Page 80 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 80
.... e 8/Western Maryland· CollegeJFebruary 21, 1985 Eagle Scout, county Nightmare borrows scholarships offered popular movie themes by Nancy Shaw the community and college by Jonath," Slade description of a Friday the .Poltergeist was an excellent This coming fall-two new more closely.' $1,QCX) scholarships will be Although the scholarships An entirely original idea 13th star: brunette, and good look- film, don't but misconstrue my A intelligent. ing, Nightmare attack, of course offered. One is for- incoming appear totally beneficial. there probably does not exist in female. Her name is Nancy chose to purloin its weakest freshmen Eagle Scouts and is one major drawback. If a teday's film world. Bits and 'Thompson (Heather Langen- moment - the child's final the other is for all WMC student, who qualifies for ai· pieces of established plots kamp) and she is determined with the evil being, students who have been full ther of these new scholar- are frequently borrowed. bent, to solve the mystery behind encounter was basically a special which time residents of Carroll ships, already receives WMC and built upon to create a her friend's murder. Wes Cra- In ere- ' extravaganza. County for at least two years. money through a grant, an- project whose movie poster ven's script, however, even effects project, viewers lose ven's Both of the scholarships, other scholarship, or merit boasts "world premiere," but insists on mimicking Friday's sight of what is happening which. are fu.nded ~Y WMC award which exceeds $1,000, whose script has relatively idiotic dialogue for the first while dazzling imagery ~Jates. will be 9tve~ con- Ihe original award is consid- few innovations to brag ebout.. half hour, thus giving Thomp- flashes across the screen. t!~sly ea~~ year with no ered to include the newly Such is the case with New son little to brandish her intel- What is the fate of the psy- limit. In additIOn, nelth~r of the offered scholarship money. _If, Une Cinema's A Nightmare lect on. cho? Does he die, dlslnte- awarded fun~s are ~ased on however, the student's award on Elm Street which largely Then: suddenly, A Night- grate, or live for a sequel? need O!' ment. For Instance, is for less than $1,000, the owes its genesis to three mare shifts gears and be- The closing scene is suffi- the baels .for the Eaqle Scout college will make up the ~if. recent movies: Friday the 13th comes a Dreamscape clone. ciently'confusinq, allowing ev- Schclarhlp. according to ference. As the financial aid (any part you'd like), Dream- Thompson discovers that the eryone to believe whatever Cathy Miller of the financial office states, these new schol- scape, and Poltergeist. In psycho is killing people by they wish. The resolution, aid office, is that these young arships are to guarantee that fact, scenes from this trio of entering the subconscious therefore, is somewhat disap- adults should be commended students in these two categor- mind-benders could probably mind and goring victims with pointlnq, ·for exemplifying the "good, ies will be given a base be edited together to create a razor-like talons that spring en-Amencan kind of guy." In award of ·$1,000. For more great portion of A Nightmare from his fingertips. This Consequently, A Nightmare addition, -the impetus for the informaiion see' the financial on Elm Street. And yet this suggestion that dreams may on Elm Street is a conglomer- Carroll scholarship is to "bind aid office. new release. by writer and indeed be an alternate reality ation in every. 'sense of the director Wes Craven holds a is not incomprehensible, but, word -- of movies and quali- certain weird charm that al- after seeing the _ senseless ties. It seems content to sand- most always keeps the viewer Friday the 13th sequence, wich a visually stimulating Men's discussion intrigued. film begins under its viewers tend to hesitate a middle between an an inane be- ginning ambiguous and to grasp moment, The attempting Friday the 13th guise. A this new angle of the film. end. group reorganizes group of teenagers, decide to Perhaps his Craven wanted bal- to Even Jacques Hakin's pho- all beset by the same dream, off throw audience. spend the night together at ance and surprise them with tography follows this trend of at his camera' shots variance: girl's for discussions one frightened course, young with maleJfe- the this ethereal If so, not, dream/reaHty suc- no the onset are thirty contrived and home. Of has theory. If he minutes amateurish; into is there ceeded. parents this absent, . male gathering eventually justification for his abrupt the movie, though, he starts with by Nancy_ Sh_ as Poling explains, the mem- yields to a whirlwind of carnal change in direction. to The experiment unwavering. angles. land- only A unique group has reorg- bees can "build continually." urges and heightened hor- marks in this entire movie are anized on campus, the Men's However, the Men's Can- mones. And, after. one wild Still, this Dreemsceoe- Ronee Blakely, who, as Conaclousness Raising sciousness Raising -wants a sex session has ended, a esque section is by far the Nancy's mother is undeniably Group. The purpose of the more open group. Poling young girt is brutally mur- best part of A Nightmare. It is terrible; and Charles Berstein, organization, according to hopes to have a "core group" dered. Jason, the mad-slash- here that Craven stops simply whose music is constantly George Poling, Area Coodina- that will attend every week, or ing maniac from Friday th~ masking cliche with special evoking suspense from. the tor, is to "vent some anxieties if appropriate, to close the 13th, also had this knack for effects, and begins to intro- audience with a rhythm that in a non-violent environment." group but have some dealq- 'killing copiously copulating duce some of his own ingenu- sounds suspiciously like the Through weekly discussions, nated open meetings. =~:=,s,ina':f ~~g~t='!~~ ity. Nancy Thompson's human heart. the members will become method of drawing the killer _ more. aware of social pres- So far, a definite structure learned a thing or two from onto her "own court" is excel- Alas, A Nightmare on Elm sures affecting both men and has not been planned. How- him. (The killer also appears lent. Also, the development of Street cannot decide whether personality, women. Poling states that it is ever, some activities are to have learned something her father's Ihompscm Lt. it wants to be an above- "in some sense a support being considered, such as about heavy breathing from Donald ' (John average, mind-tantalizing hor- group," and he hopes to specific readings for weekly the savage principal in the Saxon), is superb. Yet Craven ror film, or a grade B slasher. "build a sense, of trust among topics, films. or what Poling horror spoof Student Bodies.) cannot remain satisfied with Indeed, the motivation for a do not the people involv~ .." describes as an "action end- end But the comparisons charac- these successes; he must, to great movie is present here, the nnove- here. the final detriment The central of his film, ing" for each meeting. This ter of this film fits the perfect but unfortunately is not. Although the group will be members borrow from one more flick. tion allows following some of the pur- activity what they can- do for to decide poses and .goals of the Na- the next meeting to Poling Prince rates among best of '84 "help tional Organization for Women promote less sexism." (NOW), Poling relates that feels the group can take "a they want to "use a little lot of different avenues." by Rhonda Myers ance prepared the audience movie and album Purple Rain. broader base." For instance, superbly for Prince's perform- Prince sang The Beautiful me topics wil! not just be The Men's Consciousness ance. One's, Darling Nicki, Com- feminism, but will also include Raising was tried last year Now that the hubbub of the The audience waited pa- puter Blue, and I Would Die new has subsided, problems men face, such- as based on an expressed stu- flections year upon 1984 are possi- re- tiently for as tong as possible, For You. Prince wore the the societal expectations to dent interest, although. as before screaming for Prince costumes from ·the movie and Prince be the "breadwinner." Poling Poling reveals, "it didn't go ble. Surely, are worthy and the to perform. He rose from performed the songs with his .of such Revolution also stresses that men can be too well." This year, however, below the stage where Rever characteristic style and the When "sensitive, interested in the Polfng and staff members attention. Centre he visited with ·lution had already begun to moves. . Capital last' fall, Prince's included props arts, and can cry." Dave Medoff, Area Coordina- special guest star Shiela E, play. Prince began with his portion Go purple bath tub. a spiral stair- a Let's concert of the tor, and Mitchell Alexander, fans had the chance to see a Crazy, to which the audience case, and a purple curtain. Furthennore. the group will Assistant Director of College truly sensational show. The boisterously replied. He then He sang When Doves Cry, change some of the NOW Activities, wanted to try again. concert began at 8pm with E. sang 1999, Lin/e Red Cor- and then performed Baby I'm structures to suit their own Currently there are seven on stage. vene, a medley of old and A Star with Sheila E. Prince needs. NOW requires a strict, members who meet on Mon- She had a visit from Jerome new songs. These songs in- concluded his excellently exe- confined membershtp. days from 4-5 p.m. For more Benton of The Time, and the cluded Take Me with yrJu,--fJo cuted concert performance Usually, the group is' closed Information contact the Stu- manager of the club where with Purple If the movie Rain. after the second meeting, so dent Affairs Office. the movie Purple Rain was Me Baby, Intef1)JJtiorfal Lover, moved you, the concert would Automatic. and Free, His L .,---'_ filmed. Sheila E'. perlorm- other songs were from his hit have done so even more.
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