Page 70 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 70
Wrestlers drop decision to Delaware Valley by Kelly Connor The Western Maryland wres- tling team, having their best season since 1969-1970, lost (16-27) to Division HI power- house Delaware Valley on Saturday, Feb. 9, making their record 11-3. Saturday marked the final home match of the 1984-85 wrestling 'season, Terror swimmer competes in Harlow Natatorium and was the final home ap- pearance seniors for the four Swimmers hang tough on the WMC roster: Joe Co- Sam buzio, Guar- Nick Frost, by Stacey Pucci The men dropped two ino, and Wade Scott. Duane Maryland's Western to and The western Maryland men's 'touqn meets Freshman F&M Dan Powell, at 118 Ibs., got things Ursinus. and women's swim team bat- O'Conner captured first place started by beating Delaware tled out a long Jan Term in the yard freestyle as the Valley's Bryan Stanley in a Joe Cobuzio after take down against Delaware schedule to bring them closer Terrors lost 79-16 to F&M. hard-fought 8-7 decision, to the MAC's. Senior Synda Ursinus proved to be unsur- making a comeback in the Valley Aggie Rennie, junior Val Borror, and passable obstacle as the Ter- last half of the match. sophomo·re Jenny Brashears rors were defeated, 52-37. Delaware Valley, who fin- son took. a three point lead to his opponent Steve Rodichok continued. to be the strength Despite the loss, O'Conner, ished second in last year's win. in a 7-0 decision. this season action In earlier of the Terror squad, but their Dave Stroud, and Jeff Woods MAC Championships, took Ed Singer, wrestling at 190 first place wins were not . all garnered first place wins, the lead with a forfeit, two Ibs., confirmed the Terrors' the Terrors defeated Loyola Messiah (54-0), (39-13), Wid- enough as Western Marytand while co-captain Dennis De- pins, and three decisions, comeback, plnnmq Dan De- tied Franklin & Marshall Matte took second in the 500 making the score 28-3. Pretis in the second round, ener (39-8), LaSalle (32-19), on Jan. 23. Rennie Borror, freestyle. Wrestling at 177 Ibs., Steve making the overall score 12- Haverford (33-9), Johns Hop- Tracey S9rratelli and Mary The women's team fell to Wilkinson was able to avenge 28. Because of DePretis' un- kins (29-11)" Juniata (45-6), Martha Peet all notched first Lycoming last Saturday, Feb. his team-mates with a 9-6 sportsmanlike conduct, the and Elizabethtown (46-6). The Jan. 26, place wins Saturday, ~ .. tak- decision victory over Bob Aggies were penalized one Western Maryland wrestlers with Val Borror 9, 40-62, (26-17), lost to York Moravian as the Green and Gold ing first in the 200 fly and Cook. Wilkinson's match was point. bowed to a tough Ursinus tied until the end. With 1:05 Paul Johnson extended "his continued on page 7 team, 54-37. continued on paqeB left in the last round, Wilkin- unbeaten streak by defeating Kilbourne presents ~un1\!~ t Spring 'Breal(. acclaimed lecture FT.LAUDERDAlE McDaniel chairs Lounge, Tuesday in turtty, athletic - that the abuse of VIrility, ability, filled were The and others de- hear Jean addition, In stroys." (Sot" March 2J - Sot, March JO, 1985) night to present Or. her nationally Kil- alcohol diminishes and she bourne acclaimed lecture, "The stresses that television adver- The Lowest Guaranteed Prices!!! Naked of Women." Advertising's tising has created role stereotyp- a complex Truth: of sex system Image Actively involved . _.via L1011 Jet Service women's movement since in the ing. 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