Page 66 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 66
~e 2JWeatem Maryland CollelelFcl;:,,~a.ry!4~ J985 SGAToday Smallwood leaves Hill SGA to file report on for James Madison Gam m a B t e a ChI . by Nancy Shaw ~~~~~I~~~e;~fh~nasW~~hfOt:~ Gary Smallwood,the Direc- place during January Term. The SGA has launched a surveys for an average 01 ~o~a~te~n~u:~:s~~~~~~~ :~: ~:~u~o~ I~~~~~~a ~~~~,~~ full investigationinto the sanc- 21% of the student body. Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity felt that the project went "ac- tone against Gamma Beta . will be leaving WesternMary- cording to schedule and was Chi. We will be filing a report 1. Are you content with your land on Feb. 22. He will be very successful." Of the 4700 with the Dean of Student present housing situation? moving on to James Madison people contacted during the Affairs and the President of 209 yes 37 no 6 abstentions University in Virginia where 12 nights, 50 percent the College by Monday, Feb. 2. Do you favor co-ed hous- his position will be Directorof pledged which resulted in a a. ing? Annual Gifts. Smallwood will $91,190 total. The student senatevoted to 197 yes 45 no 7 abstentions have the task of buHding a According to Smallwood, reject a proposal for new 3. Due to the expenses in program for the raising of the administrationat WMCwill hours at the Student Health keeping the PennsylvaniaAv- private funds. The university "probably start a search Center. The new hours would enue housesopen, shouldthe is a state supported school, soon" for a replacementin the have had the Health Center school continue to offer them which in the past has not position of director of annual open during the lunch hours. to students? relied as heavily as WMC on funds. In addition, the Sigma The Undergraduate Aca- 175 yes 52 no 21 abste~ti?ns private support. However, Epsilon fraternity is in the demic Policy and Curriculum ~. Do you favor th~ el!mma- with restricted state funds, process of looking for a new Committeehas decided to cut non ?f ~eer and wl.n~~n~he James Madison is turning 10 counselor. Smallwood says, back the amount of time that pub In lieu of the_dlmlnlshinq the private sector. Smallwood "leaving them is tough." He students can drop classes number of legal drinkers on notes that the university has has been with them since next fall to about 4 weeks. campus? . 35,000 alumni and 10,000 1982. Smallwood states that Other changes for the fall of 91 yes 216 no 11 abstentlo.ns parents which indicates the Gary Smallwood, Director "they're going to take their 1985 include; no _Sunday ~. S~ould the college ~dmln- drop/add day, and students Istratl
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