Page 72 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 72
p.... 81W•• tem Maryland CollegeJFebruary 14, 1985 Grecian exhibit opens Ford tops Indiana Jones at Hoover Library with stark ltVitness by Sandre Carlson opening of the Greek art by Jcnathan Slade ~~~~fL~~~~ti~esl~~:r~h~~ f~~IP~~~~mo:IYS!~~~~~a' inB~~~ display in Hoover Library. The H.ollywood mentality ap- dressed all in black whose other's home territory, making A louch of Greece has Some 70 teachers, students, pears to be changing. Pro- naivete and dark, expressive a relationship difficult, if not come to the Western Mary- and off-campus art fans en- ducers, it seems, are eyes cannot fail to captivate impossible. The closing scene land College campus in the joyed the Greek honey-sweet beginning to think more and audiences. As the only wit- of the movie, though, does its form of art, which is being baklava and wine, both of more that enormous budgets ness to a brutal slaying, best to shatter cliche as the displayed at Hoover Library which put a sense of Greece and highly complex plots are Haas's character is c-arted unexpected occurs. The out- as a part of the "Gifts From into the atmosphere. the best methods to draw throughout the big city in an come, in fact, will have real- Ancient Greece" program. Among the pieces dis- large audiences into the thea- attempt to locate the mur- ists undoubtedly intrigued, The Greek art program began played at the library are ter. Certainly, David Lynch, derer. But never, even in the and romantics moderately on Feb. 10 with a lecture by vases, terra-cotta figurines, Dr. William A MacDonald, bronzes, coins, and Etruscan C~~p~~~e,~~~d ~~~t~~S ~/~~ ~~~;:m~l~:a~i~~~e~~~adiS~~~~ sal~d'for comedy, Witness is Emeritus Professor of Art and art pieces from several art are guilty of this maneuver his sense of curiosity, despite rich here too. Much of the film Archeology at George Wash- periods. The display was the Their barely comprehensible the fact that his mother (Kel- allows us to laugh at the ington University and former result of work by Project Di- epics blazed through holiday ley McGillis), who reluctantly mundane quirks of life. In art -historian for WMC. Mac- rector Dr. Julie Badiee, with cinemas, revealing relatively accompanies him, is totally Philadelphia, Rachael Lapp is Donald presented an hour- the help of Charles Crum III few believable characters and frazzled by the experience. the source of humor for she is long slide show of ancient and Terra lieberman. The art even less in the way of ro- She detests the idea that she out of her environment. Like- Greek art while he explained department has provided in- mance and comedy. and her son must succumb to wise, in the vast fields of the the historical relevance of formation about the time But there are still those laws that are not their own. Pennsylvania Dutch, Book each period. frame and pertinence of each producers with a firm hold on provides us with opportunities Harmony, arithmetic, and piece shown so that even traditional entertainment, Indeed, the majority of Wit- to smile as he tries to grasp geometry heavily influenced non-art historians can enjoy those who refuse to swallow ness rests on a firm founda- the rudiments of Amish farm the art of the ancient. Greeks, the rhythm and harmony man- this bigger-is-better trend that tion of subtleties, such as life. MacDonald explained. He ifested in the art of the an- seems to be sweeping individual personalities and Thus, Earl W. Wallace and then continued by pointing cient Greeks. through many major studios. relationships. That is not to William Kelley's screenplay is out how these characteristics, Anyone who is Edward S. Feldman is one suggest, however, that no ac- stupendous. Surprisingly, it specifically harmony, were even slightly interested in such man: his determination tion exists in the picture. On offers us a limited amount of distinguished in several art Greece, art, or harmony and to record human nature au the contrary, the graphically dialogue, for most of the story pieces. balance is urged to view the natural has warded off the depicted murder scene will is told through magnificently The lecture was followed by museum quality art pieces bludgeoning mass of the have audiences squirming in lyrical cinematography. Wind- a reception and the formal displayed in the library. mega-buck movie monstros- their seats, and the finale, swept wheat fields and silhou- ity. Indeed, in Witness, a which sports three-to-one etted laborers easily inspire Swimmers hang tough recent release from Para- odds against Harrison Ford, awe as the plot forges ahead. starts the aorenaun pumping Pictures, Feldman mount And Maurice Jarre's musical continued 1rom page 6 Dan O'Conoer placed first grants the audience an utterly Frequently violent sequences score, featuring a slow and in the 200 Backstroke with a sensational masterpiece of appear abruptly in the middle majestic synthesizer, accen- another first in the 200 breast time of 2:20.5 as the men action, romance, and comedy of tranquil settings, thus tuates every irnaqe- they ere- Melissa Morreels, Lynda Ren- bowed to Lycoming 48-54. without ever straying from a adding to their shock value. ate for the screen. Jarre has nie, Mary Martha Peel and Jill WMC men won the medley humble budget or a stark and Romance, however, is an- no difficulty denoting sus- Papparazo propelled the with the team of Scott Flickin- simple storyline. other highlight of the film. The penseful situations or adding women's first in the 400 free ger, Chris Meny, Mike Airla Harrison Ford stars as John mutual affection that develops to the stark beauty of any relay. and Mark Buckley. Book, a Philadelphia police- between Ford's John Book occasion. man whose entire life is and McGillis' Rachael Lapp A masterpiece by any stan- WWMC hits airwaves wrapped up in law enforce- tugs at the viewer's heart dard, this film is a tribute to the traditional ideal of enter- ment. He has no family, for strings. We see these two protection by Leo Ryan the idea for the cassettes his complete dedication to the eligible people yearn for one tainment: there exists no big or laser budget another and we wish for some battles of the citizenry from Ira Domser, his adviser. leaves little time to raise one. sort of resolution. But they throngs of complex cnarac- If you have been paying Other students involved in His outlook on the world, appear much wiser than us, ters. Rarely are movies re- attention to the music being WlNMC include Brett Lougee, therefore, appears quite lim- realizing that each comes leased where flaws are played during lunches and Kirk Van Offstram, and Chip ited, until he discovers a from a different culture--Book nonexistent, but surely this dinners recently, perhaps you Brandenburg. young Amish boy who has from the technclcqical hub- may be one. Indeed, theater- may have noticed something Ozazewski has already ap- stumbled across a murder-in- bub of Philadelphia, and Ra- goers should witness the ex- s different. Instead of 98 Rock plied for a club. With the club rP;..:'og='e"ss:.... ~---C-h-a-el--f,-om-:_t-h-e-'-u-st_,iC ,r;c:::e:;;lIe",n:c,;,e",fo"'::;th;, ,,el__ve;_:s_·_l or WPOC, pre-recorded cas- money, he plans to buy a settes are played daily by a transmitter and set up a F~' c..E8E RElTAURANr group of students who hope cable-type system which to form a campus radio sta- would enable WWMC to WetsImII_ tion, 'WWMC.These cassettes broadcast throughout the Szechun ~.Downtown 59W.MaIn lit. Caror- offer a variety of music as campus. well as campus news. "We hope that we have PolynesIan 848-0919 Chris Ozazewski is one of the proven and will continue to American .87&3166 students pioneering WrNMC. prove that INWMCis good for He worked at Harford Com- the college," says Ozazewski. munity Colleges -radio station WrNMC meets on Monday CocktalI service Quickey Lunch & C&ny OUt before transferring to WMC. nights at 7:30 in the base- 11 AM·j 0 PM Sun-1lxJ.. 11 AM-l1 PM FrI-SaI FEEL-The Chili Ozazewski said that he got ment of Alumni Hall. Catering Ill< Banqueta; PIIrtie8, HaIs .d'_ February 21 at... Os and Ginny's The Pit Remember your sweatheart February 24 The Cellar on Valentine's Day •• . with flowers from March 14 The Pit .. • \.,.,.e ~oc¥- 't\ ~o\\
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