Page 102 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 102
Page 6IWeltem Maryland CollegeIMan:b 21, 1985 I - I -.Jill Holman, _ It's about time for girls soccer We've waited long enough. WMC. On those fresh fall afternoons, The greatest obstacles con- the whack of hockey sticks is fronting a proposed girls team heard on the back fields, and are lack of funds, the ab- the spiking of volleyballs in senee of a coach, and the the Gym, but something has fear that it would attract ath- been missing. For too long, letes from the field hockey, WMC has lacked girls soccer- volleyball, and cross country -the sport that's been trigger- teams. Dr. Richard Carpenter ing enthusiasm throughout the argues that "with such a small country. college, and thereforea lim- The first question is: How lted number of talented ath- many would really be inter- letes, having a women's ested in playing soccer? Just soccer team may disperse by the number of interested these athletes to a greater girls I've talked to there would extent." However, I've found be enough for a team. I've that most females interested noticed that there already ex- in playing soccer do not corn- lsts a good amount of soccer pete in the other fall sports. talent hiding here on campus. Carpenter says he will sup- I have secured many opinions port efforts to form a team, as of students who agree that a long as it does not interfere RODNEY JOYNER, Fr., qirls soccer team at WMC with parallel sports and their would generate enough inter- schedules. The Track Team is "off and 18 est to substantiate itself. Katy It will take time before girls hometown: Baltimore, Md. Hailstone felt that there would soccer can be recognized as running." A cliche, but true. Events last season: mile run be great interest because an intercollegiate varsity sport Here is your chance to meet 300 intermediate "soccer plays a big part in because of the red tape and some of them. Events this season: BOOmrun many surrounding high bureaucracy involved in long jump triple jump ~~~~~ &~~Ia~nd)~iishO~: ~uCs~i~~~~~~c~a~t~~r\hBeutlo~: SUE STEVENSON, Sr", Rodney's expectation for the 'lumber one sport. Girls are of soccer-so grant us a ball, 22 season is "to do as well as I really getting into it now." a field, and a team to play. hometown: Westminster, Md. posibly can and I'll be satis- The campus enthusiasm for Club soccer is the first step Events last season' 400m run fied" the sport is outstanding towards a varsity team. In an 400m hurdles among those who have effort to organize such a Club 400m relay JILLIAN LAWMAN, played in high school as well for next fall, siqn-up sheets 1600m relay Soph., 19 as those curious about the have been left at the lntorma- Events this season: 400m run hometown: Westchester, Pa. sport. Many believe it would tion desks in Decker Center 400m hurdles Events last season: none attract incoming freshmen to and the PELC. 400m relay Events this season: long jump triple jump 1- Sue's expectations for the Jillian did not participate last ~=================~1600m relay season are "to break my year and returned to the sport Other members of he personal records and finish because she "missed it, teams will be profiled in the season." bad!" next issue Bermuda tournament sparks _lacrosse ~-- -' by Melissa Renehan and bathing suit shape. "It will be Nancy Hutchinson an excellent chance to get some game experience under Bright blue skies, white our belts. We're all psyched pebbley peaches, and clear to go," noted Coach Kim blue water will greet the Easterday. women's lacrosse. team when they travel to Bermuda for "Enthusiastic," describes spring break to participate in coach Easterday's outlook for the Redmen Lacrosse Tourna- the season. "We ended on an ment. up note last season, and with Tournament foes include the addition of several prom- such lacrosse powerhouses ising freshmen, I lcok-torward as Johns Hopkins, Drew, and to a successful and exciting Rutgers. season," remarked Easterday. "It will be a great place to The returning letter-winners pratice our lacrosse skills and from last year's 2ยท8 squad still have a good time," ex- include seniors Barbie Hess, claimed co-capta!n Barbie Melissa Renehan, and Jenny Hess MacLea, juniors Alice Harden, The Terror women will de- Nancy Hutchinson, Carville Western Maryland part from Baltimore-Washinq- Dorshow, Fran Ward, and challenging 1o-marcn ton International Airport Laurie Dollar, and sopho- ule ) opening the Saturday, March 23, and until mores Cindy Robey, Sarah against the aggressive then the Green and Gold are Kimmel. and Tracy Kennard. ener team on Monday, practicing diligently and fu- The defensive expertise of 1. Western Maryland's riously to perfect their ta- freshmen Terry Paddy, Saskia opener is April 3 crosse skills and to get lhto Wolff, Suzanne Davie, Laura HOOd.
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