Page 101 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 101
done with Smurfs, he-men fires? and that's all,folk Buggs Bunny Donald What would you choose if Duck ... Popeye ... Porky Pig faced with this difficult deci- ... MICKEY MOUSE. sian? Personally, 1 could not Has-beens I call them, car- refuse a chance to watch the loons of the past. Have you He-Man in action, as I have forgotten the famous fellows heard my little brother speak who began your mornings of him quite often. This, I with a "what's up doc?" and convinced myself, was my ended them with a "that's all golden opportunity to become folks"? I have not forgotten educated on a level allowing these characters who filled me to converse with my my childhood with laughter, brother, Si. I was psyched to but television programmers face up to the challenge of today apparently have, and accepting something new. that is sad. I was hopelessly disap Have you turned on your pointed with the program an Alarms are los- federal -" of- television set Saturday morn- will never again attempt t Ing their Impact. fense. Whoever is tng prepared and anxious to duplicate. the feat. The He When the alarms responsible should see your old favorites, only to Man was nothing to me - n be disgusted with the sense- hero, no superman. He is th ring In Blanche i)e prosecuted to less barrage of video images perfect example of what I cal 'video vege.' . they show kids today? hardly anyone the fu lIest extent. Last Saturday I did just that The fancy graphics and s comes out. They could" kill - turned on the tube, but phisticated story line can i someone. with the knowledge that I no way own up to the simple, car would not see my favorites, pure and imaginative Sandy Carlson Monica Brunson and with the determination to toons of my childhood. I find watch completely one of it difficult to believe that, i today's cartoons. given a choice, children would pick the He-Man ave I had a choice of programs: Mickey Mouse. The Smurts, Rainbow Con- Vegetate - that is to live in Nicknames. however, are younger brother Bob has also nection, Inspector Gadget, an inactive, passive or un- another whole story. I, unfor- fallen victim to this computer- The Great Space Coaster, thinking way. Cartoons today tunately, had to navigate my ized incompetence: one of hiSL and He-Man the Master of the allow kids to vegetate, and way through a sea of cut- favorite journals is mailed to Universe. that is sad. throat kindergarteners with a "B. Slagel." This error has nametag reading "Skipper." prompted the family to begin Even my early official tran- making bets as to how long Student applauds script sported this nauseating he will receive the publication diminutive, and I constantly before they further abbrevi- had to dodge references to ated his name. Eventually, we jazz performance dog food and Gilligan's predict, the subscription de- Island. One elementary partment will simply mail it to Editor, gramming such as this will school teacher, on the first "Bagel." A sorry statement, On Thursday, Feb. 28, the continue in the future. Our day of class, even asked, indeed, about our present Emmitt Nelson Jazz Quartet campus deserves more cuat- "Skipper? Is that as in 'Skippy concern for accuracy. played in the Pub. I wish to ity entertainment of this type. Peanut Butter?" "No, Ms. openly congratulate CAP- Thanks again for the job Snaggtepoop," I should have But there is one bright spot Board for bringing such a well done. It was a great responded, "It's Skipper as in in all of this. My situation, it talented band to WMC. show. 'Skip my name on the attend- seems, could have been I sincerely hope that pro- George Peck parents Herrman praises ance sheet any time you feel worse. Under the influence of the urge to make a bad pun." A.A. Milne, my The most annoying play on wanted to name me Christo- pher Robin. At the last possi- words, though. came from my ble instant, though, they came Phoenix editorial own peers who insisted on running (and yes, skipping) to their senses and chose not Editor, . case there must be no ambi- about, singing a bastardiza- to tag me with this title, thus I am most appreciative of guity about Western Maryland tion of an Uncle Remus clas- sparing me an embarrass- College's position on this mat-. sic: "Skipptdy-doo-dab ment more potent than all of and must applaud the posi- ter. Those within as well as tion presented in your edito- skippidy-day ..." Surely, such the aforementioned insanity. those outside this institution a traumatic childhood has "Hey, Chris," the once-pes- rial of Feb. 28 concerning the should have no doubts about handling of incriminating evi- desensitized me, for obscene sible quip now resounds only our absolute adherence to references to my person now in my dreams, "don't step in dence on this campus. I and support of the laws of whole-heartedly agree, espe- rarely sink in deeper that the the Pooh!" cially pertaining to drugs, with this state. first epidermal layer. Certainly, with a little mental your statements that: Our First Principles speak of Perhaps the US Postal Serv- activity on everybody's part, humane environment not as a ice, though, does the most to this problem of multiple mon- This policy of "un-involving" place for protecting permis- propagate "willful words- ickers could be cleared right the police, if indeed it does siveness but rather for "shar- laughter." Never have I sub- up: In fact, I hear through the exist, is wrong. It violates the ing responsibility for the scribed to a magazine which grapevine that if private citi- fundamental principles of law common good." I commend has spelled my name cor- zens do not soon standardize enforcement and good citi- you, Mr.lMs. Editor, on your rectly. Never. And still the each individual's "Iable," the zenship. It is illegal. willingness to do the latter Post Office continues to de- government will boldly inter- inspite of pressure from liver them. Boy's Life, ironi- vene. And their solution, I'm below, or from along side, or There is no ambiguity in the cally, addressed my monthly tote. involves scrapping this statutes of Maryland concern- from above. issue to "Joan Slade." And tradition of names and merely even Omni insists my last assigning to everyone a nine ing possession of controlled Charles C. Herrman, Jr. substances in small even Assistant Professor name is "Sladze." My digit number. amounts-. Since that is the Sociology Department
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