Page 65 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 65
1hePhoenix Western Maryland College Fraternity censured for hazing, drug violations the letter has been frequent by C. Lloyd Hart vandalism in Daniel Maclea Hall, especially in D-section, After only a semester of home to many members of relative quiet in the Quad, Gamma Beta Chi. Physical controversy has again Plant estimates place the erupted between a prominent, damage for broken doors•. resident, the Gamma Beta Chi missing fire bells and shat- fraternity, and the college ad- tered glass at close to $300 ministration. As a result of charges of hazing, verbal for January alone. Sayre in- spected O-section on Jan. 11 abuse of resident staff, and and termed the damage "ex- possession of marijuana and tensive." Donald Wantz, keg beer, the fraternity has Building Maintenance Super- been placed on probation for visor agrees, "It's the worst a period of one year effective building on campus. The Feb. 1. place is just filthy. They've In a Jan. 30 letter to the just torn the place up all year membership, Dean of Student long." Affairs Philip R. Sayre pro- The leadership of Gamma posed that "a number of Beta Chi denies all the members of this fraternity charges against it except the have not accepted the re- Skip MacHenry, Presi- possession of three kegs of sponsibilities to this institution dent Gamma Beta Chi beer in the fratemity section. and that the fraternity has not or can not control the actions replied, "We' try to match the ~~e~~v~h~~,t,~~y~a~~:C~~ef~~ of its members." ) ~~~~~o~~~heh~~ve~~~o~~~h~ dent Jay Updike. Mike De- In defense of what Student Government Association Pres- is. This principle has been ~~:S~r~~ht~~~ir~a~lla~d~u'~ Ron Carter, You look marvelous! ident Peter Brooks termed put into effect." continued on page 2 '0 H' "heavy handed" action, Sayre Another problem cited in Carter Historical society launched cr~~ne~ Mr. WMC by Nancy Shaw room situation. This will be courses they can take due to senting Alpha Gamma Tau. There is a new organization ~fs~~~~~~~edo~hr~~~r~n7e:~I~ ~~~~~~O~:jo~h:r~~~:m~~ by Margaret Gemskl Scott "Mr. Plaidpants" Sites on campus, the Western historical topics. Walton and courses where professor/stu- On Friday, February 8. , the represented Sigma Phi Epsi- Maryland Historical Society. Austenson are of the opinion dent discussion is simply not Delta Sigma Kappa sorority lon, white Tom "Mr. Preptite" Desmond Walton and Scott that in classroom discussions present. The society hopes to sponsored the annual Mr. Garland was entered for Phi Austenson, both junior bust- some students are intimi- remedy this. WMC contest. Every year, all Delta Theta. John "Rev. ness majors, are, respec- dated by their classmates or The discussion will be exe- of the fraternities as well as Stoned" Stonebreaker head- tively, the president and vice- the prospect of their grades. cuted in a formal manner with independents and freshmen lined for Delta Pi Alpha and president. The purpose of the They also point out that some a specific topic for each are represented. finally Ron "Don Ho" Carter organization is to provide in- students, like themselves, are week, time limits, required This year the field of contes- for Gamma Beta Chi. The teraction between students limited in the number of cur- tants included Buddy "Mr. and faculty in a non-class- rent events and history continued on page 3 Copenhagen" Parker repre- continued on page 2 Sidelights: hat punishment New management levels should Bernard Goetz, the New . York subway vigilante, receive? changes In Englar, grille capital punishment by Elizabeth Lelk replaced Monty Mathias, who menu, I have worked with, went to Wheeling, West Vir- while there is much experi- prison term TWomembers have joined the ginia. Before coming to West- menting and new ideas." em Maryland Mullen worked Western Maryland College for Hood College in Frederick, Mullen believes that student probation Food Service in the past few then managed food service input is important for Mar- months. Mr. Alvin .Mullen, the nett's continual service. Mar- present Food Production for the McDonough Prep riott has received "a lot of sus~ended sentence/acquittal Manager, was appointed to School in Baltimore County. positive statements" at the the staff January 4, 1985. Ms. Mullen finds the Western recently constructed comment Janet Lee Carsten stepped Maryland food service more table. Students responded ~er into the positon of Pub/Grille diversified than the other well to the holiday meals and manager during the last week places he has been. birthday cakes, and any criti- in November, 1984. "Catering is more detailed. clam given was constructive. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Raised in Milford, Delaware, more elaborate, and there's One of the upcoming special Number of people Mullen currently lives in Pikes- more of it," he states of the levents, a Mardi Gras, has ville and has worked for Mar- service's participation in more many possibilities for student Surveysample:126 Source: Phoenix riott in this general area for than just the college activities. the past ten years. Mullen "Basically I we have the same continued on page 3
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