Page 73 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 73
ThePhoenix Case named coach of year for wrestling l They put everything together." Of the nine wrestlers repre- "My boys did it all!" was Dr. Case's reaction to his senting Western Maryland, five placed in the lop six for achieved distinction as Wres- their weight class. Twenty tling Coach of the Year. This schools were present. . honor was awarded to Case Powell, wrestling at 118; at the MAC Tournament this placed sixth in his weight past weekend, Feb. 15-16. class. Joe Monteleone cap- -- what he should get. We just a after upsetting a tough oppo- "We all thought that was tured, second place at 134, nent from Moravian, Bob Con- think he's the greatest," cC?m- F- Duane mented drid. Powell, features Tracey freshman wrestler. "The whole Recovering -from a minor team was really excited," Laura King, as well as Wendi Moore, Julie Ann added Joe Monteleone. "Our injury" Mike ~artinoviCh (158) - defeated four top competitors Elliott, Brian Kleiner, and Charles Crum. team wrestled well last week- to place first in his weight 'Crimes of the Heart' end, and his (Dr. Case's) class. Martinovich will, be con- award put the icing on the tinuing at the Nationals this cake." coming weekend. Powell replied that Case's to open March 8 ern Maryland College, has main concern for wrestling is sixth and Paul Johnson, un- Case, a graduate of West- took Tom Hulsey, at 167, coached wrestling for 22 to get the team conditioned. limited, captured third. by Kelly-Connor Laura King portrays Babe years, the past 20 years "A conditioned athlete doesn't Case emphasized that the Botrelle, Lenny's youngest spent at WMC. Case pre-' get injured," stated Powell. entire team performed well, "Crimes of the Heart," a sister, who has recently been viously coached at Johns In addition to Case's recog- not just at the MACs, but three-act play by Beth Hen- released on bail from an at- Hopkins and Ohio State (as- a nition, the Terror's squad per- throughout this past season. Earning sistant formed coach). at the successfully ley, will be presented by the tempted murder charge. Brian "We had a very, very good Western Maryland theatre Kleiner plays the part of her graduate degree from WMC, MAC Tournament. Case was year and we would like to group on March 8-1 D, at 8 young, industrious lawyer, he continued at Ohio State for very excited for his "boys." thank the student body and p.m. The play involves six Barnette Lloyd. However, his doctorate. "They wrestled intelligently. tt"le college for suppoit." characters and takes place in Lloyd has an ulterior motive in So- JAWS team tackles WV a present setting in Hazle- defending Babe's case, as he hurst, a small southern town hopes to settle a personal in Mississippi. vendetta with Zackery The play opens with Lenny trelle, Babe's husband and by ChrisG_ The first week of thls yearly West Virginia. This is a Na- Magrath, the oldest of three intended victim. . This Jan-term, 25 of WMC's Jan-term was spent on cam- tiona! Guard camp located on daughters, (ptayed by Tracey Meg Magrath (ptayed by bravest left campus for two pus. Besides being in th~ the Cheat River outside of Tokar) lighting her birthday Julie Ann Elliott), the middle weeks of skiing and winter there was also physical train- Kingwood. After a five hour at classroom t\¥O hours a day, l seems to have forgotten her tion with her appearance in were taking part in the ROTC created a cameraderie in the Camp Dawson and the gear sister, creates quite a como- cookie alone, since everyone survival in West Virginia. They drive, the vans arrived ing to be attended. The p::r Hazlehurst. Meg, a budding thirtieth birthday. Lenny is in- JAWS Jan-term. was unloaded. sponsored I flies in from Hollywood singer terrupted by her obnoxious not In past years the post has . group. The adventure teaches when an urgent receives she cousin, Chick Boyle, (Wendi 'only cross-country skiing and The team composed of 16 Moore) who directs most of the staff who worked there. her efforts toward cutting telegraph from Lenny. Meg~s winter survival, but snowshoe- men, nine wOmen, and four atways been empty except for cadre, left on Sunday and ing, skijouring, and other win- down the Magrath family. continued on page 6 ter skills. headed for Camp Dawson. continued on page 2 ~ghts: ShOuld governments Colleges, 55 employers !continue to pursue Nazi war !criminals forty years after the cooperate in Career Fair fact? by JoIIIIIhan ~ "These schools got together lium to consolidate the _ Sandra Carlson with the idea that in many on- process whereby students yes campus recruiting programs, meet with possible employers lt may be dog-eat·dog in a single college cannot get and ask representatives about teday's business world, but enough people together to different aspects of their the Cumberland Valley Con- justify the presence of a busi- fields. Some qualified seniors no sortium's Career Fair on Feb. ness's representative," says is are even granted interviews. "It appears to be working 19 took some of the bite out Mr. Ronald Valenti, who 11111111111111111111111111111 of meeting perspective em- Director of Career Develop- relatively well," he says, point- II ment at Mount St. 325 peo- Mary's ptoyers. ing out that roughty undecided a:e~~~~~f 5~~g:~es i~~~ College. "There are just not ple were in attendance. ''The enough people to warrant an idea was to service' our indi- 1- ~C's Forum as college sen- expenditure of the employer's vidual students in the best I Ill!!1IIlIiIIfIIIIII!I!!!!!!!!!!!. 1lors from eight regional institu- time, so we decided to pool way possible. In fact. a num- 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 5560 65 ~~~t~, i';f~~~i~gM~~;ttb~? people from different ber of employJ:'rs are setting meetings Number of people Ma'Y·s. and Shippensburg. schools." up like what they so see, that they ~ they can Valenti explains that this. is S I 125 Source: Phoenix roamed from table to table to the fir·st such effort by the continued on page 2 L;.;U;;.rv;.:8~Y_;samp;:;.;;..;:;;,:;8.:..:";';;;;"' __ -,- __ _;;';';;"';';"":""":";_;.I speak with waiting recruiters. Cumberland Valley Consor-
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