:~:~e·~:::::::::~:·.::::~....:': ..~~:~~IS~,:~~ the responsibilities that go administered. Prime examples ishement accorded the Reporting Staff rracv Kennard .Steven Rossman along with adulthood. (Yes, are the witch hunts against crimes we commit, without the Sandra Carlson, •.JUliGrabowski, Cyndi Schafer,' students are young adults, the Preachers. But more ap- "mothering" of Dean Sayre. Monica Brunson Melissa Renehan, Bill Benson not "wayward adolescents"). propriate the argument is the Finally, I doubt that Dean Ronna Lolli Chuck Weinstein, Mark Lawrenson The greatest error of.. (the) security guard who is appar- Sayre had any other interest . Rhonda Myers, Jeff Stebbins, Andrew P. Jung, letter is the defense of Dean ently getting a very raw deal. at heart than the interests of Lou Anne Banks Nancy Shaw_ Julie Ellingson Sayre's actions (or legal lnac- Isn't he family?, or is he the the school. In every decison Chris Ginther, Robin M. Adams tion). She evokes the Diety of "black,sheep conservative" in of his that I am aware of, he Advisor .. .. Dr. Eleanor L. Schreiner the Family. This is very cute, our 'cozy little family" that we has sided not with what would and for the studentsof WesternMaryland' but is very inappropriate. To "try not to talk about?" Why appear right, but rather with College.Theoplncne expressedin this publicationdo not follow the analogy through we the uneven treatment? what would create fewer should praise President I won't mention that to say necessarilyreflectthoseof the staff or administration.The Nixon, not condemn him, for "law should be tempered with waves. Dean Sayre did "care too much" . for his job and Phoenix reserves the right to headline,edit for length, covering up the crimes of his clarityand libelouscontent.All lettersto theeditormustbe justice" doesn't make sense, the school's reputation, but signed, authorshipwill be verified. "famity", his staff. by definition. I won't even not enough for the security We welcome commentsand/or suggestions.Pleasead- Mrs. Chambers says that discuss the fact that drug use guard to whom the real injus- dress all mail to The Phoenix,WesternMarylandCollege, colleges are a special kind of and sate is a felony, as tice is being done. institution, ones that should Westminster,Md. 21157. opposed to the mlsdemean- have a sense of family. Let's ors she uses as examples. Stephen P. Brady
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