Page 69 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 69
February 14, 1985IWestem Maryland College/Page 5 60 seconds on campus ..iSieven Ro.. ""',... .1 What is your reaction to the Understanding Bete probation? the transparent One day in Glar, I asked my provide t~e .orga~ization with friend Merv what he thought ~uch of us Identity ~Y cr~at· about the Peace and Justice mg a forum for discussing Coalition "hot" topics in the daily news.' "Well," he started, If .t~e Peace ,and Justice "hmm ...Justice must mean Coalition I? tryl~g t~~ tu~n that they're against the crimi- W~C on Its, ea, .y a e nal justice system" gomg about It very Q~letly. "Okay" I said "What about As Hailendorff tells It,.Dean peace?':' Sayre was very receptive to Mer~'s face contorted. the group's establishment,8 "Peace? ...peace." I Y.~~~a~g~~~~~~s~nu~eth~~~~~ ~ould see a light bulb ~o on. about as far as his enthusi- • :a eace makes me think. of asm went. Recently, when wa~'''Sothey must be against Hallendorff received cl~ar- M'erv has very unique ance for funds, Sayre didn't thought pr~cesses--pret.ty ~7~~e~~~ oS::n.~~~~e~~ ~~ stra~ge. I poloted out to him though the Peaceand Justice (po!ltely, of cou.r~e).that he Coalition is easily forgotten in ~:!n~~~hs~~~~I:'°t~~n ~~~u~ the e~eryday scheme of col- was "against," rather than lege life. . The entire, case I think this campus I feel this is an unfair what the group was "for" For most of us, It really "Gee. I didn't mean to be doesn't matter that the Peace against Betes is administration should act considering it is negative," said Merv. "What I and Justice Coalition exists. based on circum- ease up on trying to all circumstantial evi- really mean to say, is that "'Ie are here to get an educa- stantial evidence, as keep the students dence. They should they probably sit around and ticn. to learn facts and take talk about peace and jus- tests. In short, we are here to well as the sanctions from having a good have at least re- tice..." acquire every bit of intcrrna- being unjustified, time. ceived a warning Right, Merv. non we can cram into our Actually, the Peace and ~eads--~ot to act on that first. Justice Coalition is some of information. Some of us are Eric Wilhelm Michael Biront Chris Newman the above and none of the here to get that 4.00 GPA, a above. Very loosely, this excel in sports or find ' -"onath.n Slade. small, low profile campus or- spouse. Most of us plan to Students take cuts sittlnq down ganization is dedicated to attend post graduate school ways finding achieve or get a JO~ with good retire- to peace and justice in the ment benefits. . Granted, I may be slightly tion of American amoeboids the downed pilots as they world. Individually, members For most of us, tending. to paranoid,but, for the first time and couch patatos. scrambled away trom the might be considered "political our own problems occuJ.?Jes since my infancy, I had diffi- As for those exorbitantly flaming wreckage," just don't activists," (if such a word e~ough of o.ur spare time culty locating the State of Ihe priced toilet seats that the let that damned toilet seat fall means anything to you), but wl.thout worry!ng a~ut the ~~ns~~4~e~~e~~~~~0~e~~ili re~~r~~~a~;s~~~~ded~~ b~ ~!~tn~~~:~n~~·"r:ee~r~:~~ ~o ~h~r~~ut~~Tyw~;~~Rs~:~~~?ah~d~!~~~~~:,n~~1::~~d~~ with the other types of net- intimidated to sit on one. The wanted to allocate a large scenery. terrorists, or Holocau~t survi- work. programming. But upon thought of damaging or mar- sum of money to attack the Theyare not in the habit of vors ?r Central ~~enca. (All finally finding it, I discovered ring in any way, shape, or island and recoverthis essen- sponsoring protest marches of which th~ ~oal1tlonplans to a show so filled with the form such a piece of modern ttatpieceof Americana,but the and Ihe like. In fact, their showcase this semester.) make-believe that I swiftly art sends knives of fear up pilots succeeded in smug- latest project is quite ordinary. For most of us, for me, what turned the channelback to a my spine. To think that serv- gling it home through a Co- They are sponsoring a raffle happens in another state, let That's Incredible rerun for a ice-men use these gold- lumblan drug runner. ("Win A Romantic Dinner For alone another country, swift dose of realism.It was at plated, hiqhly-carved seats Thus, Ihe federal budget Two At Fiori's")to make some seems to have a mini- this point that I realized "Yes, boggles the mind. And the brings us the question once money. mal effect upon my life. the ambiguitiesof government tank on the toilet, to match again: which comes first, the Coalitionmembersdon't ac- And sometimes,when I ra- really do worry me, especially such exquisite selection in satisfaction of Pentagon offi- tually sit around and discuss peat this enough, I those involving the federal rear-end comfort, surely must clals who want self-heated, politics, according to Senior actually believe it. Maybe the budget." resemble a thirteenthcentury snvedesstoilet seats; or the Ann Hallendorff, Coordinator Peace and Justice Coalition, Gothlcaculpture-chundreds of financial need of the nation's since the group's inception a low-keyedas it is, is reatlythe I leamed that student aid, dainty stone angels each younger generation who, year ago. Outside speakers conscience of us all. strangelyenough, yearn for a '--....:.-----------------' for example,is due to kick the rushing to the rescue with highereducation?The inquiry, Mr. ..tIMe equals bucket because it has a.lower rolls of White Cloud. (Indeed, prioritythan the Pentagonand these angels probably used to me, seems rhetorical, but • I ,..,.. I j alas to the President it does it's six hundred dollar toilet their supply of tissue to clean also. No ifs, ands, or butts se'Vua e'vpIOI·t'~tl·On seats. up the putrid mess that lay Indeed, Reagan's pro- thick in Congress after the about it··he succumbs to the A A, ... phesied "second revolution" president's_address.) toilet lobby, arguing that a Editor, it .seemlogical that we are may include a frenzied mob To further complicate the majorityof his proposals and We are writingconcerning mature enough to handle al- of college students breaking matter,my concern over gov- administrative positions were the Mr. WMC contest held on cohol? School functions into the U.S. Mint in attempt emment spending is now em- dreamed up while meditating February8, in the Forum.We should be reevaluated as to to payoff their school-related anating from a subconscious on such a contraption. fino it hard to believe that the what~is appropriate. If the loans. National leaders, it level. I had a nightmare the Perhaps it is only that he administrationallows students dean was to walk into the seems, refuse to realize that other week that an American has a warped sense of to participate and view such Forum,which would he rather some sort of investment must spy plane went down over humor, though. Me, I'd vote sexual vulgarities and openly see: the students socializing be made in education, or in Cuba with one of those par- for educationbecause, among voice their opinion against it, over a beer or yelling profani- several decades the military celain masterpieces on other reasons, it is the side while refusing to serve half ties at fellow students on will have no intelligent life to board of the controversy which the student body beer. If the stage exploiting themselves. defend.Nuclearweapons and "Don't worry about destroy- will always have support. The administration feels that we killer satellites will instead be ing your code book," a gar- President'send, however, will are mature enough to view Names withheld upon re- poised to p.rote~t.the:papula- bl~d 9~q~r.9~~e,,to - eventuallyfall in. such ~'Sh?~ .t,l:len"9~~n't q~~st. ',\'"
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