Page 67 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 67
February 14, 1985lWe llem Maryland CoUegeJPage 3 New management levels Ninth-grader changes in Englar, grille tackles The Hill continued from page 1 by Bill Mann On the first day of classes for political participation Dr. support. Set for March 5, the event will be run with the help Charles Neal settles his class of student organizations oper- to begin discussion. From the ating booths and forming indi- hall enters a young man with vidual activities. Any group a tattered looseleaf binder, two pencils and glasses pre- interested in partiCipating in the Mardi Gras should con- canousty perched on the end tact Mary Jo Wardlaw at ext. of his nose. The class seems 615. puzzled as to the reason for the arrival of this stranger. It Experiments and new ideas looks as if he. would be more are just what Janet Carsten at home in high school than a has lately introduced to Pub sophomore level political sci- /' and Grille customers. The ~~~~ c~surs:. I~3fac~et=~s~~ ,_?~:,. creative decorations and new Sen- ,V "'....,.;- luncheon specials are just a freshman at Westminster few of the changes made to t\.:. spruce up the atmosphere. ior High School. His name is f .~. .~ '" .; " . Chris Baker. _ "People needed a change," Carsten comments on the Baker is attending WMCon High school freshman quickly implemented tech a Center for Talented or Youth Chris Baker in Political niques as a request from Mr. Chalk boards and chilipeppers are the order of the ~~~~I~~S~~en;~e ei~~~~da~~ Participation class John Dilley, District Manager. After receiving what is known day in the new pub and grille ninth grade students who Baker was given his seat in as the 'Dilley list' Carsten score exceptionally well on Neal's political participation made quick alterations, and Grille. Overall, though, she extra dining space. When the SAT test. Baker scored class based on his perform- was allowed flexibility in dis- feels that faculty and students asked about the future of the 510-570 combined on his ance in psychology, Though playing her ingenuity. The re- have adapted to and are bar, Carsten feels that al- test. Many don't understand Baker maintains grades in the cent price raise was pleased with the new look. though _theschool has control ene excitement over his 3.50 range at high school, he inevitable, since prices had She plans to continue with the over the decision to keep or achlevernent'Sbut it is impor- said, "1 rarely get straight been constant 'for one and a calender of daily specials do away with it, the Pub will tant to remember that Baker A's". half to two years. along with other transforma- more than likely be operating took that test in the eighth There can be no doubt that I Carsten sent out 1500 sur- tions. next year. grade while most wait until a student like Chris Baker veys requesting a reaction to "During the day students Originally from New York, the junior year. Many of the could cause eyebrows to the newly instated alterations, and faculty want an express Carsten attended college in talented youth are capable of raise in any college class but but received only 100 replies. line for quick service," Car- New Hampshire and has scoring in the mid 600's. he was accepted with very In response, she stated that sten adds, "and that will been with the Marriott Corpor WMC has a program called little notice. Only in his regular " ...a lot welcomed the probably be implemented in atlon lor three years. She the special student program. classes at Westminster do the change, but there were those the next few weeks." She also had previously been working This allows certain students to students notice. Baker re- who were tired of change." hopes to make the tavern as service manager at the aquire up to 15 credits which marked "Most people don't Thirty percent of the surveys opposite the Pub bar into a Smithsonian Institute's Mu- will apply to a college career make fun of me because I'm returned pertained to the din- more cozier, quieter atmos- seum of Natural History, in the perhaps 5 years in the future. skilled at making people not ing room, and not the Publ phere, with video games and members' private dining room. Baker took his first college make fun of me." He added, . . they don't pay level course during the first "generally Cham ers aunc hes commission semester of this school year. much attention." b I A doctorate in statistics is The course was Psychology 101, a course that is usually Bakers plan for the future. He concluded witHout reser- by Kelly Connor selling center and residence dent life. They hope to create difficult for any freshman. The vation, "I consider myself the high school freshman tackled President Robert H. Cham- life by increasing the staff. a well-rounded atmosphere at Psychology and received a B, type that if I don't have bers has recently appointed a However, the Student Life WMC for all thediversities of a perfectly acceptable grade money to do things it will kil 16 member commission com- Commission IS a new pro- students, explained Fennell. for any student. me. Redundancy kills me." posed of trustees, alumni, gram altogether. Dr. Francis faculty and students to exam- Fennell, co-chair of the com- "The basic liberal arts col- ine the student life at WMC at mission, replied that "the lege should promote a liberal Historical SOCiety a time of transition for the main thing is that we want to range in social activities," college. The commission's ensure that the quality of states Fennell. Basically, he work will be a healthy exer- student life at WMC matches continues, the commission to discuss issues cise in self-examination of the the first principles of the col- hopes to integrate and im- sociat life of all students at lege. We want to make sure prove the social, residential, posibility of field trips. guest WMC. Since the quality of the that nothing gets in the way of cocurricular and extracurricu- continued from page 1 speakers, and films. campus environment is of a balanced campus environ- lar aspects of college life. Although Dr. James Essig, vital importance to every ment." The Student Life Commis- .readings, and Walton serving of the history department, is member of the Western Mary- The main theme of the com- sion has met three times 'as mediator. The required the society's advisor, Walton land community--past, mission, Fennell stated, is to since its appointment. The readings are not Tong'and, as and Austenson "would like present. and future-the com- get a handle on student life. sub-committees are now in Walton points out, are used imput from other teachers" to mission's findings and its re- The' commission is trying to function, These committees so, the participants can "lend provide a "poll of informa- port will have long-lasting find a broad-based represen- will make a preliminary report themselves to the topic" with tion." They would also like a impact. tation of students through sur- in April, although it wilt take an "educated contribution." "cross section of students, The most recent Long- veys, interviews, and from 12-18 months before any . f'i not just history majors. Fur- Range Plan worked toward meetings. final recornendations will be So.far only the -first week's thermore, Walton adds, the improving the overall atmos- "We want to truly under- taken. topic has been chosen, the' society will attempt to provide phere of WMC. The renova- stand campus life in a broad "The main purpose," Fen- South African situation with "good minds and good con- tion of Albert Norman Ward, sense," says Fennell. "We are nell concludes, "is to strike a the policy of apartheid. Possi- versation." reconstruction of the quad, not out to drastically over- balance between the social 'ble future topics are the Viet- and the extended orientation haul." and academic life at WMC." nam crisis, the Reformation, For further information, con- program for new students In order for the commission Fennell emphasized that the and prayer in school. al- tact Desmond Walton through have been made due to the to prove successful, a lot of commission is to help the though Walton says they will P.O. Box 522 and watch for Lonq-Ranpe Pian'S: student input from the students is students, not deprive them of "sound out what everyone upcoming notices in WMC life committee. This program desired. The members will be any freedoms or privileges wants." There is also the this Week. has also improved the coun- looking at the whole of stu- currently enjoyed. '- _J
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