Page 68 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 68
Page 4IWestem Maryland CoUege/February 14, 1985 Editorial Greek, college feud starting to boil Existing on this campus are two special interest groups that tend to dole out tired slurs with reckless abandonment. One group uses phrases to this effect: Why is it that whenever anything bad happens the Greeks are always blamed? The other group spouts verbiage wonderful in theory but poor in execution, it goes something like this; We are not out to destroy the Greeks, we simply want to make equitable decisions which will benefit the community as well as a whole. Let's face facts, the administration does not possess a good working relationship with the Greeks and vice versa. The Greeks claim that they are persecuted by the administration at every turn. We have no doubt that this is true. We are also sure that much of the hounding is justified. Damage estimates and other violations are far more excessive in male Greek halls than any others on campus. Greeks by nature are the only social organization at WMC with the kind of money needed to hold a profitable party and when the keg rules are broken Greeks are usually not far from the taps. Perhaps it would be wise for the administration to Pastoral letter blasts seriously reexamine its handling Qf the Greek factions. History has been full of prejudgement aoei mistrust. It is difficult at While US economic problems best for a small, ill equtped security force to successfully police this campus. The administration in most cases is forced to rely at times, on hearsay and circumstanial evidence. the college has no choice but to act on even the most trivial piece of suspicion, how can Greeks and independents by C. Woyd Hart controversial recommenda- were considering advocating honestly respect justice of this fashion. tions, the bishops stress the central economic planningl We· refuse to condone any ill action on the part of any The National Conference of need for a "a major new No prizes for naming a few student group on this campus. In the same breath we will not Catholic Bishops has pre- policy commitment" to cut countries that employ this stand for an administration that deals with students in a pared another pastoral letter unemployment from a now theory. This is an incredible slipshod manner. We can except nothing less than profession- to the country, this time ad- "morally unjustified" level of contridiction when one consi- alism of the finest caliber from the administration and as well dressing problems within the 7.4 per cent. To accomplish ders that the bishops say they the maturity befitting young adults about to enter the working American economy. The first this, the council suggests value a thriving economy. world, from students. draft, released before Christ- huge new govemment funded In the area of foreign policy Student newspapers are prone to the use of tired mas, of the "Pastoral Letter jobs programs, unemploy- affairs charity again blinds phrases. One that is overused runs like this: What is needed in on Catholic Social Teaching ment benefits, and strenqth- good sense to the point of this situation is effective communication and compromise. and the US Economy" is not ening of unions. Obviously the stupidity. The bishops, while Unfortunately this is the only technique that will suffice. just a critique of American bishops do not realize that admitting that the US contrib- gains and shortcomings, it one of the major thrusts of the utes more economic assist- has passed sentence on the Reagan plan has been to ance to more countries than entire system of Western cap- decrease people's depend- any nation on earth, still finds The italism. ance on big government. We that "our nation lags behind segments Archbishop Rembert Weak- already have whole that have most other industrial nations of Phoenix of a committee been of five bishops US grown recipients and have wel- no in Ihe provide It's about the lime of aid population our chairman relative amout. of land Milwaukee, up as professional 10 Third we fare who studying have World." we get Editor-in-Chief .. BiI1 Mann capitalism since 1981 ex- plan to contributed off the dole. to started lagging behind. Unions heavily Managing Editor .... . Kelly Connor plains that the purpose of the The US virtually funds the woes of Layout Editor.. . . C. lloyd Hart letter is "to appeal to the the economic unreasonable the United Nations and all its Their 1970's. Copy Editor .... ....Jonathan Slade generosity, good will and con- agencies, not to mention News Editor.. .. Leo Ryan cern of all US citizens." It demands for wage increases, whole countries, whose Features Editor Barbara Abel seems however that the real more benefits and profit shar- names we can't even sell, to Sports Editor... ~ Elizabeth Leik purpose of the letter is so the ing almost crippled many in the tune of trillions of dollars major industries, especially Photography Editors ...Stacey Pucci. Margaret Gemski, bishops can once again stick the steel and auto industries. every year. In addition,"Time" Ursula Wiedman their noses where they don't notes the letter condemns "a belong. now that industry profits are recent decline in US support Business Manager.. .. Craig Sarsony up again, the unions are once Advertising Manager Carol O'Brien The bishops, while they again biting the hand that for the World Bank's interest- Reporting Staff Steven Rossman generally praise the system free loan program. It probably JUI Grabowski, Cyndi Schafer, Melissa for its recent, "impressive employs them. is unimportant that we will Renehan, Hillery Hansen, Sandra strides", have authored an Welfare is also on the minds never get any of that money Carlson, Chris Ginther, Rhonda essentially socialist docuemnt. of the council. The pastoral back. Most of the countries Myers, Jeff Stebbins, Andrew P. They have decided to return proposes massive increases that get the money funneled Jung, Thomas Garland, Nancy Shaw to President Lyndon John- in welfare payments and more through the UN are marxist, son's "War on Poverty." As regulations to remove "bar- hostile and uncooperative to columnist George Will wrote, riers to full and equal employ- the US. They continually they "hurl cliches at problems ment for women and thwart our efforts in areas of Published. by and for the students of Western Maryland minorities" as stated by human rights and have all but College. The opinions expressed in this publication do not that have proven intractable." necessarily reflect those of the staff or administration. The Eccnorntst Aan Greenspan "Time" magazine. taken over the General As- Phoenix feserves the right to headline, edit for length, adds that "the bishops' letter Once again one wonders sembly. clarity and libelous content. All letters to the editor must be is a resurrection of old poli- if the bishops know that in- It is abundantly clear that signed: authorship will be verified. cies that are no longer sup- creased welfare spending will the Catholic bishops of Amer- We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please ad- ported by those raise the national debt, raise ica either do not understand dress all mail to The Phoenix, Westem Maryland College, knowledgeable in econcm- interest rates and create an our economic and political Westminster, Md. 21157. lcs." economic slow down. These systems or they simply refuse ,,",", .v In one of the letter's most are also the same men who to reecqnlze reality.
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