Page 74 - ThePhoenix1984-85
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Page 2lWe.tem Maryland CollegeJFebnlluy 21, 1985 Jr.. Follies to John aids fundraiser- spoof past year by Sendra Carlson _Presidentand Coordinator of Development. Grier will work by Elizabeth .... k bine with Adams to head the Dr. Ralph John will be two days a week during the program and keep practices helping out onthe Hill again. spring semester. Seniors and"faculty, want to on schedule. Eimer also cho- No, President Robert Cham- At such a stressful time in see just what the junior class reographed the program. bers will not be relinquishing the Development Office,.with thinks of you? Come to the Meqting in November they his new found 'job. John, the $900,000 goal to be Junior Follies on the evenings had three choices, then nar- PresidentEmeritus,has volun- reached in only four months, of March 14, 15 or 16 to find rowed it down to one topic at teered his services to help one of the members of the l out. Head writer RobinAdams a writer's meeting in January. Western Maryland clear the office has resigned. Ms. Cyn- describes the theme as Tryouts were held Monday' remaining $900,000 thia Gelhard, who' was form- "Something everyone will be Feb. 11, and roles were filled they need to acquire erly in charge of Development \ able to relate to. It brings for the skits: before June 15 if they are to for WMC, resigned on Jan. back funny things that hap- "We had a good turn out, receive the $300,000 Kresge 15. According to Ms. Bernice pened during the school with more people showing up Foundation donation for the Beard, Executive Assistant of year." . after the first meeting. Every- new gym. the Office of the President, "Most of the time we spoof one who signs up for a part; John, who is currently resid- Gelhard left "following a deci- professors and' pick on sen- gets placed in a skit." Adams) ing in Ocean Pines, MD, will Dr, Ralph C. John sian that her professional iors in a friendly way," she adds that the class has as-l serve as a special consultant goals lie elsewhere." Even adds. "Executive Director sisted in many different ways: on the Physical Education the raising of the $900,000 though the Office of the De- Karyn Upton and Junior Class "Anyone asked helps out will- Learning Center campaign. which is the- condition for velopment will miss her serv- receiving the Kresge Founda- ices, John and Grier "intend" President Sharon Eimer com- ingly." This $6 million pIQject was tion grant. to close the gap in that office' campaign "Or. John's to JAWS tackles WV begin with," said Ms. Robin . Although John will help with - so that the Kresge grant will not be lost. John, though he Garland of the Development this project, a part-timeassist- Office, "and he wanted to ant has been hired to provide is once again at work for continued from page 1 rabbits for their meal. SFC stay involved with the col- additional aid with the task. WMC, is not on campus. All Jackson demonstrated the lege." As a result, John will Mr. George Grier has been of his consultant work will be it for Colleges', 55--emp lovers However,this year a gro_upof technique -neceeeerv. to kill be "on call" to help out with appointed as Assistant to the tackled from his own home. Green Berets. from Alabama. the rabbit and lprepare were there for the same two cooking. As the demonstra- weeks. They were learning non ~progressed, the group t . C F . cross-country skiing as welt. watching got smaller and coopera e In areer air The Special Forces soldiers smaller. were able to provide training Although the qroup in- opportunities that no other tended to stay 'Overnight in Continued from page 1 JAWS group will have again. tents, a predicted tempera- The first few days of skiing ture of -300 cancelled the talk to the student." were an introductin to the idea. Therefore, all the gear Valenti, however, explains sport. These days prepared was packed up and taken that the -relatively tranquil at- everyone for the kick-and- down to Camp Dawson. rnosphere in the Forum has glide movement of cross- The snow that feUell week masked countless hours of country~_After skiing several was a mixed blessing: It let dilliqence. days on the flat fields enctr- everybody ski as much as "Two years ago it was just a cling the camp, the crew was they wanted, yet it blocked tnouqht," he says. "We've ready 'for a change of ace- the roads so that they been pll}nning this and meet- nery. Harrington Manor State couldn't get out to do another ing once a month for the last Park in Maryland provided day of skiing at Alpine Lake. year and a half; and each of that change. With its groomed Instead the group spent an the (eight attending) schools trails and gradual up and afternoon of snowshoeing. handled different aspects of downhill slopes, this was the The Special Forces from organization, from the initial place to put previous-learned Alabama had a mission to invitations_to businesses, to skills into practice. Everyone accomplish. They had to res- the follow-up phone calls and had a good grasp of the cue three hostages from a registration. basic skills by the end of this group of terrorists, then cap- "It was quite an undertak- first day. lure a truck to escape with. lng, "~hl!_ adds. "but well They were to be the rescuers,' worthwhile from how it looks. Besides cross-country, al- of course, but they needed It will be easierthe second go pine skiing was also a high- hostages, terrorists, and So- around." light of the two-week stay. viet soldiers. They got more veenrr explains that Tues- This was done at the Alpine volunteers than needed from day's consortium was con- tore. we agreed on Western "But," Parrish concedes, Lake Ski Lodge. Due to the the WMC contingency. cefved after studying other Maryland. "we do hire math and com- amount of snow, the students 5:00 a.rn. was wake up and career programs in the Mid- "In the future," he adds, puter science majors and we were the only people there. preparation. After getting set Atlantic states. "we are going to rotate the have found that we are im- The group was visited that up came the wait for the "Similar programs are held sites." pressed with the caliber of day by Jeff Hayman. Major attack. Sovietsoldiersgot four in Baltimorearound Christmas Valenti, however, was not the students here. We recruit Haker, Rita Dell and Michelle M-16's and a truck to guard. and in Philadelphia around the only person optimistic at over 50 colleges and uni- Wagner. The Sovietswere instructed to Christmasand we've modeled about Tuesday's turnout. versities and have found sev- Saturday was a survival ov- -be un-alert. ours after them. Basically,our "I'm getting some feedback eral good prospects at this erniqhter on Briery Mountain. The hostages were rescued purpose is to get employers from the students," says Mr. consortium." Supplies were driven up by without incident. As soon as and students together and Tom Richards, WMC's Staff Mr. W. V. Coles from the SGMBoore in the pickup. The the area was secure, the talking." Counselor/Coordinatorof Ca- Baltimore County Police force first crew on the' mountain hostages were transported The decision as to where reer Services, "and it's going also thought that the "turnout went quickly to work prepar- out. FirstSandy Brant,second the fair should take place was really well, even though. the was pretty good." ing campsites and setting up Carole Boore and then Val difficult, he suggests. and space is a little cramped." "Though this is the first time a survival shelter for each Butta, a terrorist. Hostage WMC was chosen because of likewise, Mr. Micheal G. I've been to Western Mary· group. Starting fires ~as one ,Nancy Boore had been left its proximity to business and Parrish, Personal Staff Spe- land, I have recruited a few of the most important tasks, behind as a terrorist, while other colleges. cialist from, Goddard Space students from FrostburgState due to the dropping tempera- Butta was thought to be a "Initially, we were looking at Center, was pleasantly sur- and the l,!nj~rsi!y_of Mary_- tures and heavy snow. hostage. The Green Berets Frederick at a hotel, but the prised. land," he explains. - - After everybody had been were told of their mistakeafter cost was too expensive," Val· "We were somewhat reluc- "I've found," Cole adds, shuttled, cooking posts were Butta had "Blown up" the enf says. "Then we looked at tant to come here," he says, "thai many of those I talk to set up. The separate groups truck and "killed" half of Hood because it is a central "because the trust of our are interestedin county gov· were given !WOor three live them. L_-=--_-'- _J location, but they could not recruiting efforts are geared handle us at that time. There- toward engineering students. continued on page 3
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